So Yahoo! Sports may be in town...

They need to fire Jimmy Cheek and all these academic nimrods who hate athletics. That's the problem with the world tree hugging organic eating scum bums. Cheek can always get a job as a booger eating tester.
You this point clean means ****---Dooley just perpetuated a bad situation and made it worst. I wouldn't even call what he did "running it clean" it was more like running it like he "didn't know what he was doing"

Dude he went


You guys act like he went 2-10 the 3 years he was here. SMH

While Dooley didn't do a good job while he was here. It could of been MUCH worse.
I'm sorry you don't like dooley (most of us don't) but "clean means ****" is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I'd rather have another year of dooley than hostess gate 2.0 and be in the same boat as Penn st or Ohio st and get us banned for a few seasons from bowls and lose scholarships as well. If you wouldn't then there's something wrong with your more as a person than anything.

Continue hating dooley and thinking he did nothing at all right though. He was not a good coach by any means, but everything else he was fine at.

It would absolutely suck to be like Ohio State. Who would want a coach who sports a couple of national championship rings? Who would want to be coming off an undefeated season and have an inside track at the BCS championship game? Yep, it would just suck to be like the Buckeyes.
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If Yahoo! Sports really is investigating maybe we'll get some reporting on what actually happened, as opposed to whatever it is that the Knoxville sports media does.
Dude he went


You guys act like he went 2-10 the 3 years he was here. SMH

While Dooley didn't do a good job while he was here. It could of been MUCH worse.

You do realize that those are the worst 3 consecutive years in over 100 years, right? That we got demolished by Vanderbilt this past year? Yeah, I'm not seeing where it could have been any worse.
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That's the problem with the world tree hugging organic eating scum bums. Cheek can always get a job as a booger eating tester.


Something tells me your an intelligent, and highly successful individual...
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Susan Martin has been in the Provost office since 2004.

Yes, exactly as I said. She was a vice provost until 2009. And once again I ask: Are you telling me that Phil Fulmer couldn't do his job because of a vice provost? Seriously? That's just pathetic.
Yes, exactly as I said. She was a vice provost until 2009. And once again I ask: Are you telling me that Phil Fulmer couldn't do his job because of a vice provost? Seriously? That's just pathetic.
You're right. What a crock. People make Susan Martin out to be some kind of super villain with preternatural, supernatural powers.
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Exactly. When the F did Yahoo! Sports become feared story busting journalism?

What next? The Onion Fallschirmjäger's swoop in from the skies for an exposé?

I guess people are nervous about yahoo because they are the ones that supposedly uncovered the scandal at Miami.
Exactly. When the F did Yahoo! Sports become feared story busting journalism?

What next? The Onion Fallschirmjäger's swoop in from the skies for an exposé?

Yahoo and Deadspin are pretty good at what they do, as they're not tied to leagues / conferences in any way. They have no incentive to deliver the controlled message like ESPN and most broadcast networks
Exactly. When the F did Yahoo! Sports become feared story busting journalism?

What next? The Onion Fallschirmjäger's swoop in from the skies for an exposé?

Google yahoo's "Charles Robinson".

He's practically the harbinger of death.
Has the NCAA actually done anything about a story Y! Sports dug up. Miami comes to mind but anything else?

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