So I Got a Bone to Pick About Our Corporate Sponsors...

The only shoes made in America are SAS. They are made in Texas by Mexicans.
But u don't have anything Nike, so how would u know?

There is a magical thing called a fitting room in most clothing stores.

In these mythical booths, people are permitted to try on garments to identify whether or not the item fits their body.

It's a crazy thing I know.

Also who cares what satellite provider sponsors us?

Cable > satellite anyways.
Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans. Great. How many Adidas shirts you got in your closet? Alternative: Nike. US-based company that dominates the world market. Guessing 90% of other D1 teams are Nike teams. Hmmmm....

Then Dish Network. IDK, I guess some people have DN, but if you are a huge NFL fan like me, you have DirecTV with its NFL Sunday Package. No. Questions. Asked.

My guess is that both Adidas and Dish pay UT handsomely to be our red-headed stepchild sponsors. Great. I says a pox on ye, second-tiered, foreign-owned lame-a$$ second-stringers!!!

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Unreal how some people will always find something to ***** about. Never satisfied.
Unlike Nike, Adidas doesn't just put their product on just anyone...I like the fact We are one of very few elite programs who wear adidas...Nike will put a stupid insane colored uniform on anybody...I like being in good company with teams like Nebraska and Notre Dame and Michigan.
Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans. Great. How many Adidas shirts you got in your closet? Alternative: Nike. US-based company that dominates the world market. Guessing 90% of other D1 teams are Nike teams. Hmmmm....

Then Dish Network. IDK, I guess some people have DN, but if you are a huge NFL fan like me, you have DirecTV with its NFL Sunday Package. No. Questions. Asked.

My guess is that both Adidas and Dish pay UT handsomely to be our red-headed stepchild sponsors. Great. I says a pox on ye, second-tiered, foreign-owned lame-a$$ second-stringers!!!

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Don't you have anything else to complain about? I personally like Dish better than Direct. Screw the NFL package. I watch all of the NFL that I want with 3 Sunday games and MNF. Plus, I get the NFL channel if I want to watch some more, on Dish. The founder of Dish is a UT alum.

I also like Adidas shoes for tennis. Nikes blister my feet. Both are probably made in Asia. If you like Nike, have at it my friend, but just because you have a preference does not make others second rate.
Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans.

REAL Football is spelled R U G B Y :matrix:

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