So apparently having negative opinions toward specific foods are now considered "culturally insensitive."

Another film you couldn’t make these days…Murder by Death…Peter Sellers portrayal of a Charlie Chan like detective would get him banished from Hollywood (but it makes me laugh like there is no tomorrow) 😂😂😂
When you can only eat what you can, you eat what you can.

Cordon would have had a field day with food at my maternal grandparents' house. Pigs feet, pigs ears, hogshead cheese, squirrel tongue, squirrel brain, raccoon, deer, rattlesnake... Nothing went to waste. It's not like it was all the time or even a lot of the time, but if Pa shot something or the dogs came back from the woods with something, it didn't go to waste.

I hated squirrel brains. Yech.
My father grew up in a strict house. You didn't waste, period. His father learned this from my great grandfather. He was a strict and firm believer that you wasted nothing, especially life. If you killed it you ate it, this was passed down from my grandmother who was part Cherokee, they were farmers and hunted and fished for meat when needed to supplement their diet.

My father shot a groundhog one summer when he was a kid, my great grandfather promptly cleaned it and brought it to Grandmother, that's what we called her, and told her my father decided he was going to eat groundhog today. That's all my Dad had to eat for the day, he hated it. That evening Grandfather came to him and asked him if he understood why he did what he did.

Kids today aren't held responsible for the consequences of their actions. Parents and role models yell and get upset instead of using moments like these to teach lessons that last a lifetime. That lesson never had to be taught to me, I had the story to learn from.
I don't mean to make you feel inferior and I'm definitely not the person here throwing "retard" around.

You don't make me feel inferior and I'm not inferior. I'm not crying either. I'm alert to the quickening pace of our descent into marxism and the ground that is being ceded on a daily basis to cultural terrorists. You like to mock me and claim that each inch of ground ceded is "not a big deal". Your flippant attitude about it while seeing the same things I'm seeing is just baffling to me.
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You don't make me feel inferior and I'm not inferior. I'm not crying either. I'm alert to the quickening pace of our descent into marxism and the ground that is being ceded on a daily basis to cultural terrorists. You like to mock me and claim that each inch of ground ceded is "not a big deal". Your flippant attitude about it while seeing the same things I'm seeing is just baffling to me.

I don't think you are either. Idk why my disagreeing with you makes you think I think you are inferior. Just stick to what's said.
Mockery like this? Who @'d who first?

This thread, it was me. In general, in the forum, I feel like I've still got a ways to go to catch up. Either way, I don't mind the mocking. I can hang. But it is still baffling how far apart we are on these things while watching the same events on a daily basis.
I'm sorry, but chicken feet and Balut are nasty. And if a 'culture' takes offense at that, that's on them.

Oh, and I also like the head cut off my fish too.
Another film you couldn’t make these days…Murder by Death…Peter Sellers portrayal of a Charlie Chan like detective would get him banished from Hollywood (but it makes me laugh like there is no tomorrow) 😂😂😂

"Conversation like television set on honeymoon, not necessary!" LMAO!

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