Shooting in El Paso

Because words have meaning and consequences and this particular person just happens to be POTUS,.

All words have a meaning , not all words have consequences . Just because he’s POTUS doesn’t mean I would hang on every word he says no more than I would anyone else’s words ( NurseGoodVol excluded of course ) . Hanging on a presidents every word that you loathe , like the left does , just gives him more power to play you and with your emotions . Nothing he says , one way or another, will change your vote and really that’s all that matters anyway .
Alimony should be abolished.

I can see it justified where a joint decision was made for a spouse(either gender) to stay home with children and not further their education or have personal income opportunities. In those cases, the spouse may not have current marketable job skills and alimony should only be granted for the time it takes that spouse to gain marketable skills and join the workforce. Learn a trade, get a usable degree, even a two year, or start a viable business (with an attached time limit on continued support).

The income equality aspect of granting alimony is bull crap where both parties held jobs but one made more money.
It’s not rocket science. The stop was stipulated to be “unconstitutional,” so the officer didn’t see the cup until after she/he stopped the car (otherwise, it would be a reasonable stop).

So, it follows that you either didn’t understand this, you favor throwing out the constitution when you think the ends might justify the means, and/or you’re just mindlessly making superficial arguments based on your feels, without a care for whether they make any damn sense.

Based on your combative, flailing responses, I assume there’s no other explanation forthcoming. So maybe you want to reconsider this response to the least dumb of the three possibilities.
The APA has come out and said we need to stop blaming the mentally ill for these attacks, mentally ill people are not behind this violence. So I’m not sure what mental health background checks are going to solve.
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All words have a meaning , not all words have consequences . Just because he’s POTUS doesn’t mean I would hang on every word he says no more than I would anyone else’s words ( NurseGoodVol excluded of course ) . Hanging on a presidents every word that you loathe , like the left does , just gives him more power to play you and with your emotions . Nothing he says , one way or another, will change your vote and really that’s all that matters anyway .
Hey, now. Feelings matter!
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So individual responsibility over government assistance, individual freedom over government intervention, state government over federal government, free market capitalism generally free from government interference and competition, fiscal responsibility, and equal protection (when the law is necessary), are now leftist ideas?

How sad.

You people think I’m a leftist because I didn’t give up my principles to follow the tribe to avoid being left in the wilderness, and I’m an ******* about it. In fact, my principles are as center right as they’ve ever been. As are the principles of most of the people who get labeled “never trump” republicans.

And I didn’t tell you to “go back to Africa.” 🙄

That was a joke as I thought we were “playing”

Your lack of humor further proves that you’re a “pinko commy”.
This is also a joke.

I generally agree with all your examples.
My whole life I’ve been center left. My views have not changed at all. Most here would assume I’m center right. Maybe the center past me from left to right while I wasn’t paying attention.
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It’s not rocket science. The stop was stipulated to be “unconstitutional,” so the officer didn’t see the cup until after she/he stopped the car (otherwise, it would be a reasonable stop).

So, it follows that you either didn’t understand this, you favor throwing out the constitution when you think the ends might justify the means, and/or you’re just mindlessly making superficial arguments based on your feels, without a care for whether they make any damn sense.

Based on your combative, flailing responses, I assume there’s no other explanation forthcoming. So maybe you want to reconsider this response to the least dumb of the three possibilities.
What I find interesting is that drunk drivers kill far more people than mass shootings. Yet people get all wrapped up in the Constitution about one and not the other.

And the last I checked, driving is a privelege, not a right AND drunk driving is still a crime.

Owning a firearm is a constitutionally protected RIGHT.
I agree Mexico is not sending anyone, but they certainly aren't stopping illegal crossing are they?
Prepare yourself I'm about to demonize on a reality level.
Have you dealt with illegal seasonal workers?
Of the 15 that showed up in our town in one year one was charged with raping a 3 year old, 3 charged with indecency with a minor and i can't remember if it was 4 or 5 with drunk driving. Next year.. Wash rinse repeat.. That's just the ones within the village limits. The police hated when the season came around because they knew what was about to happen. You do the math. Trump wasn't wrong, your lofty view of what illegal immigration is is totally off the mark as far as what I've experienced. This is happening way beyond Michigan, it's throughout the country. To deny that is being intellectually dishonest about what some illegals bring to this country.
I've worked with legal and illegal immigrants side by side for 33 years both in a professional capacity and trades capacity. Of the illegal ones in trades...The money they earned, 75% went back to Mexico. Many were there on expired cards... Long expired cards. Only one left because his card was expiring. 1 out of 12.
I'm working with immigrants on work visas right now who are starting the process for citizenship. The way our countries law demands of all who want to come here and become a citizen. They are from Kenya, Nigeria and some other northern provinces of Africa. They respect the process and the law.
I have a passport, if i want to visit another county i can do so legally. Identifying myself so they know who i am and what I'm doing there. Do we get that from illegals once they have already crossed without identifying? No, they just fade into the country. now they have sanctuary cities shielding them from our laws. What's even more pathetic is the coaching they get on how to get around our laws. There's lofty ideals and then there's reality.
One point of disagreement.

Mexico was sending ALL Central American illegal immigrants straight through Mexico to the US southern border.

Mexico has not stopped Central American asylum seekers from traveling through Mexico on their way to the US.

Trump is working to get Mexico to be a part of the long-term solution.
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