What is her circumstances for being on food stamps?
That's the question imo.
How do you know what kind of shape she is in?
Millions of people have lost their jobs during the last year.
Employers have also cut hours to avoid layoffs.
How do you know she has not worked at the same job for 10-20 years, bought a house in good faith. Has been living the American Dream of home ownership, then had her hours cut in half ?
Bad things happen to good people sometimes. I personally do not see anything wrong with the government providing a bridge to help hard working people get through bad times, such as we are in now.
I do think there should be a time limit put on government assistance. There is a hugh difference from helping someone through tough tiimes and someone making a career out of government assistance.
As far as someone buying fresh produce at the local farmers market with food stamps. I rather see them buying healthy food verses loading up on candy, potato chips, frozen dinners etc. at the local grocery store.