So it's the same old story

as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:

So we've lost the game and we haven't even played the game yet?? Some people SMDH!!!
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i can't even sit at a game and make a comment without being told to shut up and watch the game. that gets really old especially when we start losing it makes it even worse and maddening.

Your parents are right. Shut up and watch the game this Saturday before b!+ching about us losing it. You can moan then if it happens and post a pic about it.
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Your parents are right. Shut up and watch the game this Saturday before b!+ching about us losing it. You can moan then if it happens and post a pic about it.

i am fussing about us possibly losing cause that is all i hear at work and every where else. when one person(me) says we can win but a trillion say we lose it messes with the mind.
i posted about people talking about us losing how it messes with winners mentality. i want to win not lose. but most on here already have us losing along with the rest of the country.i have said we win before and get blasted to space and back without a rocket.
Worst part about these posters is that they'll be calling for Butch's job if he loses to scrubs like Oklahoma and Georgia on the road in back to back games.

Just because you're sick and tired of losing doesn't suddenly mean the offensive and defensive lines have more than two games of experience. It doesn't mean that North, Hurd, TKJr, Bates, Sutton, et al are older than 19.

Facts are facts. We're talented. We're young. AND we'll be a serious SEC force by 2016.
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i am fussing about us possibly losing cause that is all i hear at work and every where else. when one person(me) says we can win but a trillion say we lose it messes with the mind.

Who cares? If we lose then we were supposed to and if we win then we will be the top story in college football. I love the Vols but couldn't give a hoot in hell what anyone at work thinks about them.
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i posted about people talking about us losing how it messes with winners mentality. i want to win not lose. but most on here already have us losing along with the rest of the country.i have said we win before and get blasted to space and back without a rocket.

ah, gotcha,.
Worst part about these posters is that they'll be calling for Butch's job if he loses to scrubs like Oklahoma and Georgia on the road in back to back games.

Just because you're sick and tired of losing doesn't suddenly mean the offensive and defensive lines have more than two games of experience. It doesn't mean that North, Hurd, TKJr, Bates, Sutton, et al are older than 19.

Facts are facts. We're talented. We're young. AND we'll be a serious SEC force by 2016.

If we continue our hopeless offense (so far) it isn't butch people will go after. Everyone wants that guy to stay. It will be bajakian .
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as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:

We're all tired of it govols. Atleast now we can see the light at the end of the tunell.
THIS story has a different ending as we have a different author named Jones rather Dooley.. We only have read a few chapters so far
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as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:

It's pretty obvious we are much improved in almost every phase of the game with the exceptions of the OL and some part of special teams. As was pointed out by several analysts the last couple of days, the Vols of any of the past 2 seasons would very likely have lost to 1 or both of our first 2 opponents. To me, Butch's plan is working very well. But what amazes me is that some of our fanbase apparently didn't see the issues with the offensive line coming. We've known for almost 9 months that we were going to be replacing all 5 of the OL positions, yet some of our fanbase didn't seem to think that would be an issue. To put that into perspective I remember watching the Bama preseason review and remember that some of the analysts had concerns about Bama's offensive line because Bama was going to have to start a freshman at LT, and at the same time was reading posts on here from people saying the UT OL would be better this season, despite starting 5 new faces (including freshmen), because the departing 5 OLmen had underachieved. It was complete unrealistic. This group of OLmen could very well end up being better than the last group, but they aren't going to get there in their first few games. That's just the reality of it.
If we continue our hopeless offense (so far) it isn't butch people will go after. Everyone wants that guy to stay. It will be bajakian .

WTF? Offense has been pretty good so far from where I sat, despite the OL issues. Talk of getting rid of Coach Jake is absurdly premature.
as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:

Heres a few reasons your Virginia Tech example is horrible:

1. Ohio State lost their Heisman candidate QB for the year. He just so happened to be one of the best dual-threat QB's in the country and fit Meyer's offense perfectly. His backup is mediocre. Oklahoma has not lost their starting QB.

2. Virginia Tech has way more depth than we do. Now, before you go quoting our recruiting rankings versus theirs, let me go ahead and retort: Frank Beamer has been at VT for what feels like forever and has PROVEN time and time again he can recruit lesser ranked players that fit his system and win with them. Some coaches do that for their career: Frank Beamer is one such coach.

Here's reasons why your analysis of UT is way off

1. We lost our ENTIRE O-LINE and D-LINE. You need to appreciate how big of a deal that is. Especially because Dooley barely recruited in the trenches. Please, go ahead and go look at his recruiting classes. I'll wait. Now argue that we should have o-line or d-line depth. Didn't think so.

2. Saying Fulmer could pull this off is so ignorant. Of course he could. He was here for years and built great depth (minus his last few seasons). He also was gifted the depth that Johnny Majors built. I mean, come on. Dude won a national championship. What a slippery slope argument.

3. We ARE young at the skill positions. I don't see how that is debatable. Still, they are playing great. The problem isn't even really youth so far, its lack of quality depth. Our o-line isn't young in years, but they are in experience and talent.

I know this response sounds aggressive, but if you are going to ignore the facts and post drivel about how we should somehow beat a top 5 team with tremendous depth and a proven HC, you have it coming.
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".i have said we win before and get blasted to space and back without a rocket."

Next time you're only getting a one-way ticket.
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i posted about people talking about us losing how it messes with winners mentality. I want to win not lose. But most on here already have us losing along with the rest of the country.i have said we win before and get blasted to space and back without a rocket.

1-800- get help
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go ahead tell me to shut up cause i just want us to win. i can't help it i want us to win even when everyone says we are going to lose. and i can't help that it infuriates me and makes me mad when we lose. so i have a condition.

My name is Orangedogsrule, and I have a condition. It's gotten so serious my family tells me to shut up already about the Vols. (My daughter is the kindest. She says, "We like the Vols too Daddy, but you should really do other things than worry if they're going to win". Son just sez, "Get a life". Both are UT grads too. Where did I go wrong?

So yeah, GoVols, I understand. Start a Voloholic (good screen name, eh?) 12 step program. I bet you'd make a fortune selling the books.
Also, go look at the Stats and see just how many firsts there were for our team just these last two Saturdays. 1st time as a starter, 1st career touchdown, 1st career reception, 1st career tackle, 1st career sack, 1st carrer field goal & etc.

Yes sir, we are an inexperienced and young team.

We gon whoop dey AZZ!
VT has had same coach for 28 years ..lots of continuity and stabilty !! Did that part escape you ? We are young and upcoming plus we haven't even played OU yet !! Chill Dwag just chill

Plus Bud Foster is a ba Dc.
go ahead tell me to shut up cause i just want us to win. i can't help it i want us to win even when everyone says we are going to lose. and i can't help that it infuriates me and makes me mad when we lose. so i have a condition.

Yes, it is called "get a life itis." Seriously. I like UT football and want to see my alma mater win as much as anybody, but it is just a game for entertainment at the end of the day. There are many, many things that are more important.

I will be in Norman on Saturday. I am not giving up yet.
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as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:

Wah, wah wah wah wah.
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