Sons baseball game or watch the Vols?

My son just got his masters (UTK) and it seems like 6 year old baseball was last year , trust me!! I never missed a practice if work allowed much less a game. Selfish thinking my man! You asked for the guidance,lol! And you obviously needed it! Never know how much baseball he has left, hell he might start playing with dolls next week!!! GO TO HIS GAME! GOVOLS
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Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Watch your son play. He is more important.
Geez, lighten up fellas, and thanks for the parenting tips, lol!!
Bad thing is, if he knows the Vols are playing, he'll wanna stay home too!!
And btw, its his 4th game of a 20 game fall schedule, and hes six. Plenty of baseball left in his career, hes gonna be a stud!

Im missing my son's tee ball game and part of my daughter's basketball game to go to the UT game.
My sons play on 3 football teams, pal, pop warner and school. In the spring they play 7 on 7 tackle and flag. Missing one game isn't a big deal.
My son just got his masters (UTK) and it seems like 6 year old baseball was last year , trust me!! I never missed a practice if work allowed much less a game. Selfish thinking my man! You asked for the guidance,lol! And you obviously needed it! Never know how much baseball he has left, hell he might start playing with dolls next week!!! GO TO HIS GAME! GOVOLS
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Can't believe no one said this, skip the game and take your boy to Neyland and watch the game with him, will be more memorable.
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Tape your kid playing baseball and watch it after the UT game IMO.
Son's game period. Go get a pair of radio headphones (radio shack may still sell them if you don't already have something) and you can watch his game while listening to the radio broadcast. However, don't do that if you're going to be so absorbed in listening that you don't watch your kid play.
When you guys get done answering this question, I have a "pregnant and about to give birth" wife question I'd like to ask.
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No doubt, go to your sons game. DVR the tennessee victory to watch later with your son.
Your son is only young once...Butch will be butch slapping asses for a long time! Watch the replay or just keep up with it on your phone or something.

2. Family
3. Vols

Is how I rank things
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When you guys get done answering this question, I have a "pregnant and about to give birth" wife question I'd like to ask.

I skipped watching a UT-bama game (well, the 2nd half but we were tied) for my kid's birth. Don't think I even checked the score until it was over

my dad had a similar choice when my sister was born and chose poorly. Those who fail to learn from history....
You miss the game last week over some wedding but are debating missing your sons game this week? Are you ****in kidding me? You should have blown off the wedding last week. This week you go see your son.
Nothing in life is more important than your kids. The second they are born they become 1st before everything else in life, even yourself...and I HATE baseball but I would rather go watch my son play baseball than watch any UT game.
Your son needs to learn that he needs to live his own life and do things that make him happy. If he is only playing baseball to please you or your wife, then he's in it for all the wrong reasons.

You also need to stop living vicariously through others, especially your son. You won't be a complete person until you learn to find those things you enjoy doing and just do them without thought to anyone else. You'll be a happier person when you do that.

You are a free person, free to make your own decisions and it sounds to me like you really, really want to shave your legs and get a pedicure.
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Never been a fan of watching something after I know the outcome. If I go to the game, its not like I won't be glued to my phone watching play by play. Guess I could listen to ol blob tho, as painful as thst may be!

take your son to his game,leave your phone at home and record the game,be sure to turn off the radio on the drive home

a very easy fix

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