Sonic edible college logos

Never at Sonic. There's more to service than being able to carry a chili cheese coney from point A to point B imo.

Geeeshh! Have none of you ever worked in retail or the service industry? Having to put up with all the effed up people that come in is worth a whole lot more than those folks get paid. Sure a lot of them aren't very good, but they are a product of our cracked out society we've become.
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If you are a car hop at Sonic you don't make minimum wage because you are considered a server. If you are too cheap to give the person bringing you your food a tip, then don't go out to eat.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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If you are a car hop at Sonic you don't make minimum wage because you are considered a server. If you are too cheap to give the person bringing you your food a tip, then don't go out to eat.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

So basically you are saying Sonic employees deserve tips for walking a further distance to hand you food than employees of McDonalds.
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Now you are getting it.

I tip 20% at restaurants where your table is actually served. Question: often restaurants have food runners that don't wait on your table but they deliver the food. Do you tip them? I mean, they're basically doing what a Sonic employee is doing, right?
I tip 20% at restaurants where your table is actually served. Question: often restaurants have food runners that don't wait on your table but they deliver the food. Do you tip them? I mean, they're basically doing what a Sonic employee is doing, right?

Honestly, I do.
I tip 20% at restaurants where your table is actually served. Question: often restaurants have food runners that don't wait on your table but they deliver the food. Do you tip them? I mean, they're basically doing what a Sonic employee is doing, right?

You don't tip the runner but usually these restaurants have tip outs for the servers, so they tip this person, the bartender, the host and the busboy out of their pockets
I tip 20% at restaurants where your table is actually served. Question: often restaurants have food runners that don't wait on your table but they deliver the food. Do you tip them? I mean, they're basically doing what a Sonic employee is doing, right?

You don't have to tip them.. They get "tipped out" by the servers.

However I agree that sonic workers shouldn't expect a tip. UNLESS they skate out to my car doing some spins and whatnot.

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