So the Tuohy's were phonies (Michael Oher)

Sean Tuohy has responded and said they got no royalties from the movie. Only $14,000 from the writer. And that the conservatorship was the only way that the NCAA would allow Oher to go to Ole Miss since the Tuohy’s were active boosters. How convenient.

Somebody is flat out lying and it should be easy to prove by following the money trail. Either way, somebody is not going to look good after this is done.
Sean Tuohy has responded and said they got no royalties from the movie. Only $14,000 from the writer. And that the conservatorship was the only way that the NCAA would allow Oher to go to Ole Miss since the Tuohy’s were active boosters. How convenient.

Somebody is flat out lying and it should be easy to prove by following the money trail. Either way, somebody is not going to look good after this is done.
So he's saying no one got any royalties?? Yeah right.
Yeah, like I said it's not going to look good for anyone involved in the story.

It's gonna be a soap opera, that's for sure though.

While Oher has always somewhat shied away from the story to a sense, would be hard to argue with a straight face that he has not benefitted. It's been a while, but I just don't remember his pro career really turning out to be much-at least in comparison to what was expected. Doubt he would have even gotten the second contract-with Tenn I think?-if not for his off the field stuff. B'more seemed liked they were happy to see him go.

Just really hope "Big Mike" hasn't gotten someone in his ear feeding him a bunch of "facts" which have a bunch of facets depending on the angle viewed. Wouldn't be the first time.
I'm not sure. You can make an argument that he isn't any better off for having come across the Tuohys. The movie, needless to say, isn't really what happened. He wasn't plucked off a rainy street one night, having no idea how to play football until introduced to the game by them.

He was cared for by many different families in high school, including the Tuohys, and he had already emerged as a prized recruit by the time they "adopted" him. Even if he never stayed with them, he still would have gone to a major CFB program - hell, perhaps a better program than Ole Miss, because he was steered there by them. If he played at that program as well as he played at Ole Miss, he still would have been a high draft pick. We almost certainly would have still heard of Michael Oher if he never met them.
Was the law then or has it become the law more recently in light of the fact what apparently defines a "family" has changed considerably over the years. I don't know. I'm not a lawyer. That's just what they are saying were the conditions at the time. And frankly, I really don't care either way. Their family feud is non of my business.

I looked it up, the adoption code that allows for any adoption of an adult was passed in 1972.
I hated that stupid ass movie anyway. They made him out to be some simpleton big baby black kid from the ghetto so the sassy rich white lady from the suburbs could be the savior. Then they dogged UT and scammed him into going to Ole Miss. Oh, hell no. The final straws were "he scored high on protective instincts" (What?) and Bullock's character rolling up in her BMW to threaten a Memphis gang member with her non-visible gun, pretending like he was intimidated. Sooooo hated this movie. Such a con.
He made millions
They made millions
Someone always gets a bigger cut
Someone is always unhappy

If he knew of this as he claims why not scream from the mountain top sooner?
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I was told by a trusted source close to the situation that everything Oher is claiming is 100% true.
Then it’s going to get really interesting for the Tuohy’s around here if that’s the case. Ever since they “adopted” Michael, they’ve been made out to be the poster family for all things wholesome and good in the world. And then they parlayed it into making a lot of money for their foundation as well as Lee Ann’s speaking career.

I don’t know why folks are so suspicious. I mean they did take in a big clarinet player with no ulterior motives. Wink, wink.
I knew that crap was fake as soon as the movie started. It was trying too hard to make that woman the most important person in the world.
I've never gotten halfway through it.
I am enjoying rubbing this in my wife's face. She thought that movie was the bomb.
How hard would it be for him to prove the reasons given for their petition for his conservatorship were bogus?
He made millions
They made millions
Someone always gets a bigger cut
Someone is always unhappy

If he knew of this as he claims why not scream from the mountain top sooner?

I'm holding a wait and see approach on this. Why now?

He's been retired from the NFL for nearly a decade now.

I wonder if he's currently got the wrong people in his ear and he/they have already blown through his NFL bank account and is needing money.

Why is he just now coming forward with this. If this true, and I’ll wait and see, boy what a let down

"Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys."
I hated that stupid ass movie anyway. They made him out to be some simpleton big baby black kid from the ghetto so the sassy rich white lady from the suburbs could be the savior. Then they dogged UT and scammed him into going to Ole Miss. Oh, hell no. The final straws were "he scored high on protective instincts" (What?) and Bullock's character rolling up in her BMW to threaten a Memphis gang member with her non-visible gun, pretending like he was intimidated. Sooooo hated this movie. Such a con.
Yeah, I sincerely doubt Lee Ann or any rich privileged Germantown housewife rolled up in any housing project in Memphis in her BMW and confronted gang members. The car would have been on blocks before she turned around and she would have been lucky if she had just been robbed. Probably wouldn’t have gotten that far anyway. More than likely would have been carjacked when she turned off Poplar.
"Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys."

I just don’t buy that nobody has ever questioned it or looked into it. As many times as he’s said he hates the movie, he wished it never happened etc
I’m interested in if they received funds. Generally, the existence of confidential relationship, such as conservator/ward, followed by a transaction where the dominant party receives a benefit from the other party, results in a presumption of undue influence that may be rebutted only by clear and convincing evidence of the fairness of the transaction.

Disclaimer: Educational purposes only, no legal advice being given.
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Honestly, Oher’s reaction to the film always made me suspicious. I mean I knew the true story was probably not the wholesome savior family the movie went for, but his extreme dislike for the film made me question if there was even more that we didn’t know.

Finding out that he was probably taken advantage of by a family looking to enrich themselves even further just answers a lot of questions I was asking.
I hated that stupid ass movie anyway. They made him out to be some simpleton big baby black kid from the ghetto so the sassy rich white lady from the suburbs could be the savior. Then they dogged UT and scammed him into going to Ole Miss. Oh, hell no. The final straws were "he scored high on protective instincts" (What?) and Bullock's character rolling up in her BMW to threaten a Memphis gang member with her non-visible gun, pretending like he was intimidated. Sooooo hated this movie. Such a con.

I never liked it either, just too Hollywoodized for me

I’ll admit to laughing about the bodies under the stadium comment though. Mostly because I’m an Anthropologist who went to UT specifically because if their program and was able to do research on the skeletal remains kept there.
Interesting story which alleges the Tuohy's never adopted Michael Oher and tricked him into being his conservator's. I know Michael wanted to come to UT and play for Fulmer, but felt a little pressure from the Tuohy's to attend their alma mater. Definitely tarnishes the feel good book and movie.

'Blind Side' subject Oher alleges adoption was lie
It should not surprise anyone that the true nature of their relationship with each other revolved around mutual financial ambitions. Basically, how much money they both stood to make by selling their "story."

No movie that sappy is ever going to be authentic. It's pure greed, but I think it goes both ways.

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