Shooting in El Paso

Dude, did you read that? Their conclusion was "Mostly True". That link you just posted was a source I had just used for my information. They did not say that I was FOS. You should read it.
I guess congress should do its job instead of depending orders from the president.
The definition of “mentally ill was too vague to be enforced. It should have been revoked
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I have... nobody found to be so mentally impaired that they can't look after their own finances should be legally able to buy a gun. That is common sense. Owning a gun, requires a degree of responsibility.

Ok, then they shouldn’t be allowed to vote either. How about let’s expand this even more, let’s bar anyone taking drugs for ADHD/ADD, depression, or any other mental problems form buying a gun? Anyone seeing a therapist for mental issues? Oh and they shouldn’t be able to vote either.

Good with all of that?
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It's called the Bill of Rights; not A Bill for Rights.
Rights can be denied... According to federal law, individuals cannot buy a gun if a court or other authority has deemed them to be a "mental defective" or committed them involuntarily to a mental hospital.
No,it’s you.
Stop calling people who are different than you disrespectful names and then people won’t realize what a racist scum you are

No, trust me, it's the guy who believes brown people symbolize "endless waves of rapists and murderers" immigrating into our country.

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Rights can be denied... According to federal law, individuals cannot buy a gun if a court or other authority has deemed them to be a "mental defective" or committed them involuntarily to a mental hospital.

That “ or other authority “ being able to deem you “ mentally defective “ should scare the hell out of people .
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Rights can be denied... According to federal law, individuals cannot buy a gun if a court or other authority has deemed them to be a "mental defective" or committed them involuntarily to a mental hospital.
No wonder liberals are always mad about guns. You guys are mad you don't qualify to own one😁
LOL! That is called cognitive dissonance... where Trump's own name calling (of the news media as "fake news") and finger-pointing (once again, at the news media's coverage) doesn't count. Trump seems to be insinuating that the unfair or unbalanced coverage of him is somehow at fault here, and this problem of mass shootings will only get worse if he doesn't get more favorable coverage? That is such a bizarre and self-serving statement. And totally inappropriate to the moment at hand.
Guess he still has a smidge of liberalism left inside him. I love that headline, it was crafted by someone who wanted to make sure they reported the news of the background checks, but were too afraid to do so without fluffing his base on the way out the door.

The problem here is , you’ll never get a bill out of the house that only tightens background checks and for damn sure won’t get one out that is an immigration reform unless is decriminalized border crossing . Not going to happen .
Guess he still has a smidge of liberalism left inside him. I love that headline, it was crafted by someone who wanted to make sure they reported the news of the background checks, but were too afraid to do so without fluffing his base on the way out the door.
Not sure what else could be tightened on a background check. Maybe if the .gov did their jobs and I'll include city and state to include red flag scenarios like the guys in Dayton and Parkland. That would go a long way in preventing someone who shouldn't be allowed to obtain one legally.
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No, trust me, it's the guy who believes brown people symbolize "endless waves of rapists and murderers" immigrating into our country.

You believe they’re “brown people” so that makes you every bit the racist you claim to be against. They are people. Their pigmentation is irrelevant.

Test this theory. Next time you see someone you think of as “brown people “ walk up to them and say “hey brown people, how are you”. And see how they react.

Until people like you stop looking for and seeing unnecessary differences between people then nothing is going to change.
You believe they’re “brown people” so that makes you every bit the racist you claim to be against. They are people. Their pigmentation is irrelevant.

Test this theory. Next time you see someone you think of as “brown people “ walk up to them and say “hey brown people, how are you”. And see how they react.

Until people like you stop looking for and seeing unnecessary differences between people then nothing is going to change.

No buddy, it's you, volfanjustin, and Trump who have otherized a wide variety of brown people and attributed a lot of ugly things to them.

Don't want to be accurately accused of being racist? Distance yourself from volfanjustin and the alt-right.
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Guess he still has a smidge of liberalism left inside him. I love that headline, it was crafted by someone who wanted to make sure they reported the news of the background checks, but were too afraid to do so without fluffing his base on the way out the door.
That is exactly what the Fox News editor did... These mass shootings don't have squat to do with immigration as neither shooter is/was an immigrant. "Alongside immigration reform" was thrown in there for base's sake. They can't let it appear as though Trump is giving in on a liberal issue... without letting the base know that he is still a rock solid conservative who blames Mexican immigrants for the mass shooting of their own people and will do whatever he can to get 'em outta here!
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No buddy, it's you, volfanjustin, and Trump who have otherized a wide variety of brown people and attributed a lot of ugly things to them.

Don't want to be accurately accused of being racist? Distance yourself from volfanjustin and the alt-right.

I bet @Orangeslice13 is a horrible racist, he probably hires "brown" people and pays them for working.
Ok, then they shouldn’t be allowed to vote either. How about let’s expand this even more, let’s bar anyone taking drugs for ADHD/ADD, depression, or any other mental problems form buying a gun? Anyone seeing a therapist for mental issues? Oh and they shouldn’t be able to vote either.

Good with all of that?

@BowlBrother85 anything?

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