So I Got a Bone to Pick About Our Corporate Sponsors...

Mods, please merge into the other whiny thread about uniforms. I have Adidas golf shirts among other things. I do not own any Nike, have never owned any and won't ever own any.

:lolabove: Do you really have such a boring life that someone recreating a thread that has been discussed before inconveniences your viewing experience here? Get over yourself.
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If you're a NFL fan then I think you would prefer Dish Network's NFL Redzone over Direct TV's Sunday Ticket. Redzone manages the viewing of games the same way that I actually watch tv. I constantly switch between games looking for highlights and that's exactly what Redzone does. Also they replay every TD that was scored on Sunday in a montage at the end of the program. I love it.
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:lolabove: Do you really have such a boring life that someone recreating a thread that has been discussed before inconveniences your viewing experience here? Get over yourself.

Yes, it's extremely boring here in the senior citizen's home. Occasionally, they walk me to the sunny part of the porch to sit.
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This will be the official uniform of pro and college football when all is said and done.
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I wish someone would do a survey of the top 150 recruits and ask them if the official supplier of a school's apparel factors into their decision and then have them list their top 3 apparel companies. Would be interesting.
I wish someone would do a survey of the top 150 recruits and ask them if the official supplier of a school's apparel factors into their decision and then have them list their top 3 apparel companies. Would be interesting.

Hubbs did something similar last year. I know he asked about school colors and almost all said it had no bearing on their decision.
Yeah, adidas sucks. I guess thats why both Michigan and Louisville were wearing it when they played in the national championship game.
Hubbs did something similar last year. I know he asked about school colors and almost all said it had no bearing on their decision.

And I would guess it would be he same for apparel brand. I don't understand the adidas hat either. Their a solid company.
Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans. Great. How many Adidas shirts you got in your closet? Alternative: Nike. US-based company that dominates the world market. Guessing 90% of other D1 teams are Nike teams. Hmmmm....

Then Dish Network. IDK, I guess some people have DN, but if you are a huge NFL fan like me, you have DirecTV with its NFL Sunday Package. No. Questions. Asked.

My guess is that both Adidas and Dish pay UT handsomely to be our red-headed stepchild sponsors. Great. I says a pox on ye, second-tiered, foreign-owned lame-a$$ second-stringers!!!

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Just swing through the Brew Thru, pick up some bevs, and order a Cosmos Pizza and RELAX.
Adidas? Nike? They're all made in China or Bangladesh. Go with whoever forks over the most money.
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