as the last 4 years,we win the first 2 lose the next one, when is it going to end, i am tired of losing to so called better teams, i say we can beat ou but thousands say otherwise and then reality sets in that we are going to lose midway thru the 3rd quarter. if virginia tech with no qb can beat ohio state why can't we beat oklahoma, oh i know it's the same excuses and crap that it has been the last decade we have talent but it's young, we don't play well on the road, our coaching is weak, they are saving the playbook for the SEC blah blah blah, JUST WIN THE GAME, that is all! Yeah i know it's all a big circle but we have got to start beating the bigger teams soon, at least fulmer could occasionally pull this off. this is getting so old and tiring. so are my posts i know but oh well. I hate losing and am absolutely sick and tired it and the bull crap excuses that go with it. GO VOLS!! :realmad:
Heres a few reasons your Virginia Tech example is horrible:
1. Ohio State lost their Heisman candidate QB for the year. He just so happened to be one of the best dual-threat QB's in the country and fit Meyer's offense perfectly. His backup is mediocre. Oklahoma has not lost their starting QB.
2. Virginia Tech has way more depth than we do. Now, before you go quoting our recruiting rankings versus theirs, let me go ahead and retort: Frank Beamer has been at VT for what feels like forever and has PROVEN time and time again he can recruit lesser ranked players that fit his system and win with them. Some coaches do that for their career: Frank Beamer is one such coach.
Here's reasons why your analysis of UT is way off
1. We lost our ENTIRE O-LINE and D-LINE. You need to appreciate how big of a deal that is. Especially because Dooley barely recruited in the trenches. Please, go ahead and go look at his recruiting classes. I'll wait. Now argue that we should have o-line or d-line depth. Didn't think so.
2. Saying Fulmer could pull this off is so ignorant. Of course he could. He was here for years and built great depth (minus his last few seasons). He also was gifted the depth that Johnny Majors built. I mean, come on. Dude won a national championship. What a slippery slope argument.
3. We ARE young at the skill positions. I don't see how that is debatable. Still, they are playing great. The problem isn't even really youth so far, its lack of quality depth. Our o-line isn't young in years, but they are in experience and talent.
I know this response sounds aggressive, but if you are going to ignore the facts and post drivel about how we should somehow beat a top 5 team with tremendous depth and a proven HC, you have it coming.