Space Force Commander firing is alarming...

It's true, marxism is being brought into our military, they're purging any enlisted patriots under the guise of right wing extremism. We will see our military turn on Americans one day
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You didnt actually discuss anything Marxist. You just said "Marxist" three times like you were trying to summon Beetlejuice instead of making an argument.

Do you need Marx, Lenin, Mao, or the fascist offshoots Hitler and Mussolini standing before you to recognize the tactics and actions of growing authoritarianism? If you do, you'll find a discussion of using BLM as the forward guard brown/blackshirts to inflict violence and advocacy to eliminate police, prisons, and take down an entire country "based on systemic racism" - equally baffling. They've been shouting down and eliminating free speech on campuses for decades which is why groups such as FIRE! exist. Co-opting and coercement of corporations to knuckle-under and echo their politics, and having media do their bidding with various forms of censorship and partisan characterization of events and people. The labeling of Trump, the GOP, Repub voters as Nazis and white supremacists, and racists. Still puzzled? Of course you are.

I don't Stalin putting a physical boot on my neck to see dangerous abuses and assumption of power in the unelected bureaucratic state, to understand the election of Trump elicited a protective reaction by them, and brought the hard left out in droves. I don't need to be in the shoes of those arrested for the capitol breach to understand this leftist government has them interred in as close to gulag conditions as a country with a constitution can. And for less than the useful thugs whose violence against "racist system" for a year now, more closely approximates an insurrection.

This isn't politics as usual, and I didn't need to wait on 120 military officers to alert us of an existential threat of Marxism/fascism. It is a leftist agenda to overwhelm the institutions and systems of this country, wipe it clean and then write what you want on the blank slate; Cloward-Piven school of thought; Marxists. Progressivism has always been a kissing cousin to Marxism, which is why leaders from Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler on down had admired Roosevelt. When Joe said he intended to be the most progressive president ever, even Democrats of good faith who aren't leftists should have taken heed. When Democrats waged several hundred lawsuits to usurp the federal constitution, state laws and constitutions, they should have loved their liberty more than their party.

Hell, you can't even use biological pronouns on the floor of the House and can literally have your livelihood erased and your life threatened because you don't surrender logic and just admit that men can also menstruate and bear children.

They aren't snowflakes, liberals, stupid, or Critical Race wokesters; they're dangerous people who patiently waited while coalescing, taken over the education of your children, attained unprecedented representation in today's culture. And they're in the drivers seat of government. Before dismissal, consider in 2019 64% of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism, only 45 a favorable view of capitalism (Cato Institute survey). Their 2018 found nearly identical measures of Dem socialism approval at 57% in 2018. The 2020 Hill-HarrisX poll finds 56% of Dems approve of socialism. Clearly a majority of Democrats view socialism favorably.

We can acknowledge most people are ignorant of what socialism would actually look like; the left has been particularly savvy rebranding it as Democratic Socialism which is the same old socialism. It can be said "they're not actually socialists then"; I don't give a shite so long as their passive cud-chewing enables the dedicated Marxists. This isn't occurring in a vacuum and is no coincidence. These are smart, anti-American, anti-Western people seizing the opportunity of creating the illusion in which Trump is illegitimate, then using a pandemic to drive economic hardship and damn near dictating our lives with the precision of Muslim fundies dictating which foot we must step out of bed with.

Before another goofy comment you thought witty, you might argue your point that we are not seeing an unprecedented Marxist movement. Thank you.
Do you need Marx, Lenin, Mao, or the fascist offshoots Hitler and Mussolini standing before you to recognize the tactics and actions of growing authoritarianism? If you do, you'll find a discussion of using BLM as the forward guard brown/blackshirts to inflict violence and advocacy to eliminate police, prisons, and take down an entire country "based on systemic racism" - equally baffling. They've been shouting down and eliminating free speech on campuses for decades which is why groups such as FIRE! exist. Co-opting and coercement of corporations to knuckle-under and echo their politics, and having media do their bidding with various forms of censorship and partisan characterization of events and people. The labeling of Trump, the GOP, Repub voters as Nazis and white supremacists, and racists. Still puzzled? Of course you are.

I don't Stalin putting a physical boot on my neck to see dangerous abuses and assumption of power in the unelected bureaucratic state, to understand the election of Trump elicited a protective reaction by them, and brought the hard left out in droves. I don't need to be in the shoes of those arrested for the capitol breach to understand this leftist government has them interred in as close to gulag conditions as a country with a constitution can. And for less than the useful thugs whose violence against "racist system" for a year now, more closely approximates an insurrection.

This isn't politics as usual, and I didn't need to wait on 120 military officers to alert us of an existential threat of Marxism/fascism. It is a leftist agenda to overwhelm the institutions and systems of this country, wipe it clean and then write what you want on the blank slate; Cloward-Piven school of thought; Marxists. Progressivism has always been a kissing cousin to Marxism, which is why leaders from Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler on down had admired Roosevelt. When Joe said he intended to be the most progressive president ever, even Democrats of good faith who aren't leftists should have taken heed. When Democrats waged several hundred lawsuits to usurp the federal constitution, state laws and constitutions, they should have loved their liberty more than their party.

Hell, you can't even use biological pronouns on the floor of the House and can literally have your livelihood erased and your life threatened because you don't surrender logic and just admit that men can also menstruate and bear children.

They aren't snowflakes, liberals, stupid, or Critical Race wokesters; they're dangerous people who patiently waited while coalescing, taken over the education of your children, attained unprecedented representation in today's culture. And they're in the drivers seat of government. Before dismissal, consider in 2019 64% of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism, only 45 a favorable view of capitalism (Cato Institute survey). Their 2018 found nearly identical measures of Dem socialism approval at 57% in 2018. The 2020 Hill-HarrisX poll finds 56% of Dems approve of socialism. Clearly a majority of Democrats view socialism favorably.

We can acknowledge most people are ignorant of what socialism would actually look like; the left has been particularly savvy rebranding it as Democratic Socialism which is the same old socialism. It can be said "they're not actually socialists then"; I don't give a shite so long as their passive cud-chewing enables the dedicated Marxists. This isn't occurring in a vacuum and is no coincidence. These are smart, anti-American, anti-Western people seizing the opportunity of creating the illusion in which Trump is illegitimate, then using a pandemic to drive economic hardship and damn near dictating our lives with the precision of Muslim fundies dictating which foot we must step out of bed with.

Before another goofy comment you thought witty, you might argue your point that we are not seeing an unprecedented Marxist movement. Thank you.
I didnt argue that we arent seeing it. I just pointed out that you hadnt actually made the argument either.

The various red hat, Proud Boys, etc are the same brown shirts. Cant speak out against the GOP or Trump or you get shut down. Dont teach, televise, profess, cover, promote what the red hats want, and they turn to the same strategies your Marxists use.

You are even doing it in your post to me. You didnt even bother to understand what I actually said, you just attacked. Attempting to silence me before any flaw could be highlighted in your stance in an effort to shut down free speech.

Everyone must comply with your views or they are evil, sound familiar?

Your response will be telling. One of the identifying traits of marxism is to avoid self awareness and just to attack.
Her "crime" was not being on the same page as the majority of the base. Cheney goes along with the radical left's unconstitutional impeachment, buys into the Russian bounty hoax, and is focused on being an anti-Trump party leader and savior of the GOP. She's as TDS'ed as the left.

They work for the GOP base and the base will tell the Cheney RINO-coalition whose party it is.
It's all about not kowtowing to Trump.
Do you need Marx, Lenin, Mao, or the fascist offshoots Hitler and Mussolini standing before you to recognize the tactics and actions of growing authoritarianism? If you do, you'll find a discussion of using BLM as the forward guard brown/blackshirts to inflict violence and advocacy to eliminate police, prisons, and take down an entire country "based on systemic racism" - equally baffling. They've been shouting down and eliminating free speech on campuses for decades which is why groups such as FIRE! exist. Co-opting and coercement of corporations to knuckle-under and echo their politics, and having media do their bidding with various forms of censorship and partisan characterization of events and people. The labeling of Trump, the GOP, Repub voters as Nazis and white supremacists, and racists. Still puzzled? Of course you are.

I don't Stalin putting a physical boot on my neck to see dangerous abuses and assumption of power in the unelected bureaucratic state, to understand the election of Trump elicited a protective reaction by them, and brought the hard left out in droves. I don't need to be in the shoes of those arrested for the capitol breach to understand this leftist government has them interred in as close to gulag conditions as a country with a constitution can. And for less than the useful thugs whose violence against "racist system" for a year now, more closely approximates an insurrection.

This isn't politics as usual, and I didn't need to wait on 120 military officers to alert us of an existential threat of Marxism/fascism. It is a leftist agenda to overwhelm the institutions and systems of this country, wipe it clean and then write what you want on the blank slate; Cloward-Piven school of thought; Marxists. Progressivism has always been a kissing cousin to Marxism, which is why leaders from Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler on down had admired Roosevelt. When Joe said he intended to be the most progressive president ever, even Democrats of good faith who aren't leftists should have taken heed. When Democrats waged several hundred lawsuits to usurp the federal constitution, state laws and constitutions, they should have loved their liberty more than their party.

Hell, you can't even use biological pronouns on the floor of the House and can literally have your livelihood erased and your life threatened because you don't surrender logic and just admit that men can also menstruate and bear children.

They aren't snowflakes, liberals, stupid, or Critical Race wokesters; they're dangerous people who patiently waited while coalescing, taken over the education of your children, attained unprecedented representation in today's culture. And they're in the drivers seat of government. Before dismissal, consider in 2019 64% of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism, only 45 a favorable view of capitalism (Cato Institute survey). Their 2018 found nearly identical measures of Dem socialism approval at 57% in 2018. The 2020 Hill-HarrisX poll finds 56% of Dems approve of socialism. Clearly a majority of Democrats view socialism favorably.

We can acknowledge most people are ignorant of what socialism would actually look like; the left has been particularly savvy rebranding it as Democratic Socialism which is the same old socialism. It can be said "they're not actually socialists then"; I don't give a shite so long as their passive cud-chewing enables the dedicated Marxists. This isn't occurring in a vacuum and is no coincidence. These are smart, anti-American, anti-Western people seizing the opportunity of creating the illusion in which Trump is illegitimate, then using a pandemic to drive economic hardship and damn near dictating our lives with the precision of Muslim fundies dictating which foot we must step out of bed with.

Before another goofy comment you thought witty, you might argue your point that we are not seeing an unprecedented Marxist movement. Thank you.

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say, but whatever it is, you're saying a lot of it.
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Oh, I'm not a professor. I'm just not a ****ing smoothbrained nutter.

All you've described is media driven partisan hackery. Both sides do it. That's not Marxism in the form of governing. It's not even cultural Marxism.

Don't be modest, sure you are.

The entire BLM/Critical Race movement is Marxist; do you live in a vacuum? Open socialists - Sanders, Talihb, OCortez, Bush, Bowman, for example - are quite happy with Biden's attack on energy and fealty to a New Green Deal, Dems united front on dismantling the constitutional purpose of SCOTUS, the constitutionally delegated electoral power of state legislatures and DC set aside as the seat of federal power, the filibuster (a Jim Crow relic, but then everything is, eh?), Democrats attack on speech, declaring the nation systemically racist, literally creating a border crisis and flooding the country. A $6T spending plan, for now. Now, monthly checks of $250-300/child for 88% of child-holding households

Pollsters cannot generate a survey that doesn't find a majority of Democrats viewing socialism favorably, or a majority viewing capitalism more favorably.

I can detail all day that we are seeing just an American variant of Marxism coming into public prominence. If you think it politics as usual, well, good for you.
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say, but whatever it is, you're saying a lot of it.

I could have said we're seeing a race-based class struggle ignited by Marxists as an agenda to take the country hard-left, silence opposition and destroy the country as a capitalist, constitutional republic, but some would say "that's not substantiation".

Can't win with some people...
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Don't be modest, sure you are.

The entire BLM/Critical Race movement is Marxist; do you live in a vacuum? Open socialists - Sanders, Talihb, OCortez, Bush, Bowman, for example - are quite happy with Biden's attack on energy and fealty to a New Green Deal, Dems united front on dismantling the constitutional purpose of SCOTUS, the constitutionally delegated electoral power of state legislatures and DC set aside as the seat of federal power, the filibuster (a Jim Crow relic, but then everything is, eh?), Democrats attack on speech, declaring the nation systemically racist, literally creating a border crisis and flooding the country. A $6T spending plan, for now. Now, monthly checks of $250-300/child for 88% of child-holding households

Pollsters cannot generate a survey that doesn't find a majority of Democrats viewing socialism favorably, or a majority viewing capitalism more favorably.

I can detail all day that we are seeing just an American variant of Marxism coming into public prominence. If you think it politics as usual, well, good for you.
Politics as usual since the New Deal.

The only debate at this point is what should the socialism fund first/most.
Only if you have a 2nd grader's understanding of Marxism.

Lefties cry racism, righties cry Marxism.
So about 40 percent of the country. Well, slightly higher when you consider the few democratic voters who are anything resembling marxists.
Politics as usual since the New Deal.

The only debate at this point is what should the socialism fund first/most.
It should fund Social Security and Medicare first. You kids get to work your way out of poverty just like us old guys did.
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It should fund Social Security and Medicare first. You kids get to work your way out of poverty just like us old guys did.
Could do that a lot easier if I wasnt losing 15% of my income to those two programs. Especially considering I wont see much, if any, return.
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Every time I see this thread I think of David Bowie and Major Tom. I think it's just the words "Space Force".
Could do that a lot easier if I wasnt losing 15% of my income to those two programs. Especially considering I wont see much, if any, return.
Standard liberal poon childish response "I wont see much, if any, return". So why won't you, and why are you paying 15% in SS and Medicare taxes, are you self employed? I thought you just became an architect? Your generation seems to think it's okay to cancel student loan debt and spend money with reckless abandon on social programs, why not take care of the elderly too?
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Standard liberal poon childish response "I wont see much, if any, return". So why won't you, and why are you paying 15% in SS and Medicare taxes, are you self employed? I thought you just became an architect? Your generation seems to think it's okay to cancel student loan debt and spend money with reckless abandon on social programs, why not take care of the elderly too?

Hey @LouderVol

You're a liberal poon, haha! This sundowning sack of liverspots says so.
Do you need Marx, Lenin, Mao, or the fascist offshoots Hitler and Mussolini standing before you to recognize the tactics and actions of growing authoritarianism? If you do, you'll find a discussion of using BLM as the forward guard brown/blackshirts to inflict violence and advocacy to eliminate police, prisons, and take down an entire country "based on systemic racism" - equally baffling. They've been shouting down and eliminating free speech on campuses for decades which is why groups such as FIRE! exist. Co-opting and coercement of corporations to knuckle-under and echo their politics, and having media do their bidding with various forms of censorship and partisan characterization of events and people. The labeling of Trump, the GOP, Repub voters as Nazis and white supremacists, and racists. Still puzzled? Of course you are.

I don't Stalin putting a physical boot on my neck to see dangerous abuses and assumption of power in the unelected bureaucratic state, to understand the election of Trump elicited a protective reaction by them, and brought the hard left out in droves. I don't need to be in the shoes of those arrested for the capitol breach to understand this leftist government has them interred in as close to gulag conditions as a country with a constitution can. And for less than the useful thugs whose violence against "racist system" for a year now, more closely approximates an insurrection.

This isn't politics as usual, and I didn't need to wait on 120 military officers to alert us of an existential threat of Marxism/fascism. It is a leftist agenda to overwhelm the institutions and systems of this country, wipe it clean and then write what you want on the blank slate; Cloward-Piven school of thought; Marxists. Progressivism has always been a kissing cousin to Marxism, which is why leaders from Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler on down had admired Roosevelt. When Joe said he intended to be the most progressive president ever, even Democrats of good faith who aren't leftists should have taken heed. When Democrats waged several hundred lawsuits to usurp the federal constitution, state laws and constitutions, they should have loved their liberty more than their party.

Hell, you can't even use biological pronouns on the floor of the House and can literally have your livelihood erased and your life threatened because you don't surrender logic and just admit that men can also menstruate and bear children.

They aren't snowflakes, liberals, stupid, or Critical Race wokesters; they're dangerous people who patiently waited while coalescing, taken over the education of your children, attained unprecedented representation in today's culture. And they're in the drivers seat of government. Before dismissal, consider in 2019 64% of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism, only 45 a favorable view of capitalism (Cato Institute survey). Their 2018 found nearly identical measures of Dem socialism approval at 57% in 2018. The 2020 Hill-HarrisX poll finds 56% of Dems approve of socialism. Clearly a majority of Democrats view socialism favorably.

We can acknowledge most people are ignorant of what socialism would actually look like; the left has been particularly savvy rebranding it as Democratic Socialism which is the same old socialism. It can be said "they're not actually socialists then"; I don't give a shite so long as their passive cud-chewing enables the dedicated Marxists. This isn't occurring in a vacuum and is no coincidence. These are smart, anti-American, anti-Western people seizing the opportunity of creating the illusion in which Trump is illegitimate, then using a pandemic to drive economic hardship and damn near dictating our lives with the precision of Muslim fundies dictating which foot we must step out of bed with.

Before another goofy comment you thought witty, you might argue your point that we are not seeing an unprecedented Marxist movement. Thank you.

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Don't be modest, sure you are.

The entire BLM/Critical Race movement is Marxist; do you live in a vacuum? Open socialists - Sanders, Talihb, OCortez, Bush, Bowman, for example - are quite happy with Biden's attack on energy and fealty to a New Green Deal, Dems united front on dismantling the constitutional purpose of SCOTUS, the constitutionally delegated electoral power of state legislatures and DC set aside as the seat of federal power, the filibuster (a Jim Crow relic, but then everything is, eh?), Democrats attack on speech, declaring the nation systemically racist, literally creating a border crisis and flooding the country. A $6T spending plan, for now. Now, monthly checks of $250-300/child for 88% of child-holding households

Pollsters cannot generate a survey that doesn't find a majority of Democrats viewing socialism favorably, or a majority viewing capitalism more favorably.

I can detail all day that we are seeing just an American variant of Marxism coming into public prominence. If you think it politics as usual, well, good for you.

What's crazy is it's Talib, Omar, Cortez and the like that migrated to the US that can't wait to destroy it and the dem's are walking them to the finish line led by crazy Bernie.
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Standard liberal poon childish response "I wont see much, if any, return". So why won't you, and why are you paying 15% in SS and Medicare taxes, are you self employed? I thought you just became an architect? Your generation seems to think it's okay to cancel student loan debt and spend money with reckless abandon on social programs, why not take care of the elderly too?
Not ok with any of it. No ok with funding peoples education because they are too dumb to save for it. No ok with funding peoples retirements because they are too dumb to save for it.

I actually work at a good company that values me. I know if we didnt get taxed on your retirement bs I would get their half of withholdings for SS too. Sorry you never established yourself enough for the company to be willing to invest in you.

Doesnt make any of it ok. And reinforces what I said earlier. The argument isnt socialism or no. It's just what that socialism funds.
This really isn't a courts martial level offense. Plus, enough bad OPRs would cause them to oust him earlier than 20.

Regardless, nothing he said was particularly wrong nor disrespectful. His comments towards the SecDef's policies could toe the line, but even that's debatable. Regardless, welcome to yet the latest purge of our military.

Actually what he did was a violation of DOD and I'm guessing Dept. of the Air Force regs. As I'm sure you realize, you do lose certain Constitutional rights when you sign up to serve. One of those is to engage in political speech.
Do you need Marx, Lenin, Mao, or the fascist offshoots Hitler and Mussolini standing before you to recognize the tactics and actions of growing authoritarianism? If you do, you'll find a discussion of using BLM as the forward guard brown/blackshirts to inflict violence and advocacy to eliminate police, prisons, and take down an entire country "based on systemic racism" - equally baffling. They've been shouting down and eliminating free speech on campuses for decades which is why groups such as FIRE! exist. Co-opting and coercement of corporations to knuckle-under and echo their politics, and having media do their bidding with various forms of censorship and partisan characterization of events and people. The labeling of Trump, the GOP, Repub voters as Nazis and white supremacists, and racists. Still puzzled? Of course you are.

I don't Stalin putting a physical boot on my neck to see dangerous abuses and assumption of power in the unelected bureaucratic state, to understand the election of Trump elicited a protective reaction by them, and brought the hard left out in droves. I don't need to be in the shoes of those arrested for the capitol breach to understand this leftist government has them interred in as close to gulag conditions as a country with a constitution can. And for less than the useful thugs whose violence against "racist system" for a year now, more closely approximates an insurrection.

This isn't politics as usual, and I didn't need to wait on 120 military officers to alert us of an existential threat of Marxism/fascism. It is a leftist agenda to overwhelm the institutions and systems of this country, wipe it clean and then write what you want on the blank slate; Cloward-Piven school of thought; Marxists. Progressivism has always been a kissing cousin to Marxism, which is why leaders from Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler on down had admired Roosevelt. When Joe said he intended to be the most progressive president ever, even Democrats of good faith who aren't leftists should have taken heed. When Democrats waged several hundred lawsuits to usurp the federal constitution, state laws and constitutions, they should have loved their liberty more than their party.

Hell, you can't even use biological pronouns on the floor of the House and can literally have your livelihood erased and your life threatened because you don't surrender logic and just admit that men can also menstruate and bear children.

They aren't snowflakes, liberals, stupid, or Critical Race wokesters; they're dangerous people who patiently waited while coalescing, taken over the education of your children, attained unprecedented representation in today's culture. And they're in the drivers seat of government. Before dismissal, consider in 2019 64% of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism, only 45 a favorable view of capitalism (Cato Institute survey). Their 2018 found nearly identical measures of Dem socialism approval at 57% in 2018. The 2020 Hill-HarrisX poll finds 56% of Dems approve of socialism. Clearly a majority of Democrats view socialism favorably.

We can acknowledge most people are ignorant of what socialism would actually look like; the left has been particularly savvy rebranding it as Democratic Socialism which is the same old socialism. It can be said "they're not actually socialists then"; I don't give a shite so long as their passive cud-chewing enables the dedicated Marxists. This isn't occurring in a vacuum and is no coincidence. These are smart, anti-American, anti-Western people seizing the opportunity of creating the illusion in which Trump is illegitimate, then using a pandemic to drive economic hardship and damn near dictating our lives with the precision of Muslim fundies dictating which foot we must step out of bed with.

Before another goofy comment you thought witty, you might argue your point that we are not seeing an unprecedented Marxist movement. Thank you.

Wow, your tin foil hat is getting a little tight.
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