So apparently having negative opinions toward specific foods are now considered "culturally insensitive."


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Nov 8, 2006
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To my two young boys, I apologize for the world that I have brought you into and that you are going to have to somehow navigate your lives through this insanity for the next 70+ years.

James Corden changing Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts segment after cultural insensitivity claims (

James Corden is removing several food items from the ‘Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts’ segment of his talk show after being accused of cultural insensitivity.

The ‘Late Late Show’ host has confirmed he’s adjusting the popular segment, which sees celebrities forced to choose between answering a tough question – which usually unveils information about their personal lives – or eating food seen as unusual or unpalatable.

James will no longer be serving food items including century old eggs or chicken feet to his guests, after TikTok user Kim Saira pointed out they are “often regularly eaten by Asian people” and are not “disgusting” foods.

In her petition – which has garnered 45,000 signatures and counting – Saira wrote: “The foods that are presented are meant to be ‘gross,’ as they are supposed to encourage the guest to answer his questions instead. However, many of the foods that he presents to his guests are actually from different Asian cultures. He’s presented foods such as balut, century old eggs, and chicken feet, and which are often regularly eaten by Asian people.

“He’s openly called these foods ‘really disgusting,’ and ‘horrific.’ ”

The online star requested the show either scrap the segment or “completely change the food presented on his show to something else”, which James has now agreed to do.

Speaking in an interview with Howard Stern, James said: “We heard that story, and the next time we do that bit we absolutely won’t involve or use any of those foods.

“As you said at the start, our show is a show about joy and light and love, we don’t want to make a show to upset anybody.”

James then gave an example of how the food menu has changed, as he’ll now try to scare his guests with snacks that will ruin their diets, such as a pizza with cheeseburgers on top.
Is it not culturally insensitive to broadcast an entire race's food as "disgusting" ?
I don’t think they thought this through….

“James then gave an example of how the food menu has changed, as he’ll now try to scare his guests with snacks that will ruin their diets, such as a pizza with cheeseburgers on top.”
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I don’t think they thought this threw….

“James then gave an example of how the food menu has changed, as he’ll now try to scare his guests with snacks that will ruin their diets, such as a pizza with cheeseburgers on top.”

Times for the vegans to rage. Lol.

What a bunch of clowns.
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Is it not culturally insensitive to broadcast an entire race's food as "disgusting" ?

As usual, it's the lack of nuance and the understanding of context and intent that the overly triggered seem to have in instances like this.

On the show, James said that HE thought that this particular food was disgusting. It was HIS opinion. It's also his show and ultimately he should have the right to present foods that he thinks would be gross to a large number of people. He's not pushing an agenda or trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't like and he sure as hell isn't trying to offend certain cultures. If SOME people disagree with his opinions and find particular foods appetizing, oh well, then they are free to disagree. But it shouldn't go any further than that! The fact that somebody felt the need to get on social media and claim cultural insensitivity over this is exactly the kind of narcissistic, weak-minded, overly triggered behavior that is plaguing our society like a disease.
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As usual, it's the lack of nuance and the understanding of context and intent that the overly triggered seem to have in instances like this.

On the show, James said that HE thought that this particular food was disgusting. It was HIS opinion. It's also his show and ultimately he should have the right to present foods that he thinks would be gross to a large number of people. He's not pushing an agenda or trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't like and he sure as hell isn't trying to offend certain cultures. If SOME people disagree with his opinions and find particular foods appetizing, oh well, then they are free to disagree. But it shouldn't go any further than that! The fact that somebody felt the need to get on social media and claim cultural insensitivity over this is exactly the kind of narcissistic, weak-minded, overly triggered behavior that is plaguing our society like a disease.
Right. HE also broadcasts HIS opinion that an entire race's food culture is disgusting. To millions of people. On a nightly basis. There are billions of people who would vehemently disagree with him while at the same time never say that another race's food is disgusting.

Corden reeks of bacon grease and white privilege. I recommend he goes on a plant based diet and educates himself on how not to be a racist once his show gets cancelled.
All he has to do is change the disgusting food to types originating in and eaten by white societies.
The Norwegian fish which makes ppl gag.
Limburger cheese.
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Right. HE also broadcasts HIS opinion that an entire race's food culture is disgusting. To millions of people. On a nightly basis. There are billions of people who would vehemently disagree with him while at the same time never say that another race's food is disgusting.

Corden reeks of bacon grease and white privilege. I recommend he goes on a plant based diet and educates himself on how not to be a racist once his show gets cancelled.

If some TV show in another part of the world did the same segment using - McDonalds, taco bell, apple pie and hot one would gaf.

Damn victim.
Right. HE also broadcasts HIS opinion that an entire race's food culture is disgusting. To millions of people. On a nightly basis. There are billions of people who would vehemently disagree with him while at the same time never say that another race's food is disgusting.

Corden reeks of bacon grease and white privilege. I recommend he goes on a plant based diet and educates himself on how not to be a racist once his show gets cancelled.

Oh FFS, EVERY damn food originated from SOMEWHERE. By your logic, this entire segment should be banned then because no matter what he puts on the screen, some idiot is going to claim the same thing. I have an idea, how about everybody grow a pair and stop getting their widdle feewings hurt over the dumbest ****. If he has an episode featuring grits with redeye gravy, of course I will disagree because I love that stuff. But I'm not going to go on social media and demand that he no longer use that on his show. Because, you know, I'm actually a rational person.
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If some TV show in another part of the world did the same segment using - McDonalds, taco bell, apple pie and hot one would gaf.

Damn victim.
Has anyone actually done that? To my knowledge Corden is the only TV host to promote a blanket statement that an entire race's food culture is disgusting.
Has anyone actually done that? To my knowledge Corden is the only TV host to promote a blanket statement that an entire race's food culture is disgusting.

No, he said chicken feet were disgusting. Please explain to me how that besmirches an ENTIRE food culture? He was simply giving his opinion on one food item. Boo ****ing hoo!
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No, he said chicken feet were disgusting. Please explain to me how that besmirches and ENTIRE food culture? He was simply giving his opinion on one food item. Boo ****ing hoo!
My wife is Latina and finds chicken feet disgusting, I guess she is self hating according to actually racist lefties.
Just no crickets for me. Shrimp can even give me pause if I think about them too much.

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