So Yahoo! Sports may be in town...

You know, I see Susan Martin attacked on here alot and yet I've never seen anyone post one bit of proof that she is trying to sabotage our athletics programs.

Please enlighten me with something other than rumors.
She is disliked by Vol fans because she does the job she was hired to the letter. Apparently, she has a power base behind her or she would be toast.
Yahoo! Sports...even Seal Team 6 won't mess with em............

Yeah, I don't think people understand the severity of the situation. If Yahoo Sports shows up on your campus to find something, they're going to turn every stone over and find every single thing that they can get their hands on.

Even if they come here to find out what's going on with relationships and find nothing, they'll still leave with some insane story about everything else that's happened.
You know, I see Susan Martin attacked on here alot and yet I've never seen anyone post one bit of proof that she is trying to sabotage our athletics programs.

Please enlighten me with something other than rumors.

Go ask Phillip Fulmer what he thinks of Susan Martin. He's now 3 coaches removed from the situation and he will definitely disagree with you. I would submit that the leak of Trae Goldens name came directly from the Provost office with Cheek and DePietro's approval approval.

Records: Ousted UT student affairs director under review was model employee » Knoxville News Sentinel Mobile

Wright tried to step down from her $70,000 per year position May 9 in lieu of cooperating with UT’s probe into her behavior, but the university refused to accept her resignation. Instead, Provost Susan Martin sent Wright a pre-termination letter May 10.

They had a chance to make this disappear but decided to make it a public spectacle.
As a former infantry guy, I couldn't agree more. I had this argument with a woman in class one day. I knew I had won when all she could come up with was, "...well you can't give birth!"

I'm not 100% sure but I think the North Koreans and Israeli military have separate units for the sexes. The DPRK has complete battalions, not sure about fighter pilots, but female ground troops that exist separately from the men. Obviously, they know something we don't have sense enough to acknowledge.
So maybe an investigation shows that Cheek and Martin failed in being aware of, or controlling the Jenny Wright situation, and both are terminated. The university moves forward, and those two just move on...a win win for all involved!

Talk about a best case scenario for UT athletics. You are really onto something here.
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I'm sorry you don't like dooley (most of us don't) but "clean means ****" is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I'd rather have another year of dooley than hostess gate 2.0 and be in the same boat as Penn st or Ohio st and get us banned for a few seasons from bowls and lose scholarships as well. If you wouldn't then there's something wrong with your more as a person than anything.

Continue hating dooley and thinking he did nothing at all right though. He was not a good coach by any means, but everything else he was fine at.

Dooley coaching would be the equivalent to a postseason ban.
Rumors swirling that Charles Robinson's insertion team may be in town. The Jenny Wright scandal perpetuated by Susan Martin will not be the only thing they will be looking into. We dodged a couple of bullets with Kiffin but we will see what they turn up. Never good when they are on campus.

Go to hell yahoo!!!
You know, I see Susan Martin attacked on here alot and yet I've never seen anyone post one bit of proof that she is trying to sabotage our athletics programs.

Please enlighten me with something other than rumors.

I've socialized with her on a few occasions, and while the subject of UT sports has never come up, I never got the sense that she was the kind of aggressive, agenda-mad, or underhanded person as everyone here seems to paint her. She has always seemed pleasant and even rather laid-back.She seems to care about the students and really, her job is to oversee academics, so I don't see where her opinion of and/or support for athletics matters anyway. I've never heard of a football coach being hindered by a provost, but if that is the case, then that speaks to utter incompetence with the Chancellor, President, and Athletic Director.

^^^^^^^This (in bold). Although Hart hasn't been here long enough for the blame, how can we explain the utter disintegration of men's athletics?

No championships and SEC bottom feeders in all sports for the past 5 years. This is a total lack of leadership from the top. Maybe a little success from the Pearl years, but I'll bet if we really knew the whole story, the lack of leadership from Cheek and Hamilton had a big part of that melt down.

We had the disastrous hiring of Hamilton, Kiffin, Dooley and Todd Raleigh. Sal Sunseri was a complete joke. The track and field team is an embarrassment. I am starting to have doubts about CCM although I believe he needs a little more time.

If all of this isn't enough, then Susan Martin pulls her stunt. Although she can't allow cheating and fraternization to go unpunished, her actions showed either incompetence or complete disdain for the success of UT athletics.
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Rumors swirling that Charles Robinson's insertion team may be in town. The Jenny Wright scandal perpetuated by Susan Martin will not be the only thing they will be looking into. We dodged a couple of bullets with Kiffin but we will see what they turn up. Never good when they are on campus.

If true, they will feel the full fury of my wrath... only Google and Bing searches from now on.

Dam commies.
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Yeah, I don't think people understand the severity of the situation. If Yahoo Sports shows up on your campus to find something, they're going to turn every stone over and find every single thing that they can get their hands on.

Even if they come here to find out what's going on with relationships and find nothing, they'll still leave with some insane story about everything else that's happened.[/QUOTE

Maybe a more in depth story about the bUTt chuggers will suffice the folks at Yahoo.:clapping::clapping:
Yeah, I don't think people understand the severity of the situation. If Yahoo Sports shows up on your campus to find something, they're going to turn every stone over and find every single thing that they can get their hands on.

Even if they come here to find out what's going on with relationships and find nothing, they'll still leave with some insane story about everything else that's happened.
^^^^^^^This (in bold). Although Hart hasn't been here long enough for the blame, how can we explain the utter disintegration of men's athletics?

No championships and SEC bottom feeders in all sports for the past 5 years. This is a total lack of leadership from the top. Maybe a little success from the Pearl years, but I'll bet if we really knew the whole story, the lack of leadership from Cheek and Hamilton had a big part of that melt down.

We had the disastrous hiring of Hamilton, Kiffin, Dooley and Todd Raleigh. Sal Sunseri was a complete joke. The track and field team is an embarrassment. I am starting to have doubts about CCM although I believe he needs a little more time.

If all of this isn't enough, then Susan Martin pulls her stunt. Although she can't allow cheating and fraternization to go unpunished, her actions showed either incompetence or complete disdain for the success of UT athletics.

It always amazes me when people know how much of a hot mess our school/AD is in yet they believe any coach could have got things straightened out in 2.5 yrs. Especially when it was the first coach after the top blew off the popsicle stand.
Go ask Phillip Fulmer what he thinks of Susan Martin. He's now 3 coaches removed from the situation and he will definitely disagree with you. I would submit that the leak of Trae Goldens name came directly from the Provost office with Cheek and DePietro's approval approval.

Records: Ousted UT student affairs director under review was model employee » Knoxville News Sentinel Mobile

They had a chance to make this disappear but decided to make it a public spectacle.

Susan Martin wasn't even officially made Provost until after Fulmer was fired (and was an interim Provost only for like the last 5 months before that). You're telling me that Fulmer had difficulties doing his job because of a vice provost? Wow, I guess he should have been gone much sooner.

I've yet to see any evidence Martin leaked anything (and really, with something like this, do you really expect the press won't hear about it?) . Also, are you against Jenny Wright being fired? Are you against UT conducting an investigation into what she did? I don't understand your point of view here.

Also, I don't think Yahoo is coming. Maybe I'm wrong, but I will be surprised. There are plenty of scandals to be found at successful programs. Why would they waste their time with us?
Susan Martin is being allowed to destroy Tennessee athletics. It's certainly not all her fault, but if you ask any person involved with Tennessee sports, her name will come up for sabotaging.
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