Sons baseball game or watch the Vols?



Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Only so many baseball games, one day you'll wake up and they're 25...
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Never been a fan of watching something after I know the outcome. If I go to the game, its not like I won't be glued to my phone watching play by play. Guess I could listen to ol blob tho, as painful as thst may be!
Baseball game, not even a question. Keep up with the scores on espn app or just go blackout mode and watch a recorded version of the game later.
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Maybe there's a way you could watch the Vols at your son's baseball game...
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Son's baseball game >>> UT football.
Record the game IMO.
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Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

I know what you're feeling my daughter has a Softball tournament tomorrow and I gotta go. Children first.
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as someone who played baseball all of his life and my dad skipped out on a ton of the me when I say he will remember the times that you are not there.
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I love watching the Vols play but I would rather watch my kids play ball than just about anything else. Our problem is that during baseball season we have to split up since our boys are usually playing at two different parks on opposite ends of town. On Saturday, I go with one and on Sunday I go with the other one.

Now that it's football season, we have to do the same thing. My oldest is playing freshman football while my youngest is playing middle school jv football. They both play on Mondays.

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