Should Volnation or AD White assist a UTM player?

Take the credit where credit is due. Not a single one of us might have noticed this GFM without you posting it here and watching it to spread like wildfire. You, my friend, are the reason it took off like it did.

Humble is okay, but you deserve the credit for siccing Volnation on this.

Oh great @McDad won't be able to get his head through the airplane door......
SIAP, Talking Vawls is sharing this on Ya’llTube.
I love positive impact Vol Nation can have. I’m proud of our teams success on the field this year, but I’m just as proud of our fan base! Cheers and let’s keep speading the word to help the Marquez family!
A huge THANK YOU to McDad and all of Vol Nation!!!

Keep this going and tell everyone you know and ask them to do the same.

We can all help to get this going much bigger than it has so far.

I'm so proud and humbled to be a member of such a fine group of people.

God bless you all.


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