Space Force Commander firing is alarming...

Unless they put him in irons I dont see anything wrong with this. And I m not sure how the military handles this sort of thing so maybe he does end up in a 6x8 for a while. Idk.
Not extreme enough for prison. They can court martial him and if convicted he would receive a bad conduct discharge. But that is unlikely as well. Even if it's determined that it is a court martial offense they would still typically let him resign if he's been in less than 20 years (no retirement benefits). Mainly because he's an O-5 (Lt. Colonel).

But the most likely result is he gets a letter of censure, a really terrible fitness report and really bad jobs, like BOQ officer on Ascension Island. He never sees another promotion and when he hits the 20 year mark he retires. (See Allen West.) And while he's still on active duty his peers will treat him like the buffoon he is, especially when they get promoted and he doesn't.
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Not extreme enough for prison. They can court martial him and if convicted he would receive a bad conduct discharge. But that is unlikely as well. Even if it's determined that it is a court martial offense they would still typically let him resign if he's been in less than 20 years (no retirement benefits). Mainly because he's an O-5 (Lt. Colonel).

But the most likely result is he gets a letter of censure, a really terrible fitness report and really bad jobs, like BOQ officer on Ascension Island. He never sees another promotion and when he hits the 20 year mark he retires. (See Allen West.) And while he's still on active duty his peers will treat him like the buffoon he is, especially when they get promoted and he doesn't.

This really isn't a courts martial level offense. Plus, enough bad OPRs would cause them to oust him earlier than 20.

Regardless, nothing he said was particularly wrong nor disrespectful. His comments towards the SecDef's policies could toe the line, but even that's debatable. Regardless, welcome to yet the latest purge of our military.
This really isn't a courts martial level offense. Plus, enough bad OPRs would cause them to oust him earlier than 20.

Regardless, nothing he said was particularly wrong nor disrespectful. His comments towards the SecDef's policies could toe the line, but even that's debatable. Regardless, welcome to yet the latest purge of our military.
He had a pretty severe lack of situational awareness. Hawking his book on a conservative pod cast, a book from what I’ve read this far wasn’t cleared by DoD reviewers.

Oh and the book title most likely isn’t a big hit with Austin.

"Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military,"
Donald Trump's legacy, the Space Force. just in case we ever have to battle the Klingons for interstellar domination

And it's a fine legacy, and overdue development to peel away the four decades old Space Command from under the Air Force and into a distinctive branch. If you understood that China and Russia are moving quickly beyond terrestrial-based weapons systems - as ALL current weapons systems are - you'd make a more intelligent comment.
Or just not speak at all.
Trump forces out everyone who didn't kiss his ass and the right didn't say a peep, and now they're clutching their pearls over this. Also right after pushing out Liz Cheney whose only crime was....she didn't kiss Trump's ass.


Her "crime" was not being on the same page as the majority of the base. Cheney goes along with the radical left's unconstitutional impeachment, buys into the Russian bounty hoax, and is focused on being an anti-Trump party leader and savior of the GOP. She's as TDS'ed as the left.

They work for the GOP base and the base will tell the Cheney RINO-coalition whose party it is.
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You and your buzzwords.

You and your ignorance of the Marxist lurch of the party, from blackface Marxists using black lives as a teflon-shield for Marxist principles their founders proudly admit to. Hoax impeachments and Russia collusion propaganda whose sole purpose is to cast Trump as an illegitimate president. Oen borders/DC state hood/stacking SCOTUS/ending filibuster/HR1 destruction of state control of election to establish a Democrat Reich. The New Green Deal is red on the inside.

How is it even possible that intellectual property rights for bio/pharm companies - or ANYone - is even a serious topic of discussion with the WH?? That censorship enjoys broad support among Democrats?

Only if you have a 2nd grader's understanding of Marxism.

Lefties cry racism, righties cry Marxism.

Please reply to my post for Clearwater, Professor.
I'll take you to the cleaners on a discussion of Marx.
Please reply to my post for Clearwater, Professor.
I'll take you to the cleaners on a discussion of Marx.

Oh, I'm not a professor. I'm just not a ****ing smoothbrained nutter.

All you've described is media driven partisan hackery. Both sides do it. That's not Marxism in the form of governing. It's not even cultural Marxism.
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And it's a fine legacy, and overdue development to peel away the four decades old Space Command from under the Air Force and into a distinctive branch. If you understood that China and Russia are moving quickly beyond terrestrial-based weapons systems - as ALL current weapons systems are - you'd make a more intelligent comment.
Or just not speak at all.

jeez get a room. Its creepy for one grown man to worship another grown man like you do.

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