So Yahoo! Sports may be in town...



Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
Rumors swirling that Charles Robinson's insertion team may be in town. The Jenny Wright scandal perpetuated by Susan Martin will not be the only thing they will be looking into. We dodged a couple of bullets with Kiffin but we will see what they turn up. Never good when they are on campus.
Is rumor mill or do you have anything credible backing your position?

I did preface the post by say saying "rumors swirling" but I do have pretty decent info that my post is somewhat accurate. I guess we shall see. Secondly, I do think all sports are game not just basketball.
Dooley sucked as a coach but I believe he ran things clean. I don't think Butch has had time to do much wrong. I think football will be fine. Now with trea throwin round the meat sword I dunno bout the basketball program....
Dooley sucked as a coach but I believe he ran things clean. I don't think Butch has had time to do much wrong. I think football will be fine. Now with trea throwin round the meat sword I dunno bout the basketball program....

You this point clean means ****---Dooley just perpetuated a bad situation and made it worst. I wouldn't even call what he did "running it clean" it was more like running it like he "didn't know what he was doing"
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Open question: who do you think leaked the Jenny Wright scandal to Jimmy Hyams? And why didn't they accept her resignation and move on. It's not like this is something new, players sleeping with UT employees. Thus the interest from Yahoo! Sports.
I think it's been sort of suggested that Susan Martin was out to get a witch hunt appears she's succeeded.
I did preface the post by say saying "rumors swirling" but I do have pretty decent info that my post is somewhat accurate. I guess we shall see. Secondly, I do think all sports are game not just basketball.
Another poster prefaces many of his rumors with the exact
same phrase. It usually turns out to be nothing.
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Rumors swirling that Charles Robinson's insertion team may be in town. The Jenny Wright scandal perpetuated by Susan Martin will not be the only thing they will be looking into. We dodged a couple of bullets with Kiffin but we will see what they turn up. Never good when they are on campus.

way to bring your own thoughts to the board Trae.
Rumors swirling that Charles Robinson's insertion team may be in town. The Jenny Wright scandal perpetuated by Susan Martin will not be the only thing they will be looking into. We dodged a couple of bullets with Kiffin but we will see what they turn up. Never good when they are on campus.

Stock answer should be "yep, I did her too"
FWIW, one of the better rumors floating around amongst the admin at UT involves this having roots in her ex-husband (apparently also works at UT) finally getting some dirt on her and blowing up her little party.

I'm surprised the reporters haven't pulled that string yet...
See where women will get you. Nothing but trouble.

Given the mess in the military right now, not sure I can disagree with you. I'm all for women serving, just don't think they should be mixed with men. Just look at the consequences to date. As for the UT scandals, I see nothing that's any different from what you'd see with disgruntled male employees except use of terminology here and there.
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FWIW, one of the better rumors floating around amongst the admin at UT involves this having roots in her ex-husband (apparently also works at UT) finally getting some dirt on her and blowing up her little party.

I'm surprised the reporters haven't pulled that string yet...

interesting, the ex-husband turns her in

How would coaches, athletic department or a university monitor a situation where some crazy chick is throwing herself at college dudes and giving that thing up to them?

Is there anything illegal with grown of age dudes getting some from a gal of age allowing it to happen and consensually?

What is the scandal part of this supposed scandal?

If in their shoes, what would you do? Would you hit it or walk away?
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I think the hypothetical scandal is that the athletes were cheating and she was helping give them favorable treatment in the review process once they were caught.

How would coaches, athletic department or a university monitor a situation where some crazy chick is throwing herself at college dudes and giving that thing up to them?

Is there anything illegal with grown of age dudes getting some from a gal of age allowing it to happen and consensually?

What is the scandal part of this supposed scandal?

If in their shoes, what would you do? Would you hit it or walk away?

This is from an article on Channel 6's site:

"Wright was Director of the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. When a student got into trouble at the University, Jenny Wright would oversee the disciplinary process for the student."

It wasn't about 2 consenting adults, it has to do with her title and "position." No pun intended.
You this point clean means ****---Dooley just perpetuated a bad situation and made it worst. I wouldn't even call what he did "running it clean" it was more like running it like he "didn't know what he was doing"

I'm sorry you don't like dooley (most of us don't) but "clean means ****" is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I'd rather have another year of dooley than hostess gate 2.0 and be in the same boat as Penn st or Ohio st and get us banned for a few seasons from bowls and lose scholarships as well. If you wouldn't then there's something wrong with your more as a person than anything.

Continue hating dooley and thinking he did nothing at all right though. He was not a good coach by any means, but everything else he was fine at.
Why would any competent admin at any University place a very young and very attractive (opinion) lady in such a position? In the name of political correctness or affirmative action?

I'm not saying all or even most ladies in this position would bring controversy into the mix.

But, you are almost asking for it...........

I remember a high school teacher/coach (male) often told us that he would refuse to place himself in a sticky or questionable situation of being alone or left alone with a single student or kid. He said there were times where a parent was late or a kid needed a ride home and he would always make sure another adult (another teacher or his wife) was present at all times.

Not saying he or something would go wrong, but he was wise enough to never allow a situation to occur. Or, rumors to start, or so on so forth...

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