So apparently having negative opinions toward specific foods are now considered "culturally insensitive."

What a beautiful, bountiful country we live in where we are so blessed that we can pick something so insignificant to get upset over. We have lost all perspective since we no longer seem to have needs- only wants.
When I was in the Philippines, the long-retired founder of my company said in front of the entire Filipino work force, "someone told me you eat dog and now that I've been here, all I can say is you're not eating enough of it."

They can make fun of McDonald's and it lands and nobody cares because we are rich and priviliged (McD's is actually for special occasions, try jollybee's if you ever go there). This didn't land. It's about as uncomfortable as I've ever been. People usually eat chicken feet because they are poor. I don't think people need to get upset and sign petitions but I also get why you might want to do better and funnier things than vomit on TV if it offends people.

You guys gonna miss this segment or just getting your panties in a wad just like the petition people?
When I was in the Philippines, the long-retired founder of my company said in front of the entire Filipino work force, "someone told me you eat dog and now that I've been here, all I can say is you're not eating enough of it."

They can make fun of McDonald's and it lands and nobody cares because we are rich and priviliged (McD's is actually for special occasions, try jollybee's if you ever go there). This didn't land. It's about as uncomfortable as I've ever been. People usually eat chicken feet because they are poor. I don't think people need to get upset and sign petitions but I also get why you might want to do better and funnier things than vomit on TV if it offends people.

You guys gonna miss this segment or just getting your panties in a wad just like the petition people?

If it’s that bad I doubt they’re offended by someone pointing out disgusting s**t they eat.
Never forget that James Corden was in the live action remake of Cats. He should be in prison.
When you can only eat what you can, you eat what you can.

Cordon would have had a field day with food at my maternal grandparents' house. Pigs feet, pigs ears, hogshead cheese, squirrel tongue, squirrel brain, raccoon, deer, rattlesnake... Nothing went to waste. It's not like it was all the time or even a lot of the time, but if Pa shot something or the dogs came back from the woods with something, it didn't go to waste.

I hated squirrel brains. Yech.
When you can only eat what you can, you eat what you can.

Cordon would have had a field day with food at my maternal grandparents' house. Pigs feet, pigs ears, hogshead cheese, squirrel tongue, squirrel brain, raccoon, deer, rattlesnake... Nothing went to waste. It's not like it was all the time or even a lot of the time, but if Pa shot something or the dogs came back from the woods with something, it didn't go to waste.

I hated squirrel brains. Yech.
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What a beautiful, bountiful country we live in where we are so blessed that we can pick something so insignificant to get upset over. We have lost all perspective since we no longer seem to have needs- only wants.
No question today’s society has no concept of what’s needed vs what’s wanted. My dad has a nice, long and boring speech for just such an occasion. I’ll see if we can get him on Fox News to share it.

Edit: You know, it’s actually not even needs vs wants. It’s what’s “owed” that dominates both needs and wants. People today are off the charts entitled.
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Has anyone actually done that? To my knowledge Corden is the only TV host to promote a blanket statement that an entire race's food culture is disgusting.

Again, dont care. People have different cultures and food is a major part of that.

Would not gaf if some Japanese show did that with southern US cuisine.

Stop being such a victim.
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Has anyone actually done that? To my knowledge Corden is the only TV host to promote a blanket statement that an entire race's food culture is disgusting.
England does that with American food. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. Saw the show myself when I was over there. It was funny. Not offensive.
When you can only eat what you can, you eat what you can.

Cordon would have had a field day with food at my maternal grandparents' house. Pigs feet, pigs ears, hogshead cheese, squirrel tongue, squirrel brain, raccoon, deer, rattlesnake... Nothing went to waste. It's not like it was all the time or even a lot of the time, but if Pa shot something or the dogs came back from the woods with something, it didn't go to waste.

I hated squirrel brains. Yech.

Much of that is disgusting.
When I was in the Philippines, the long-retired founder of my company said in front of the entire Filipino work force, "someone told me you eat dog and now that I've been here, all I can say is you're not eating enough of it."

They can make fun of McDonald's and it lands and nobody cares because we are rich and priviliged (McD's is actually for special occasions, try jollybee's if you ever go there). This didn't land. It's about as uncomfortable as I've ever been. People usually eat chicken feet because they are poor. I don't think people need to get upset and sign petitions but I also get why you might want to do better and funnier things than vomit on TV if it offends people.

You guys gonna miss this segment or just getting your panties in a wad just like the petition people?

So you agree with everyone here on this topic, but you still want to make sure your opinion is more bespoke and cool than everyone else's opinion.

"Do better"??? Woke jargon is unbecoming.
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What's most offensive of all this is that an Englishman decided to insult food from anywhere.

Worst food in the history of mankind and it’s not even close, you literally can’t even order a sandwich there that doesn’t have something gross on it like liver, cucumbers, or sweet ketchup. It’s like they are trolling Americans 24/7 with their menus
Worst food in the history of mankind and it’s not even close, you literally can’t even order a sandwich there that doesn’t have something gross on it like liver, cucumbers, or sweet ketchup. It’s like they are trolling Americans 24/7 with their menus
Bangers and Mash is a strong dish.
Has anyone actually done that? To my knowledge Corden is the only TV host to promote a blanket statement that an entire race's food culture is disgusting.

Did he says their food culture is disgusting, or just specific random items. Have you ever had a century old egg. My dad has, as not to offend those that offered it when he was on a business trip. Nastiest thing he ever put in his mouth. But, he loved the majority of the local cuisine. Heck, even among that entire race, most will not touch that egg and find it disgusting. You know what's disgusting...Not only that egg, but the cousin of that egg in the Phillipines that has a fully developed duck embryo as it's main attraction, not to mention a year long underground fermentation process.

Lighten up Nancy and quit reacting to someone's tweet that just wanted their few moments.

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