So it's the same old story



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:
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Wasn't aware vt ran single wing all night in Columbus. From what I saw they had a qb and he was pretty decent.
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i can't even sit at a game and make a comment without being told to shut up and watch the game. that gets really old especially when we start losing it makes it even worse and maddening.
Think Brewer was a transfer from Texas Tech.

He is and Texas tech usually has solid qbs. Not sure what game the op was watching. Also discounting that tech almost always has a good to great defense. But don't let that stop us from making incoherent ramblings about the state of UT football
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as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:
VT has had same coach for 28 years ..lots of continuity and stabilty !! Did that part escape you ? We are young and upcoming plus we haven't even played OU yet !! Chill Dwag just chill
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Grammar is not your friend.

Good, i never liked Kelsey anyway.

the comments i make are positive at times too and i still get told to shut up. so whatever. or i might say what i think we will run or do and still get told to shut up.
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VT has had same coach for 28 years ..lots of continuity and stabilty !! Did that part escape you ? We are young and upcoming plus we haven't even played OU yet !! Chill Dwag just chill

I don't think that has as much to do with it. I mean, sure it's an advantage, but I don't think that's why they won.

We just need to play disciplined, unemotional football. Oklahoma is going to make their plays, we are going to make ours. We just need to make sure that at all points, we are controlling the controllables, and focusing on what we're doing.

I'm Butch Jones, and I approve this message.
vt qb is no better than worley. and their offense has struggled badly the last few years. i figured they would get crushed but hoped they would win. kind of like i feel now do to everyone saying we gonna lose.
as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams,
We used to do that all the time when Florida was the 3rd game of the year. It hadn't been just the last 4 years...
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go ahead tell me to shut up cause i just want us to win. i can't help it i want us to win even when everyone says we are going to lose. and i can't help that it infuriates me and makes me mad when we lose. so i have a condition.
go ahead tell me to shut up cause i just want us to win. i can't help it i want us to win even when everyone says we are going to lose. and i can't help that it infuriates me and makes me mad when we lose. so i have a condition.

Yep, your right you do. If you go out Monday and meet an azz hole then, that make the day suck, if everyone you meet that day is an azz hole then maybe you ought to examine who is really the azz hole. I am betting everyone you meet is an azzhole and everyone you meet, well they meet one azzhole that day. Go see a Dr and get yourself some meds. U definitely need them. By the way do everybody else a favor and quit going to the games.and ruining day experiences.
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And sorry OP but OU would put a BUTCH slap on OSU in Columbus. Not just squeek one out like Va. Tech. So your argument I understand. But we are who we are. And right now we are a middle of the lower pack in the SEC. I want UT to beat OU. But I have to say Noway Jose. And next year we lose Worley. So I'm not sure we win next year either. But if you like I could go on XBox and raise our AI settings and lower OU settings.
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