Should Volnation or AD White assist a UTM player?

Compassion goes beyond sports. My only admonishment would be to ascertain the appeal for assistance is based on a genuine and proven need. Some will dislike what I say here, but these days scamming tactics are so pervasive and sophisticated, caution is practically mandatory. Right now, scammers, some associated with banks, are after loan forgiveness receipts. We all know about the public fuds embezzlement by Bret Favre-Mississippi government scandal. Elderly, being duped into giving money, access to their bank accounts etc. This UTM guy seems legit, but take steps to be sure your money is doing what you mean for it to do. I believe compassion is necessary, otherwise, we humans will just end up making ourselves extinct sooner than we might otherwise. I do admit the timing is interesting, we're all in feel good mode after finally beating Bama, still, a fellow human in need, it could be any one of us, at any given time.
Compassion goes beyond sports. My only admonishment would be to ascertain the appeal for assistance is based on a genuine and proven need. Some will dislike what I say here, but these days scamming tactics are so pervasive and sophisticated, caution is practically mandatory. Right now, scammers, some associated with banks, are after loan forgiveness receipts. We all know about the public fuds embezzlement by Bret Favre-Mississippi government scandal. Elderly, being duped into giving money, access to their bank accounts etc. This UTM guy seems legit, but take steps to be sure your money is doing what you mean for it to do. I believe compassion is necessary, otherwise, we humans will just end up making ourselves extinct sooner than we might otherwise. I do admit the timing is interesting, we're all in feel good mode after finally beating Bama, still, a fellow human in need, it could be any one of us, at any given time.
Given that UTM has made a video on this along with sharing it on their social media accounts, I feel more confident that this is a real need.
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Proud of this community, GrandVol!

Take the credit where credit is due. Not a single one of us might have noticed this GFM without you posting it here and watching it to spread like wildfire. You, my friend, are the reason it took off like it did.

Humble is okay, but you deserve the credit for siccing Volnation on this.
Compassion goes beyond sports. My only admonishment would be to ascertain the appeal for assistance is based on a genuine and proven need. Some will dislike what I say here, but these days scamming tactics are so pervasive and sophisticated, caution is practically mandatory. Right now, scammers, some associated with banks, are after loan forgiveness receipts. We all know about the public fuds embezzlement by Bret Favre-Mississippi government scandal. Elderly, being duped into giving money, access to their bank accounts etc. This UTM guy seems legit, but take steps to be sure your money is doing what you mean for it to do. I believe compassion is necessary, otherwise, we humans will just end up making ourselves extinct sooner than we might otherwise. I do admit the timing is interesting, we're all in feel good mode after finally beating Bama, still, a fellow human in need, it could be any one of us, at any given time.
The timing had nothing to do with bama.

Disappointed he didn’t give McDad a shout out.😞
So he found out about it on twitter. Probably doesn’t even know that this really started with the post from McDad. Often the people that deserve the credit with things like this rarely get it. I had a friend killed in Iraq and reached out to some contacts to get a fundraiser for his newborn. We ended up raising over $50k and I was ok with never getting a bit of credit other than a few people reaching out and personally thanking me. I was never in it for the recognition. I am sure that mcdad is the same way with this.
So he found out about it on twitter. Probably doesn’t even know that this really started with the post from McDad. Often the people that deserve the credit with things like this rarely get it. I had a friend killed in Iraq and reached out to some contacts to get a fundraiser for his newborn. We ended up raising over $50k and I was ok with never getting a bit of credit other than a few people reaching out and personally thanking me. I was never in it for the recognition. I am sure that mcdad is the same way with this.

I don't personally know McDad, but my gut says he's likely not looking for any credit because it's not about him and it's about this young man and his family. It also shows how a tool (technology) that is used for so many bad things can be used for the good. I hope God is glorified through this process and this family is restored. Maybe someone will come to know Jesus or even a seed is planted. Go Vols, but Go Kindness and Goodness even more!
True but I am sure for Mcdad and others with big hearts that they get their satisfaction from the end result more so than being acknowledged as the catalyst. But either way being the catalyst is an admirable thing. Keep it going....Would be nice if they could set up a a few cash jars at the gates or concessions. $1 from every butt in the seat Saturday would be HUUUUGE!
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I don't personally know McDad, but my gut says he's likely not looking for any credit because it's not about him and it's about this young man and his family. It also shows how a tool (technology) that is used for so many bad things can be used for the good. I hope God is glorified through this process and this family is restored. Maybe someone will come to know Jesus or even a seed is planted. Go Vols, but Go Kindness and Goodness even more!
Amen to that. God can use all things for good. Hope his name is magnified and some come to know Jesus through this as well.
So he found out about it on twitter. Probably doesn’t even know that this really started with the post from McDad. Often the people that deserve the credit with things like this rarely get it. I had a friend killed in Iraq and reached out to some contacts to get a fundraiser for his newborn. We ended up raising over $50k and I was ok with never getting a bit of credit other than a few people reaching out and personally thanking me. I was never in it for the recognition. I am sure that mcdad is the same way with this.
I know, I feel the same way.
IMO, if you treat people good, your reward will come after this life is done. That was kinda just my way of giving McDad a shoutout.

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