Sons baseball game or watch the Vols?

Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?
1000% son's game.
Depending on how your wife views it, son's game vs Vols might be more a question of sleeping in your bed tomorrow night vs on the couch...
Never been a fan of watching something after I know the outcome. If I go to the game, its not like I won't be glued to my phone watching play by play. Guess I could listen to ol blob tho, as painful as thst may be!

I'm fairly confident we already know the outcome.

Enjoy the baseball game.
Geez, lighten up fellas, and thanks for the parenting tips, lol!!
Bad thing is, if he knows the Vols are playing, he'll wanna stay home too!!
And btw, its his 4th game of a 20 game fall schedule, and hes six. Plenty of baseball left in his career, hes gonna be a stud!
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Watch your sons baseball game. He is only a kid once. Treasure him growing up. The Vols will be here long after you son is no longer a kid.
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Let's see: Watching your son play baseball or going to watch some random college kids play football? You decide..................besides, it's not even a conference game.
Love football, love Tennessee, neither are even on the level of my family! Family above all that.
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Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Sons always come first..Tivo
Geez, lighten up fellas, and thanks for the parenting tips, lol!!
Bad thing is, if he knows the Vols are playing, he'll wanna stay home too!!
And btw, its his 4th game of a 20 game fall schedule, and hes six. Plenty of baseball left in his career, hes gonna be a stud!

Six today, sixteen tomorrow, twentysix the day after.

Work and death are the only justifiable reasons to miss my kid's games. IMHO
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I DVR almost every game and watch it later in the day (or, at the very least, get an hour or so behind it so I can skip commercials). It's really not that hard to keep yourself from knowing the progress/outcome of the football game.
if it was the florida or alabama game this may be more of a real dad missed a soccer game of mine when we beat florida 34 32 (02?) and it really wasnt a big deal...i was more mad i couldnt see the game
Sons game, shouldn't even have to ask. My twin daughters have travel softball tournaments next week and the week after, and I wouldn't choose anything over watching them. I will just have to watch the games when I get home. DVR
Geez, lighten up fellas, and thanks for the parenting tips, lol!!
Bad thing is, if he knows the Vols are playing, he'll wanna stay home too!!
And btw, its his 4th game of a 20 game fall schedule, and hes six. Plenty of baseball left in his career, hes gonna be a stud!

Sounds like both of ya wouldn't mind some "car trouble" tomorrow.
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This isn't the easy answer everyone is making it out to be. To come to a decision, you need to consider a number of things...

1 - How's your marriage?
2 - If it was to crumble, who's going to get custody?
3 - As someone mentioned earlier, what's the weather forecast?
4 - Do you even like baseball?

Now, there is much more to consider, but the above will at least get you thinking...and the answer could be as simple as, "Honey, our marriage is going nowhere and we both know it. Besides, it looks like it's going to be a really crappy day and the last thing I want to do is have Jimmy standing in the rain and catching a cold. So, we're heading to the the wing joint for some father-son bonding."

Food for thought...
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This isn't the easy answer everyone is making it out to be. To come to a decision, you need to consider a number of things...

1 - How's your marriage?
2 - If it was to crumble, who's going to get custody?
3 - As someone mentioned earlier, what's the weather forecast?
4 - Do you even like baseball?

Now, there is much more to consider, but the above will at least get you thinking...and the answer could be as simple as, "Honey, our marriage is going nowhere and we both know it. Besides, it looks like it's going to be a really crappy day and the last thing I want to do is have Jimmy standing in the rain and catching a cold. So, we're heading to the the wing joint for some father-son bonding."

Food for thought...

This...all other suggestions are nothing but buzzkills
Get drunk . Go to the field and turn the sprinklers on all night . That's what Crash would do.
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What a dumb question. Your family should come way before watching guys you don't know play football.

I go to every game and activity for my kids that I can. My dad rarely if ever went to stuff when I was a kid and it bothered me a lot as a kid.
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My son is playing football on Saturday's as well this year I will miss alot of live action but I wouldn't miss my son's game for anything he is counting on his dad to be there and I will come hell or high water.....I did have Dish set me up a DVR this week though so I can wath all the games all year long!.....................GBO
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?


Go to the game!:crazy: I won't say which one though.
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