So proud of my home state

Isn’t that human nature though? Just because the majority of people fear the ramifications, without judicial restraint we are a brutal bunch.

Just as brutal with judicial restraint because we taint it with unfair, and biased application.
Whether the State can loose and bind
In Heaven as well as on Earth:
If it be wiser to kill mankind
Before or after the birth—
These are matters of high concern

Where State-kept schoolmen are;
Just as brutal with judicial restraint because we taint it with unfair, and biased application.
Whether the State can loose and bind
In Heaven as well as on Earth:
If it be wiser to kill mankind
Before or after the birth—
These are matters of high concern

Where State-kept schoolmen are;
So lady justice has tossed her blindfold.
So lady justice has tossed her blindfold.

It was always a fake see through fold anyway, especially the rich, and otherwise privileged. And you know it. The dear lady has never been allowed to do what she was supposed to do, so all you can say and hope is:
Whatsoever, for any cause,
Seeketh to take or give,
Power above or beyond the Laws,

Suffer it not to live!
This is nonsense. Are you suggesting that police officers didn't commit suicide in the aftermath of this attack or that others didn't die? Post a link reporting that 42 FBI officers were in the crowd and helped people scale the walls. Talk about a crazy right-wing theory. I'm sure your source is impeccable. Are you /really/ trying to suggest that the attack wasn't the work of trump-inspired crazies? It's called reality--deal with it, ace.

40 Undercover Informants and Agents Monitoring the Proud Boys on Jan. 6, Court Papers Allege

Not so fast. 19 with homeland security 13 with DC metro. This is just what is available now. Oh and don't forget Epps (whom the FBI will not confirm nor deny whether he was working with the FBI when he is on video chanting we need to go in the capital) This was uncovered as part of the trial against the proud boys. Which call me a simpleton but the leader of the proud boys is not white but he's a white supremacist? Never say never I guess.
I don't even fox has pushed anything this crazy. There is only one side that wallows in conspiracy nonsense. I'm sure there are a few here
who've convinced themselves that the mass shootings of students are the work of the FBI and that grieving parents are really actors. There is a
lot of misinformation around these days, and with people deep into their political views, they're prepared to believe anything no matter
how transparently preposterous. Logic has left the building.

The pure pristine FBI... The same FBI that thought it was within their rights to shoot Randy Weavers son in the back and his wife (while holding her baby) in the face over alleged federal gun violations. Which as it turns out he was coerced by undercover agents to saw off shot guns. Yes that FBI
She brought a lawyer and claimed she didn't partake in the protest, as the other 2 did. Important details, no?

There you go with the pesky facts. Nevermind the two city councils that sent these 2 bums back was by all democrats should not shock anyone. The Nashville council voted against bringing the RNC here what a bunch of morons. Nashville gets what they deserve by electing democrats who promise the moon and deliver 💩
I would hope the FBI has undercover officers in any group they suspect of planning to overthrow the government.

I imagine they even have a few plants in the BLM org.

Lol. Pay no attention to what is behind the curtain. The FBI is a trash corrupt entity.
And you choose to believe what FoxNews feeds you.

Again you are entitled to your opinion but not entitled to your own facts. Ask yourself why would the democrats not allow for cross examination during J6 "unselect" committee hearings? Why only allow 2 Anti trump hacks on the committee? Btw you can have those 2 disgusting P.O.S. they are unemployed now.
Please--a bunch of utter nonsense aimed at suggesting that it wasn't trump supporters who attacked the Capitol. More conspiratorial BS. Maga
supporters first tried to pretend that Antifa was behind the attack. This is the new right wing: Look at a white wall and call it black.
That's an astoundingly silly take.
Again you are entitled to your opinion but not entitled to your own facts. Ask yourself why would the democrats not allow for cross examination during J6 "unselect" committee hearings? Why only allow 2 Anti trump hacks on the committee? Btw you can have those 2 disgusting P.O.S. they are unemployed now.
They would have allowed any number of repubs on the committee. The better question is why the repub leadership was insistent on putting only the most extreme pro-Trump quacks on the committee?
They would have allowed any number of repubs on the committee. The better question is why the repub leadership was insistent on putting only the most extreme pro-Trump quacks on the committee?

The democrats don't get to decide who the Republican leadership appoints to committees. Surely you are not this intellectually challenged. Do you subscribe to the Nancy Pelosi line of thinking that President Trump has the opportunity to prove his innocence in court?
The democrats don't get to decide who the Republican leadership appoints to committees. Surely you are not this intellectually challenged. Do you subscribe to the Nancy Pelosi line of thinking that President Trump has the opportunity to prove his innocence in court?

Based on the way the committee was established, the speaker absolutely did get to decide who was appointed to the committee.

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The democrats don't get to decide who the Republican leadership appoints to committees. Surely you are not this intellectually challenged. Do you subscribe to the Nancy Pelosi line of thinking that President Trump has the opportunity to prove his innocence in court?
You're conveniently missing the point. And evidently, they do get to decide who is NOT going to be on the committee, as it should be. I think the party in the majority should have to provide the minority party with a list of 50 names of opposing members who they would happily welcome onto the committee.

If the minority party cannot come up with five acceptable members from a list of 50, that would tell everyone something important.

Or at a minimum, the majority party should be able to provide a list of ten names of people they will definitely not allow on the committee. The minority party placing members on committees for no reason other than radical partisan disruption benefits no one.
You're conveniently missing the point. And evidently, they do get to decide who is NOT going to be on the committee, as it should be. I think the party in the majority should have to provide the minority party with a list of 50 names of opposing members who they would happily welcome onto the committee.

If the minority party cannot come up with five acceptable members from a list of 50, that would tell everyone something important.

Or at a minimum, the majority party should be able to provide a list of ten names of people they will definitely not allow on the committee. The minority party placing members on committees for no reason other than radical partisan disruption benefits no one.
Lol!, you suck at being an arbiter of truth Luther.
You're conveniently missing the point. And evidently, they do get to decide who is NOT going to be on the committee, as it should be. I think the party in the majority should have to provide the minority party with a list of 50 names of opposing members who they would happily welcome onto the committee.

If the minority party cannot come up with five acceptable members from a list of 50, that would tell everyone something important.

Or at a minimum, the majority party should be able to provide a list of ten names of people they will definitely not allow on the committee. The minority party placing members on committees for no reason other than radical partisan disruption benefits no one.

How Venezuela of you. Never before had that ever happened. No that's not his it works. If you are looking for fairness (which you obviously aren't) you would stack the committee with your best members. And if you have nothing to hide dare the other side to bring the cream of the crop from their side. Sunshine is always the best disinfectant. Not the narrative that is permeated by the corrupt corporate media.

You still never answered why there was absolutely zero cross examination. What a tool. Were you forced into playing soccer (originator of the participation trophies) as a child?
How Venezuela of you. Never before had that ever happened. No that's not his it works. If you are looking for fairness (which you obviously aren't) you would stack the committee with your best members. And if you have nothing to hide dare the other side to bring the cream of the crop from their side. Sunshine is always the best disinfectant. Not the narrative that is permeated by the corrupt corporate media.

You still never answered why there was absolutely zero cross examination. What a tool. Were you forced into playing soccer (originator of the participation trophies) as a child?
lol.....If you are claiming that what Pelosi rejected is the cream of the republican crop, then your party is pathetic.

Who was denied cross examination?
Show me where in the J6 hearings there was legitimate cross examination.
You are the one that made the unsupported accusation. No one was denied anything....except for rightfully keeping those two radical right wing propagandists off of the committee.
You are the one that made the unsupported accusation. No one was denied anything....except for rightfully keeping those two radical right wing propagandists off of the committee.

Again you were afraid of the truth. It's ok. You have the right to be overtly bias in this country. Ask fatso Alvin Bragg. But don't be surprised when no one believes anything you say.

And you are ok with the Rino propagandist Chaney and Kinzinger merely because they hate president Trump? I thought Dems despised the Chaney's? Lol. Well to bad now they belong to you.
Oh and The Horned Shaman is no longer in jail. In a couple of months will be 100% free for interviews. That should be great TV
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