So I Got a Bone to Pick About Our Corporate Sponsors...



Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2011
Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans. Great. How many Adidas shirts you got in your closet? Alternative: Nike. US-based company that dominates the world market. Guessing 90% of other D1 teams are Nike teams. Hmmmm....

Then Dish Network. IDK, I guess some people have DN, but if you are a huge NFL fan like me, you have DirecTV with its NFL Sunday Package. No. Questions. Asked.

My guess is that both Adidas and Dish pay UT handsomely to be our red-headed stepchild sponsors. Great. I says a pox on ye, second-tiered, foreign-owned lame-a$$ second-stringers!!!

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Well first off one of our most wealthy alumni who gives lots of money to the school founded Dish Network. As to Adidas over Nike, I have no idea.
Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans. Great. How many Adidas shirts you got in your closet? Alternative: Nike. US-based company that dominates the world market. Guessing 90% of other D1 teams are Nike teams. Hmmmm....

Then Dish Network. IDK, I guess some people have DN, but if you are a huge NFL fan like me, you have DirecTV with its NFL Sunday Package. No. Questions. Asked.

My guess is that both Adidas and Dish pay UT handsomely to be our red-headed stepchild sponsors. Great. I says a pox on ye, second-tiered, foreign-owned lame-a$$ second-stringers!!!

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The team would be dressed out in BK'a if they paid out enough
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Mods, please merge into the other whiny thread about uniforms. I have Adidas golf shirts among other things. I do not own any Nike, have never owned any and won't ever own any.
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Mods, please merge into the other whiny thread about uniforms. I have Adidas golf shirts among other things. I do not own any Nike, have never owned any and won't ever own any.

I call bullshyte on the never owning anything Nike statement.

Just sayin'. ..
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The founder of Dish is an alumnus of UT and it doesn't have all of the complaints that Direct does. Also, who gives a chit about the NFL? You might be interested to know that the Vols are a college team.
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Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans. Great. How many Adidas shirts you got in your closet? Alternative: Nike. US-based company that dominates the world market. Guessing 90% of other D1 teams are Nike teams. Hmmmm....

Then Dish Network. IDK, I guess some people have DN, but if you are a huge NFL fan like me, you have DirecTV with its NFL Sunday Package. No. Questions. Asked.

My guess is that both Adidas and Dish pay UT handsomely to be our red-headed stepchild sponsors. Great. I says a pox on ye, second-tiered, foreign-owned lame-a$$ second-stringers!!!

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Not sure which of these statements is dumber. You may want to learn who Charlie Ergen is.
I heard talk at the Orange and White game that we were switching to Nike. I don't know it to be true.
I actually like Adidas over Nike. Have you seen how many times Nike has butchered teams jerseys with their "Nike Style"? Outside of those god awful Notre Dame jerseys (Why they have gotten on this neon green kick is beyond me) Adidas has done a great job with Jerseys. OP sounds like a Nike homer.

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