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Who tips waiters at sonic?

If you are a car hop at Sonic you don't make minimum wage because you are considered a server. If you are too cheap to give the person bringing you your food a tip, then don't go out to eat.
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Give the carhops a tip you buncha cheapskates (see what I did there)
I tip 20% at restaurants where your table is actually served. Question: often restaurants have food runners that don't wait on your table but they deliver the food. Do you tip them? I mean, they're basically doing what a Sonic employee is doing, right?

I tip and its usually 30-40% at sonic.. sit down restaurants get 20% cause the bill is usually crazy high.
Geeeshh! Have none of you ever worked in retail or the service industry? Having to put up with all the effed up people that come in is worth a whole lot more than those folks get paid. Sure a lot of them aren't very good, but they are a product of our cracked out society we've become.

I didn't get tipped when I worked at McDonald's. what's the difference?
Reading through this thread I now feel as though I just watched the restaurant scene in "Resivoir Dogs".
Lol, it's just a discussion that spawned from the sonic thing. That's what forums are for, right? However, it shouldn't be in the football forums

Posters get too worked up when these threads swerve off topic and then careen off the topic cliff...think of it as simulation...when the season starts we'll stay true...mostly
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Reading through this thread I now feel as though I just watched the restaurant scene in "Reservoir Dogs".

Great violent trying to switch Sonic Talk to Tarantino Talk?
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