Space Force Commander firing is alarming...

Standard liberal poon childish response "I wont see much, if any, return". So why won't you, and why are you paying 15% in SS and Medicare taxes, are you self employed? I thought you just became an architect? Your generation seems to think it's okay to cancel student loan debt and spend money with reckless abandon on social programs, why not take care of the elderly too?
Maybe @LouderVol plans on being a self-employed architect. Lots of professionals do that kind of thing... you know work for themselves or start their own business. Maybe he'll hire some people and get to pay 6.2% or whatever it is, of their salary so you can mooch off of his work even more.
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Actually what he did was a violation of DOD and I'm guessing Dept. of the Air Force regs. As I'm sure you realize, you do lose certain Constitutional rights when you sign up to serve. One of those is to engage in political speech.

You can engage in political speech, you just can't use your position in the military while doing so. Nor can you be disrespectful to your superiors or against policy either.

Again, what he did was borderline. I haven't read his book, so, a lot of context is missing.
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Yep, the new military leaders are getting pretty sensitive these days. We need Patton's, and Biden is turning the military into a pansy, Marxist Peace Corps. So far, I'm betting he decimates the military worse than even Carter managed.

Check out the new military recruitment commercial on the Tucker video. It is truly embarrassing.
I didnt argue that we arent seeing it. I just pointed out that you hadnt actually made the argument either.

The various red hat, Proud Boys, etc are the same brown shirts. Cant speak out against the GOP or Trump or you get shut down. Dont teach, televise, profess, cover, promote what the red hats want, and they turn to the same strategies your Marxists use.

You are even doing it in your post to me. You didnt even bother to understand what I actually said, you just attacked. Attempting to silence me before any flaw could be highlighted in your stance in an effort to shut down free speech.

Everyone must comply with your views or they are evil, sound familiar?

Your response will be telling. One of the identifying traits of marxism is to avoid self awareness and just to attack.

I watched in 2015 as campuses, most publicly the UC system, violently shut down conservative speakers while labeling them Nazis, and abusing people wearing red hats or patriotic symbols, and they went unpunished and unchecked. I warned then the red hats would start showing up with baseball bats of their own; after months of that shite, that's what happened. I don't recall groups of conservatives showing up at Democrat-sponsored events to do the same, do you?

I also see no corollary to the year of leftist violence we've witnessed, the outright sanctioning and encouraging of it by Dem politicians at state and federal levels, blanket media collusion in outright hiding by omission that violence. Contrast the outright covering for and advocacy of that continued violence by the left - politicians and media alike - with the blanket condemnation of the capitol breach by a smattering of Republican/right-wing protesters. There's no -tit-tat analogy there.

I invite everyone I engage to rebut my argument, period. In closing, I plainly invited you to express your disagreement rather than another Beetlejuice comment, did I not? Don't lead with a slight and you won't mistake mine as trying to shut you up.

I've had 60 years and the good fortune to study things that interest me. The right overuses "commie/socialist" and the left overuses "racist/Nazi,etc"; I don't throw around the term Marxist unless there are pervasive indicators of an actual Marxist movement. Likewise, people that openly claim to be Marxists, I take at their word.

There has never been a more evil doctrine than Marxism and whether people who advocate the position do so ignorantly or knowingly, they can stop carrying the bucket if they don't the paint on them.

Even during the '60s-70s, there wasn't broad-based excuse-making for or condoning the violence by either party, only the fringe indulged. Mostly, everyone understood that allowing or ignoring violence ensured greater violence. The classic internationalist Marxism based upon class struggle was unable to get serious toehold in the U.S. (or Europe), the place where the world voted with their feet to attempt to enter. The fallout from the socialist horrors of WWII and post era, dramatically improved standards of living in the West, and Civil Rights and Voting acts further blunted the class struggle message here and abroad. The Keynesisans had to take a back seat.

The Marxists adapted. Just as the fascist model of socialism evolved to a nationalist (not internationalist) movement, and in the case of Germany, also a racialist, ethnic model (not mirrored in Italy), the internationalists adopted new strategies for the West based upon race and equity. Casually, it is a term many mistake or accept as synonymous with equality, but are very different things. Equity, the basis of the alleged race struggle, requires destruction of capitalism and the constitutional republic; we know this because they tell us this. Again, I take Marxists at their word. It was evident early on with BLM that the concern wasn't simply blacks killed by police (actually in less proportion than their involvement in violent crime would indicate), but establishing a narrative that white people were inherently racist and kept the "people of color" under their thumb via systemic white supremacism, none the more evident that in the very constitution itself.

In the 1990s this was embodied as Critical Race Theory, though it found roots in socialist theorists decades earlier. It's a vile doctrine that makes assumptions about people based entirely upon race and should be easily discounted from both sides: from whites - offensively portrayed as privileged by their very race and willingly or ignorantly striving to preserve the 'systemic' suppression, to blacks (and other POC) offensively portrayed as too damned dumb to know just how repressed they are. The 1619 Project is simply an ahistorical hoax and extension of the lie. Yet, CRT (and now the 1619) has been increasingly pushed into every level of the education system which Marxists have long known is the golden egg; program the young minds and you will intellectually outbreed the constitutional Republic mind. Push it into every crevice of government, military, and public life via progressive policy and media. By carrot or stick, leverage the policy into the corporate world. No term is too vile with which to slander opponents and justify the end. This is what every socialist/fascist/authoritarian regime has done.

There's no precedent in my 60 years for the broad acceptance by a political party, of outright Marxist politicians and doctrine, that violence is permitted and we should parrot anti-liberty memes because you're pigmented. This transcends politics as usual, and is a different animal. If I were a modern Marxist, I couldn't possibly be happier with the state of affairs in the U.S. and would roil with laughter that our FBI and military leadership is looking under beds for white supremacists.
What's crazy is it's Talib, Omar, Cortez and the like that migrated to the US that can't wait to destroy it and the dem's are walking them to the finish line led by crazy Bernie.

We've several generations matriculated by anti-Western and especially anti-American 'educators'. Hell, Marx and every subsequent protege has told us "here's how you defeat the West". FFS, we just didn't want to hear it.
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I watched in 2015 as campuses, most publicly the UC system, violently shut down conservative speakers while labeling them Nazis, and abusing people wearing red hats or patriotic symbols, and they went unpunished and unchecked. I warned then the red hats would start showing up with baseball bats of their own; after months of that shite, that's what happened. I don't recall groups of conservatives showing up at Democrat-sponsored events to do the same, do you?

I also see no corollary to the year of leftist violence we've witnessed, the outright sanctioning and encouraging of it by Dem politicians at state and federal levels, blanket media collusion in outright hiding by omission that violence. Contrast the outright covering for and advocacy of that continued violence by the left - politicians and media alike - with the blanket condemnation of the capitol breach by a smattering of Republican/right-wing protesters. There's no -tit-tat analogy there.

I invite everyone I engage to rebut my argument, period. In closing, I plainly invited you to express your disagreement rather than another Beetlejuice comment, did I not? Don't lead with a slight and you won't mistake mine as trying to shut you up.

I've had 60 years and the good fortune to study things that interest me. The right overuses "commie/socialist" and the left overuses "racist/Nazi,etc"; I don't throw around the term Marxist unless there are pervasive indicators of an actual Marxist movement. Likewise, people that openly claim to be Marxists, I take at their word.

There has never been a more evil doctrine than Marxism and whether people who advocate the position do so ignorantly or knowingly, they can stop carrying the bucket if they don't the paint on them.

Even during the '60s-70s, there wasn't broad-based excuse-making for or condoning the violence by either party, only the fringe indulged. Mostly, everyone understood that allowing or ignoring violence ensured greater violence. The classic internationalist Marxism based upon class struggle was unable to get serious toehold in the U.S. (or Europe), the place where the world voted with their feet to attempt to enter. The fallout from the socialist horrors of WWII and post era, dramatically improved standards of living in the West, and Civil Rights and Voting acts further blunted the class struggle message here and abroad. The Keynesisans had to take a back seat.

The Marxists adapted. Just as the fascist model of socialism evolved to a nationalist (not internationalist) movement, and in the case of Germany, also a racialist, ethnic model (not mirrored in Italy), the internationalists adopted new strategies for the West based upon race and equity. Casually, it is a term many mistake or accept as synonymous with equality, but are very different things. Equity, the basis of the alleged race struggle, requires destruction of capitalism and the constitutional republic; we know this because they tell us this. Again, I take Marxists at their word. It was evident early on with BLM that the concern wasn't simply blacks killed by police (actually in less proportion than their involvement in violent crime would indicate), but establishing a narrative that white people were inherently racist and kept the "people of color" under their thumb via systemic white supremacism, none the more evident that in the very constitution itself.

In the 1990s this was embodied as Critical Race Theory, though it found roots in socialist theorists decades earlier. It's a vile doctrine that makes assumptions about people based entirely upon race and should be easily discounted from both sides: from whites - offensively portrayed as privileged by their very race and willingly or ignorantly striving to preserve the 'systemic' suppression, to blacks (and other POC) offensively portrayed as too damned dumb to know just how repressed they are. The 1619 Project is simply an ahistorical hoax and extension of the lie. Yet, CRT (and now the 1619) has been increasingly pushed into every level of the education system which Marxists have long known is the golden egg; program the young minds and you will intellectually outbreed the constitutional Republic mind. Push it into every crevice of government, military, and public life via progressive policy and media. By carrot or stick, leverage the policy into the corporate world. No term is too vile with which to slander opponents and justify the end. This is what every socialist/fascist/authoritarian regime has done.

There's no precedent in my 60 years for the broad acceptance by a political party, of outright Marxist politicians and doctrine, that violence is permitted and we should parrot anti-liberty memes because you're pigmented. This transcends politics as usual, and is a different animal. If I were a modern Marxist, I couldn't possibly be happier with the state of affairs in the U.S. and would roil with laughter that our FBI and military leadership is looking under beds for white supremacists.

Marxism never works in a successful society. It takes root in broken societies (China and Russia) and sometimes in countries revolting against colonizers or dictators (Viet Nam and Cuba), but it should never have a chance in this country. The democratic party, however, is working hard to give them what they need here - victims "legitimacy", and a platform. Dems have spread the victim status particularly to minorities for years as a divisive strategy to gain power, and it plays right into leftist hands.
Marxism never works in a successful society. It takes root in broken societies (China and Russia) and sometimes in countries revolting against colonizers or dictators (Viet Nam and Cuba), but it should never have a chance in this country. The democratic party, however, is working hard to give them what they need here - victims "legitimacy", and a platform. Dems have spread the victim status particularly to minorities for years as a divisive strategy to gain power, and it plays right into leftist hands.

Which deters them not a bit. And then, it doesn't work in broken countries either. China was an extremely poverty-stricken country into the 1990s when Western capital flooded and lifted the country, and not due to Mao's leaping about.

That Marxism actually has a chance here and Europe, speaks to the left's grip on education, and the dismal failure of conservatives to recognize the eradication of healthy, nationalist norms or simply being too weak and incompetent to defend them.

I'll wait for someone to tweak over the nationalist comment.
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Which deters them not a bit. And then, it doesn't work in broken countries either. China was an extremely poverty-stricken country into the 1990s when Western capital flooded and lifted the country, and not due to Mao's leaping about.

That Marxism actually has a chance here and Europe, speaks to the left's grip on education, and the dismal failure of conservatives to recognize the eradication of healthy, nationalist norms or simply being too weak and incompetent to defend them.

I'll wait for someone to tweak over the nationalist comment.

I actually worded that wrong. Marxism doesn't work anywhere long term, but it can start in broken countries. Our need is to accept and be proud of what we've accomplished, and smack the guilty feelings out of the fools who can't be happy with it. You are very much right; the danger of Marxism here is those who preach it in schools and those who lap up those teachings.
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He is an idiot. Lots of free countries are not the most powerful country in the world and remain rich and powerful. Look at Europe. He is just fear mongering.

Oh, FFS! man; that's your takeaway from substantial commentary on the military's readiness and national security, and he's the idiot!??
Oh, FFS! man; that's your takeaway from substantial commentary on the military's readiness and national security, and he's the idiot!??

His commentary begins with a bullsh!t premise. He then wastes 13 minutes I'll never get back with a commentary that is designed to pander to the lowest common denominator. So, yes that is my take away. The whole thing was nothing more than inflammatory garbage that you love to eat up and cite as gospel.
Space Force spending = $15 billion annually. Talk about government waste

You tell 'em, sis!
Who cares if our satellites which our defense systems and communication depend on, are blown out of the sky? Or if transpace lasers, EMPs can nullify our strike capability or disable the power grid?

And whose worried that the Pentagon doesn't know what the UFOs are or their capability, that've been appearing daily on the VA coast, practically buzzing the nation's capitol for a couple years?

Hells bells, somewhere there's a white supremacist in one of the branches, and he may be wearing a dress and makeup. We must find him her, honor her, then put her him into the DC gualg with the other insurrectionists!
You tell 'em, sis!
Who cares if our satellites which our defense systems and communication depend on, are blown out of the sky? Or if transpace lasers, EMPs can nullify our strike capability or disable the power grid?

And whose worried that the Pentagon doesn't know what the UFOs are or their capability, that've been appearing daily on the VA coast, practically buzzing the nation's capitol for a couple years?

Hells bells, somewhere there's a white supremacist in one of the branches, and he may be wearing a dress and makeup. We must find him her, honor her, then put her him into the DC gualg with the other insurrectionists!

Yeah, that would really suck if Martians hit our satellites. Better spend $15 billion every year just in case the non-existent aliens ever start a war. I feel so safe
His commentary begins with a bullsh!t premise. He then wastes 13 minutes I'll never get back with a commentary that is designed to pander to the lowest common denominator. So, yes that is my take away. The whole thing was nothing more than inflammatory garbage that you love to eat up and cite as gospel.

Calling it commentary is "citing as gospel"?

First of all is your premise "there are many rich powerful countries that are free..." - no, there aren't. You can encapsulate the entirety of the European West's military capability in a bag and it's still a combined 42-43% of U.S. spending for 2021. And they actually can see Russia from their back yard.

DefSec Austin is publicly concerned with "existential" threats, such as white supremacists in the ranks, climate change, and diversity. In the best of times with a barely industrialized and illiterate Russia and China, no NK and Iran racing to nuclear capability - even then, why would the military devolve and divert a fighting capability focus to leftist chimeras?

But that isn't the case, and in fact we have a militarily ascendant China, a Russia growing fat on European energy sales, and the worst of authoritarian countries on an inevitable path to nukes. If the UFOs are not a Pentagon project and they actually don't know what they are, their capabilities and can't stop them, why is that not an existential threat or of primary importance?

This is why Democrats cannot be entrusted with national security at our border and beyond. Had you not commented, I wouldn't have bothered watching the segment, but figured Carlson with either WAY off base or dead-on, dead-on being the winning ticket. You appear to have a reflexive aversion simply because it's Carlson.
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Yeah, that would really suck if Martians hit our satellites. Better spend $15 billion every year just in case the non-existent aliens ever start a war. I feel so safe

It has nothing to do with Martians or aliens, as I pointed out in two posts to you. Why do you loiter in forums you are intellectually unequipped for?
Not ok with any of it. No ok with funding peoples education because they are too dumb to save for it. No ok with funding peoples retirements because they are too dumb to save for it.

I actually work at a good company that values me. I know if we didnt get taxed on your retirement bs I would get their half of withholdings for SS too. Sorry you never established yourself enough for the company to be willing to invest in you.

Doesnt make any of it ok. And reinforces what I said earlier. The argument isnt socialism or no. It's just what that socialism funds.

While confiscatory taxation and social spending are components of socialism, they alone do not comprise socialism.

OTOH, confiscation of income and social spending cannot rise indefinitely without the state assuming de facto control of the economy and becoming the fascist variant of socialism. It's a question of when do you call a commie, a commie; while sliding on the greased skids or wait until you hit the red wall?

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