Sons baseball game or watch the Vols?

Geez, lighten up fellas, and thanks for the parenting tips, lol!!
Bad thing is, if he knows the Vols are playing, he'll wanna stay home too!!
And btw, its his 4th game of a 20 game fall schedule, and hes six. Plenty of baseball left in his career, hes gonna be a stud!

In that case take your kid to see the Vols game, he needs to be playing little league football instead....:p This way you win, and he wins, and he doesn't grow up to play a sissy game where the objective is to get "home" and be "safe", and hide from the rain.

Outside of that kid comes first...always and always....
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Someone should call DCS on this one.

You all crack me up....I do plenty with my kids....I coach my daughters soccer and softball teams and my son's tee-ball team in the spring.

This weekend my plans are tonight: teaching my daughter how to pitch...saturday: UT football game, and part of daughters basketball game and afterwards practicing ball with my kids. Sunday after church, daughters softball practice and then practice ball with my kids.

I dont go out with guys and spend all of my time with the family. Its not as important that I miss an occasional game as I show how important they are to me on a daily basis. I gave up my UT basketball tickets bc my daughter plays on her school basketball team.

The only thing I do for myself is seven to eight UT home football games a year. If my kids play more competitive sports such as football during UT season then I will probably give them up as well. For every single person to claim they would be at their kids game, there sure is alot of absentee fathers at the ball fields.
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All of you all suggesting that he DVRs the game are completely missing something....

He's "Z06VolinWV". DVR technology won't make it there for a good 5 or 10 more years....
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Your son is only young once...Butch will be butch slapping asses for a long time! Watch the replay or just keep up with it on your phone or something.

2. Family
3. Vols

Is how I rank things

Heir to a fortune, eh?
In that case take your kid to see the Vols game, he needs to be playing little league football instead....:p This way you win, and he wins, and he doesn't grow up to play a sissy game where the objective is to get "home" and be "safe", and hide from the rain.

Outside of that kid comes first...always and always....

:question::question::question::question: Dr Phil huh ?
The fact that you even asked is sad.

And I mean sad, not sad.. lol

My son just left 3 weeks ago for basic training for the US Navy.

I would trade any amount of UT games for just ONE more six year old baseball game.

It's not now that you will regret it.. It is when they grow up. I love UT as much as anyone here, but I sure wish my son was little again...
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I have the perfect solution: go to your sons game and when you get back, read all of the "we suck" comments on Volnation and do NOT read coaches comments only read post on Volnation.
All of you all suggesting that he DVRs the game are completely missing something....

He's "Z06VolinWV". DVR technology won't make it there for a good 5 or 10 more years....

Well Played Sir.
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No contest dude, GO WATCH YOUR SON!!!! I just moved my oldest son into college a few weeks ago, so trust me when I tell you that one day soon you will turn around and they will be in college or gone. I still have a son playing MS football to enjoy. Soon they will be on there own, ejoy all you can now bro. You can see the vols any week, but your kids playing time is short. Enjoy!!!
No contest dude, GO WATCH YOUR SON!!!! I just moved my oldest son into college a few weeks ago, so trust me when I tell you that one day soon you will turn around and they will be in college or gone. I still have a son playing MS football to enjoy. Soon they will be on there own, ejoy all you can now bro. You can see the vols any week, but your kids playing time is short. Enjoy!!!

Geez, lighten up fellas, and thanks for the parenting tips, lol!!
Bad thing is, if he knows the Vols are playing, he'll wanna stay home too!!
And btw, its his 4th game of a 20 game fall schedule, and hes six. Plenty of baseball left in his career, hes gonna be a stud!

Hey man, just being real, for all you know, tomorrow could be the last time you ever saw him. The Lord gives each day as a gift. Take advantage and thank God he let you have that day. You will never regret not watching the game. It's Western Kentucky, not the NC. But you will always regret choosing anything over your child. I work in the school systems, and sadly, too many people choose anything over their children. Or they see their kid for 2 hours a day, and think they are parenting.

Choose family. Watch Click. Sorry for the lecture, but I'm sure others on here need to see it. Including myself.
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You have got to be kidding. I love some Volunteer football as much as anyone else, but I can't believe you'd miss your sons ball game for it. How do you think he would feel about you even asking this?
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Watching your kids game is awesome..There will be other vols games to watch live.

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