Should Volnation or AD White assist a UTM player?

we are the Volunteers for a reason. Absurd question. He could be a Bama player and I'd help them. We help regardless of who they are, because of who we are. Volunteers. Been that way since the start and we aren't stopping now.
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Just imagine if everyone that goes to the game just gives a single dollar...that's 100 grand right there !!!
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Appreciate it.

But I'm just a loudmouth facilitator. Yall got the connections going. Yall are the heroes.
I pay attention to your posts, as you always seem passionate yet level headed and all around good Joe, so you wanting to try and help this family didn’t surprise me at all.

If I ever get the pleasure of meeting you at a tailgate or other event, drinks are on me (if you partake in such things).

Lately I’ve been wrapped up in work stress, and things like this bring me back to earth a bit. Thanks again for reminding us what’s important.
I pay attention to your posts, as you always seem passionate yet level headed and all around good Joe, so you wanting to try and help this family didn’t surprise me at all.

If I ever get the pleasure of meeting you at a tailgate or other event, drinks are on me (if you partake in such things).

Lately I’ve been wrapped up in work stress, and things like this bring me back to earth a bit. Thanks again for reminding us what’s important.
Seeing this family taken under the VolFamily's wing is all the thanks I need.

It's been a great reminder for me too, my friend.
Good greif football feels good this year. The swamp cheered for us, the dawgs cheered for us, we tore down goal posts, paid for replacements, now helping out one of our little brothers! Volnation is a force unlike anything the sports wotld has ever seen.

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