Sons baseball game or watch the Vols?

I haven't read all the posts, but as a father of 3 that has been at the ballpark almost every Saturday for @ 9 years running, if I decide to go see the Vols play and miss a game, I go.
When it comes to your children you do what's right for them. I will be at my daughters soccer game at noon today, I LOVE TN football but when it comes to my kids, its only a game! BTW GO VOLS!!!!!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yeah, I always love how southerners take shots at WV--talk about the pots calling the kettle black. I grew up in WV too, and then went and took an engineering degree from UT with high honors.

IMO, Tennessee and WVa are virtually identical. I love both places.

But, I've been to most places in this country, and every place has its strengths and not-so-strenghts.

I have a friend at work who is from W. Va and we make fun of each other (bed burning, inmate orange and so on) but it is always friendly. Both of us are engineers and know what it took to get through an engineering college. By the way, I am partial to Tennessee engineers. GO VOLS
Yeah, I always love how southerners take shots at WV--talk about the pots calling the kettle black. I grew up in WV too, and then went and took an engineering degree from UT with high honors.

IMO, Tennessee and WVa are virtually identical. I love both places.

But, I've been to most places in this country, and every place has its strengths and not-so-strenghts.

I can be knee deep in the Little River tucked inside the GSMNP inside of 20 minutes. I grew up here, and I live here once again, but I must say that the area around Harper's Ferry is possibly the most beautiful piece of land in the entire eastern half of the country. WV is gorgeous.
Hey, go to the game. My dad never made it to any of my games in HS and I got over it. Heck, it seemed normal to me because I did not know anything else.

We still talk, etc., when I call once, maybe twice a year!

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Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

You missed the vols because of a wedding? Well last week I missed a wedding because of the vols. My sister's wedding at that. Gbo
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Put son in car, kiss wife an fam ... drive away an give son option of playing his game or playing hooky from game with you at a pizza joint with big screens ... :)
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Screw your kid. Watch the Vols!
With todays technology you should be at your son's game and watching the Vols from your phone.
Judging by the empty seats in Neyland it appears several stayed home or perhaps they're at your son's baseball game.
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