side note: happy valentines day everyone. Make your ladies happy because Steak and BJ day is on March 14.
Happy Saint Valentine's Day to you too sweetie pie.
Muslim morality police ruined Valentines Day for dozens of lovers in Malaysia early Tuesday by rousting them from their love nests and chasing them out of public parks.
At least five couples all unmarried, all Muslim were dragged out of no-tell motel rooms in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, the BBC reported.
Dozens more lovers in the capital and in the city of Selangor were busted by the snoop squads in the bushes for violating khalwat, which is an Islamic law that forbids an unmarried Muslim from being alone with someone of the opposite sex.
If convicted, the shamed lovers face up to two years in prison.
Nearly two-thirds of Malaysias people are Muslim and the countrys Islamic authorities in 2005 issued a fatwa against Valentines Day.
In Uzbekistan, a police state run by strongman Islam Karimov, there were no hearts or chocolates of flowers for anybody.
Declaring it alien to our culture, kill-joy Karimovs minions cancelled Valentines Day altogether.
Instead, Karimov insisted that his countrymen celebrate the first Mogul emperor Babur, a national hero and a descendant of Genghis Khan who is famous for lopping off the heads of enemies and stacking them in columns.
You know what, none of those lovers in Malaysia ever had a choice in the matter, since they were unfortunate enough to have been born into a moslem family, they have no other choice except to remain a moslem under penalty of death, that is the sharia law that so many of you seem so willing to embrace and defend. :loco:
I've avoided this thread but just wanted to point out that we make accommodations for a host of ethnic and religious groups in this country. When was the last protest against Amish, Orthodox Jews, Crow Indians, Samoans, Christian Scientists, Hmongs, Scientologists, etc?
OK, say that Reagan or some other president spent a billion of our tax money to restore Christian Churches in Europe, or rebuild Churches that have been destroyed anywhere islam has grown to be dominant?
Would that not be front page news and would there not be and outcry from the ACLU, moslem groups and everyine else about this being a violation of specific laws?
What if we even attempted to restore the over 200 churches destroyed in Kosovo in the last fifteen years?
Some of those are over 700 years old, are they not heritage sites?
What about the (at least) six churches burned down in Egypt since the onset of the Arab (moslem) Spring?
What about the chruches destroyed in Ethiopia by moslems?
I can't believe some of you people.
What if we tore down some of the mosques that were built on the foundations of churches they destroyed and rebuilt churches there?