Sons baseball game or watch the Vols?

What a bunch of can't even play along? If someone seriously asks this question, their there they're kids should be taken away. Obviously asked by someone who needs attention. Some of you need your sarcasm meters adjusted.
What a bunch of can't even play along? If someone seriously asks this question, their there they're kids should be taken away. Obviously asked by someone who needs attention. Some of you need your sarcasm meters adjusted.

You lost me at their there ther're.
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ha, you guys kill me!! Father of year remarks, are you joking questions, etc.!! NONE of you have any idea of how well my family, kids, and wife are provided for!! My daughter was born when I was 17, she will be 18 next Friday, lives with me, has for many years, and I have full custody of her. She just started her first semester of college, and could not be more proud!!
It was actually my wifes suggestion that I stay home with our 3 yo son who has not been feeling the greatest and watch the game, rather than go to my other sons bb game.
My wife, for those of you who asked how my marriage is, we spent the day on the water chillin and wakeboarding for her birthday which is today, then grilled out with the family afterwards. Thanks for your concern tho!!
Now, back to the original question, it was mainly in jest, but I just wanted to see what you guys would do. I didn't ask for any opinions on how you viewed my life, and parenting skills from one post, again, tho, appreciate the concern!!
And I just have to go back to the WV comment, I grew up in east TN, now live in WV, where both my parents are from, we have DVR, have had it for quite some time, and as you could tell from my avatar (yea, the one with two Z06's in it) life ain't too bad up here in WV for this 35 year old, and his family!!
Oh, GBO, and flamesuit on, I'm sure y'all philosophy and psychology majors with have a blast with this post, but at the end of the day, my life and family>>>>yours!!!
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Ipad and ESPN3, and do both
ha, you guys kill me!! Father of year remarks, are you joking questions, etc.!! NONE of you have any idea of how well my family, kids, and wife are provided for!! My daughter was born when I was 17, she will be 18 next Friday, lives with me, has for many years, and I have full custody of her. She just started her first semester of college, and could not be more proud!!
It was actually my wifes suggestion that I stay home with our 3 yo son who has not been feeling the greatest and watch the game, rather than go to my other sons bb game.
My wife, for those of you who asked how my marriage is, we spent the day on the water chillin and wakeboarding for her birthday which is today, then grilled out with the family afterwards. Thanks for your concern tho!!
Now, back to the original question, it was mainly in jest, but I just wanted to see what you guys would do. I didn't ask for any opinions on how you viewed my life, and parenting skills from one post, again, tho, appreciate the concern!!
And I just have to go back to the WV comment, I grew up in east TN, now live in WV, where both my parents are from, we have DVR, have had it for quite some time, and as you could tell from my avatar (yea, the one with two Z06's in it) life ain't too bad up here in WV for this 35 year old, and his family!!
Oh, GBO, and flamesuit on, I'm sure y'all philosophy and psychology majors with have a blast with this post, but at the end of the day, my life and family>>>>yours!!!

Which begs the question of why you started the thread in the first place.
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You'll be home before the 2nd half starts. What are 6yo games these days, an hour, hour fifteen?

When you make a commitment to a team, need to be there. The coaches work hard on putting together a lineup that properly rotates the kids in and out. When a player no shows, all that work is for nothing. It's even more of a problem when it's a "stud" player.
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Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

as a 40 year season ticket holder, I would suggest to you family trumps a ball game.. record it and watch later.
There is no question... go watch your boy!

You may think you have 100000 other games of his to watch... I assure you, you don't. Hopefully he stays healthy... but you never ever know what the future holds.

There will be Another Vols game next week... next decade.. etc. etc.

Family First... Your not a VFL if its any different.


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I have raised two sons. I would not trade a single game I watched them play for anything. Family is the greatest gift there is. I vote for sons' ballgame.
I'm in the same boat my sons games are in Taylor, Texas (austin) tomorrow morning at 1030 and 1230. I've checked the DVR atleats 15times!!!!!! No way I miss my sons games and I get to watch the UT without commercials.
CenTex Rage!
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When you guys get done answering this question, I have a "pregnant and about to give birth" wife question I'd like to ask.

My wife went in to labor right after kickoff of our Cotton Bowl vs Kansas State. Needless to say that's one game I'm glad I missed.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
ha, you guys kill me!! Father of year remarks, are you joking questions, etc.!! NONE of you have any idea of how well my family, kids, and wife are provided for!! My daughter was born when I was 17, she will be 18 next Friday, lives with me, has for many years, and I have full custody of her. She just started her first semester of college, and could not be more proud!!
It was actually my wifes suggestion that I stay home with our 3 yo son who has not been feeling the greatest and watch the game, rather than go to my other sons bb game.
My wife, for those of you who asked how my marriage is, we spent the day on the water chillin and wakeboarding for her birthday which is today, then grilled out with the family afterwards. Thanks for your concern tho!!
Now, back to the original question, it was mainly in jest, but I just wanted to see what you guys would do. I didn't ask for any opinions on how you viewed my life, and parenting skills from one post, again, tho, appreciate the concern!!
And I just have to go back to the WV comment, I grew up in east TN, now live in WV, where both my parents are from, we have DVR, have had it for quite some time, and as you could tell from my avatar (yea, the one with two Z06's in it) life ain't too bad up here in WV for this 35 year old, and his family!!
Oh, GBO, and flamesuit on, I'm sure y'all philosophy and psychology majors with have a blast with this post, but at the end of the day, my life and family>>>>yours!!!

so your youngest kid is sick and ya'll hit the water ? since you brought all this up,i though i would ask
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Your sons game. Fatherhood comes before fandom.
My daughter is 6, and I couldn't tell you how many televised sporting events I've missed over those six years, including Vol football games. I wouldn't trade it for anything. As somebody said above, she will be 25 before I know it.

I have, however, become an expert at following the gamecasts on my cell phone and watching the game later. DVR is great.
Allergies, hardly a stop everything type of trauma!! Try again!!

I'm pretty sure you have taken heat because you weren't clear. If you would have said your son was sick, nobody would have questioned. Of course you are right, allergies aren't a big deal.

My serious advice, not questioning your parenting, is that you go to your sons baseball game. The reason why is that your son needs to know in every aspect of his life that you will be there if you can.

My dad and I have the greatest relationship. My dad is not a sports fan at all. He doesn't know the rules of football, and probably would never watch a sports game on his own choice.

But when my dad wasn't working, he was ALWAYS at my baseball/basketball/soccer practices and games. And normally he was there with a camera. Even though he cared zero about the sport, he cared about it then because I cared about it. I cannot think of a SINGLE time in my life where my dad could have been there, and wasn't.

This January, I had a daughter. I was talking to my dad about mine and his relationship. I told him the reason why we are so close is because I know I can pick up the phone and call him and no matter what he is doing he will drop it and listen and talk to me for as long as he can. God blessed him with a laid back job where I can talk to him for hours at work.

When I told him that, he said, "I originally didn't want children, because I didn't think I would be good enough. But when we decided to have you, I went all in and decided I would do the best I could do be there for you and give you back to God and help you get to Heaven. Because I just figured, if you can't depend on your dad, who can you depend on? How can I teach you how much God your Heavenly Father loves you and is there for you, if I don't show you by my life?"

By the way, I'm now 24, married happily with a child, a preacher, and a Bible teacher at a Christian school in Knoxville. But I give the glory to God, and the credit to my dad.

Sorry for the long post. This isn't necessarily to the OP, but it's an opportunity for me to say what I think many need to hear.
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ha, you guys kill me!! Father of year remarks, are you joking questions, etc.!! NONE of you have any idea of how well my family, kids, and wife are provided for!! My daughter was born when I was 17, she will be 18 next Friday, lives with me, has for many years, and I have full custody of her. She just started her first semester of college, and could not be more proud!!
It was actually my wifes suggestion that I stay home with our 3 yo son who has not been feeling the greatest and watch the game, rather than go to my other sons bb game.
My wife, for those of you who asked how my marriage is, we spent the day on the water chillin and wakeboarding for her birthday which is today, then grilled out with the family afterwards. Thanks for your concern tho!!
Now, back to the original question, it was mainly in jest, but I just wanted to see what you guys would do. I didn't ask for any opinions on how you viewed my life, and parenting skills from one post, again, tho, appreciate the concern!!
And I just have to go back to the WV comment, I grew up in east TN, now live in WV, where both my parents are from, we have DVR, have had it for quite some time, and as you could tell from my avatar (yea, the one with two Z06's in it) life ain't too bad up here in WV for this 35 year old, and his family!!
Oh, GBO, and flamesuit on, I'm sure y'all philosophy and psychology majors with have a blast with this post, but at the end of the day, my life and family>>>>yours!!!

Yeah, I always love how southerners take shots at WV--talk about the pots calling the kettle black. I grew up in WV too, and then went and took an engineering degree from UT with high honors.

IMO, Tennessee and WVa are virtually identical. I love both places.

But, I've been to most places in this country, and every place has its strengths and not-so-strenghts.
Being that I missed last weeks game due to a wedding, im jonesin for some Vol fb!! Of course, my son has a ball game tomm at noon! Decisions decisions!!
I really wanna see this game to see how we stack up against some mediocre talent. What say VN?

Dont miss your sons life if u have a choice

VN Store
