Spreading Islam the Obama way.

OK, say that Reagan or some other president spent a billion of our tax money to restore Christian Churches in Europe, or rebuild Churches that have been destroyed anywhere islam has grown to be dominant?

Would that not be front page news and would there not be and outcry from the ACLU, moslem groups and everyine else about this being a violation of specific laws?

What if we even attempted to restore the over 200 churches destroyed in Kosovo in the last fifteen years?

Some of those are over 700 years old, are they not heritage sites?

What about the (at least) six churches burned down in Egypt since the onset of the Arab (moslem) Spring?

What about the chruches destroyed in Ethiopia by moslems?

I can't believe some of you people.

What if we tore down some of the mosques that were built on the foundations of churches they destroyed and rebuilt churches there?

Obviously I was talking about inside our borders, but are you forgetting the atrocities committed by the Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo? Ethnic war is the most brutal and bonefide war crimes were committed on all sides, but since the Serbs had more power to start, theirs tended to have a larger effect.

Which churches should be rebuilt first, the Catholic (Croats and Albanians) or Russian Orthodox (Serbs)?

Should they stop trying to identify remains and turn their attention to building churches?
I think if you guys will back up a few posts, you will find that the issue that GS is trying to point out is the policy of rebuilding mosques and not rebuilding churches.
why do we need to rebuild churches that are not within our borders? If those people want to build them, I'm fine with helping.

That's fine with me also.

Do you have any problem with the Obama spending billions illegally building or rebuilding mosques on a worldwide basis?

ya. I just don't see why it's our business if people in egypt decide they don't want a catholic church and burn it down.

Actually they are Copt churches. I can assure you the Copts don't want their chruches burnt down.

Would you have any problem with the people of Dearborn, Michigan deciding they don't want churches and burning them down?

Obviously I was talking about inside our borders, but are you forgetting the atrocities committed by the Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo? Ethnic war is the most brutal and bonefide war crimes were committed on all sides, but since the Serbs had more power to start, theirs tended to have a larger effect.

Which churches should be rebuilt first, the Catholic (Croats and Albanians) or Russian Orthodox (Serbs)?

Should they stop trying to identify remains and turn their attention to building churches?

I'm not aware of any damage done to Croat Roman Catholic churches, have a link to any details?

I'm not aware of any Albanian Catholic churces at all, have a link?

As far as Serbian transgression in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, they did far far less than the mujahideen.

The Serbian army advanced to Srebrenica because the mujahideen were slaughtering Serbians by the thousands.

The claim that Serbian forces rounded up and killed over 8,000 moslems in Srebrenica is totally false, we have gone over this several times.

The fact of the mattter is that since we intervened over 200 Eastern Orthodox Churces have been destroyed in Kosovo.

That is one of the main final steps of islamic jihad, to erace any evidence that islam hasn't always ruled, this started in Arabia fifteen hundred years ago, advance through Iraq, Egypt, North Africa and Spain and now it has happened in Kosovo, the heartland of Serbia, where it is not now safe for a Serbian to set foot.


Actually I'm not asking the federal government to build or rebuild any church, I am outraged that they are building mosques though, particularly on such a grand scale.

I think if you guys will back up a few posts, you will find that the issue that GS is trying to point out is the policy of rebuilding mosques and not rebuilding churches.

Not only that, it is illegal to do so but the current ruling regime in Washington thumbs their nose at the law every way you turn.

Then too, there is the fact that the media says nothing but if the US government were building churches worldwide they would be screaming bloody murder.

my position is only about the money. Almost all money being spent outside the US by the feds is a waste of my dollars

Spreading islam the Obama way?

Obama Clever Budgeting? Decrease funding to Israel’s Defense, but Give $770 Million to Arab Spring countries? « Romanticpoet's Weblog

From the Washington Free Beacon: (link)
Obama Budget Decreases Missile Funding To Israel Missile System Critical To Protecting Against Iranian Threat

For the second straight year, President Obama is seeking to decrease funding to joint U.S.-Israel missile defense programs.

From Investor’s Business Times: (link)

February 13, 2012
President Barack Obama proposed a $770 million aid package Monday for Arab countries undergoing democratic revolutions.

The aid package would be on top of the $1.3 billion in annual military funding that the U.S. already sends Egypt, which remained unchanged in the budget proposal.

WHO is writing Foreign Policy for Obama? WHY are so many US dollars going to Palestinians? « Romanticpoet's Weblog

Weasel Zippers: (link)

Obama Seeks Waiver To Fund U.N. Agency Congress Defunded Over Recognition of “Palestine”…

This is apparently one of Obama’s top priorities.

(CNSNews.com) – The State Department budget request for fiscal year 2013 includes $4.1 billion for contributions to the United Nations and other international bodies. Among the intended recipients is the U.N’s cultural agency, which lost U.S. funding in FY2012 after it became the first U.N. agency to grant full membership to “Palestine.”

The budget request released Monday includes $79 million for the Paris-based U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

UNESCO’s funding was cut last November in line with U.S. legislation that denies funds to any U.N. body “which accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as member states.”


Is Obama Skirting our Congress again through this action? Now Obama ‘greening’ Hamas? One hundred million dollars for ‘environmentally, socially sustainable’ Palestinian buildings

February 13, 2012
By Aaron Klein (link)
JERUSALEM — Just one week after the Palestinian Authority entered into a unity government with Hamas, the U.S. announced the continuation of a $100 million, five year program to construct “environmentally and socially sustainable” buildings for the Palestinians.
Obviously I was talking about inside our borders, but are you forgetting the atrocities committed by the Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo? Ethnic war is the most brutal and bonefide war crimes were committed on all sides, but since the Serbs had more power to start, theirs tended to have a larger effect.

Which churches should be rebuilt first, the Catholic (Croats and Albanians) or Russian Orthodox (Serbs)?

Should they stop trying to identify remains and turn their attention to building churches?

US Kosovo policy

February 17 marks the fourth anniversary of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia. The UDI has been recognized since by the United States and its key NATO partners, as well as 80-odd other countries. The majority of the world’s sovereign states have refused to do so, however, including two permanent Security Council powers (Russia and China), two budding giants (Brasil and India), five European Union members (including Spain) – and Israel.

Israel’s Muslim population is now above 20 percent, roughly the same as Serbia’s if Kosovo is included. If Albanian Muslims can demand separation of their majority-inhabited areas from Serbia today, citing alleged past mistreatment, it is an even bet that Israel’s Arabs will invoke that same precedent tomorrow. (Needless to say, Washington’s claims that Kosovo is a one-off issue, a special case, completely sui generis, etc. are not taken seriously by any would-be irredentist or separatist movement.) The readiness of the US administration to circumvent the Security Council, knowing it would block Kosovo’s UDI on international legal grounds, seeks to devalue Russia’s and China’s veto power as such. In light of how many times anti-Israel UNSC Resolutions have been thwarted by a US veto, diminishing the power of the veto per se may prove detrimental to Israel in the future.

More significantly, as has been pointed out by many American policymakers, an overt motivation of US policy on Kosovo is to curry favor in the Islamic world. Such a notion betrays a remarkable naivete that is a form of appeasement. One only need look at American efforts to help create a Palestinian state, to bring “democracy” to Iraq or Afghanistan, or to provide aid to the mujihadin against the Soviet Union in the 1980s to see the value of jihadist gratitude. A complete victory in Kosovo would merely stimulate the demand for further concessions elsewhere, with Israel always the ultimate prize.

Last but not least, proponents of Kosovo independence scoff at the Serbs’ claim that Kosovo, with its many ancient monasteries and the site of the famous battle, represents not just any part of their country but its very heart and soul – “Serbia’s Jerusalem.” Such attitude betrays a cynical contempt for the essence of any true nation’s identity, which necessarily rests on its historical, moral and spiritual roots.

If Serbia can be haughtily deprived of her Jerusalem today, and her historical and spiritual claims are dismissed out of hand, who is to say “al- Quds” will not be demanded of Israel tomorrow as the capital of an independent “Palestine”? Let it be added that proponents of Kosovo’s independence overlook or flatly deny the fact that Kosovo’s top Albanian leaders were members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, an organization once regarded as a terrorist group.

Today’s Pristina is more reminiscent of Gaza or Ramallah – with Saudi-financed mosques, chaotically built concrete houses, and roadside rubbish heaps included – than of any European city of comparable size.

Al-Qaeda was so appreciative of our assistance in the region that two or three of those who fought as our allies there participated in the 9/11 attack.

WAPO reported the following 1/10/2012

A Kosovo-born man was charged with plotting to attack Tampa-area nightclubs and a sheriff’s office with bombs and an assault rifle to avenge wrongs done to Muslims, federal authorities said Monday.

According to a federal complaint, 25-year-old Sami Osmakac recorded an eight-minute video shortly before his arrest explaining why he wanted to bring terror to his “victims’ hearts” in the Tampa Bay area. Osmakac is a naturalized American citizen born in Kosovo, then part of the former Yugoslavia in eastern Europe.

In the video, Osmakac is seen cross-legged on the floor with a pistol in his hand and an AK-47 behind him. Osmakac said in the video that Muslim blood was more valuable than that of people who do not believe in Islam, according to the complaint. He said he wanted “payback” for wrong that was done to Muslims, according to the complaint.

..On Dec. 21, Osmakac met with the undercover agent and allegedly told the agent that he wanted to buy an AK-47-style machine gun, Uzi submachine guns, high capacity magazines, grenades and an explosive belt. During a later meeting, Osmakac gave the agent a $500 down payment for the items.

Ethnic war is bad, what war isn't brutal, but the worst war in the world is a religious war that one group has perpetuated on the rest of the world for nearly fifteen hundred years and it's about time we considered that and began to adress it in an intelligent manner.

Hint one: Appeasement is NOT the answer.

As for the lie (islamic taqqiya) of Srebrenica, (after all these years and exaustive research, the UN hasn't found the dead bodies nor has it produced even one witness,) consider the lie of Jenin. (2002)

The 'Jenin Massacre' hoax - Charles Krauthammer - Townhall Conservative Columnists

The European press published the most lurid allegations. To say nothing, of course, of al-Jazeera TV. All this for a phantom massacre. Yet this same Middle East conflict yields no shortage of real massacres: --April 27: Adora, Palestinian gunmen enter residential quarters shooting everyone, including a 5-year-old girl shot through the head in her bed; --April 12: Jerusalem, suicide bombing at a bus stop, 6 murdered; --April 10: Yagor, suicide bombing on a bus, 8 murdered; --March 31: Haifa, suicide bombing in a restaurant, 15 murdered; --March 28: Eilon Moreh, shooting attack, 4 murdered; --March 27: Netanya, suicide bombing at a Passover seder, 28 murdered. These are massacres--actual, recent massacres. Massacres for which the evidence is hard. Massacres for which the perpetrators (BEG ITAL)claimed credit. Where was the Security Council? Where was the Kofi Annan commission? Where was the world? The U.N.'s excuse will be that these murders were perpetrated not by states, but by groups. But this is nonsense. The Palestinian Authority is a recognized government. The links of its top leadership to these murders is precisely the kind of question that warrants investigation. Yet, the very idea that the U.N. would investigate Palestinian massacres is absurd.

Take Jenin. What was the real story? That hand-to-hand, door-to-door combat, in an intensely built-up shantytown, among dozens of houses booby-trapped by Palestinian fighters, should have yielded somewhere between seven and 21 scattered civilian casualties is nothing less than astonishing. It testifies to the extraordinary scrupulousness of the Israeli army, which lost 23 soldiers in the battle, precisely because it did not want to cause the civilian casualties that come with aerial bombardment, as has happened everywhere from Grozny to Kabul. And yet Israel was investigated precisely for defending itself against massacres that warrant no investigation.

Twenty-one months ago, Israel offered a total end to the occupation, ceding 100 percent of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank to the first Palestinian state ever. The Palestinians turned that down and took up the suicide bomb. By the Orwellian logic of today, the Palestinians are justified in perpetrating one massacre after another to end an occupation that Israel offered to remove almost two years ago. For the ``international community,'' as embodied by the United Nations, such inverted moral logic is the norm. This is what it must have been like living in the false consciousness of Soviet communism, where everyone had to publicly and constantly pretend to believe the official lies, all the while knowing they were lies. This is what it must have been like living in the 1930s, as the necessities of appeasement created a gradual inversion of right and wrong--the Czechs, for example, pilloried by official opinion in Britain and France for selfishly standing in the way of peace at Munich. Churchill's great gift to civilization was not just that he rallied good against evil, but that he pierced a suffocating fog of self-deception by speaking truth to lies.

BTW, I'm talking about inside our borders.

I'm talking about inside Washington DC.

And I'm talking about inside the residence at 1600 Pa Ave.
Look, I've got about 700 hours of field work to finish before I get my license in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. After that, we can talk.
Look, I've got about 700 hours of field work to finish before I get my license in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. After that, we can talk.

Good luck! Looking forward to that.

Colorado Student Quits High School Choir Over Islamic Song Praising 'Allah' | Fox News

The song is written in Urdu, but one verse translates to "There is no truth except Allah" and "Allah is the only eternal and immortal."

I think there would be a lot of outrage if we made a Muslim choir say Jesus Christ is the only truth."

786MAWJ, AR Rahman Zikr-e-Allahu
Obama wants US taxpayers to pay to help build an Islamic World Caliphate [Reader Post] | Flopping Aces

In a recent sermon, the General Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Badi', set out his vision for his movement and for Egypt in the post-revolutionary era. Citing Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Bana, he stated that the movement has two goals. The immediate goal is to prepare the hearts and minds of its members, which involves "purifying the soul, amending behavior, and preparing the spirit, the mind and the body for a long struggle." The second, long-term, goal is to affect "a total reform of all domains of life," which will eventually result in establishment of an Islamic state governed according to Koranic law – first in Egypt and eventually in the entire world.

Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Muhammad Badi': Our Ultimate Goal, Establishing a Global Islamic Caliphate, Can Only Be Achieved Gradually and Without Coercion

"Praise be to Allah, and Allah's prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his Companions.

"A sensible man must set a goal and a great purpose for himself to achieve, so that he may gain happiness in whatever he aspires to do, in this world or in the next or in both... What applies to an individual also applies to a group, and indeed to the nation as a whole. A group or a nation becomes enlightened and serious once it sets a goal and a great purpose [for itself] and strives to achieve it in the easiest, shortest and most direct manner.

"Our generous Prophet set us the greatest of examples by never wavering in his determination to achieve his goal, no matter how tough it got or how much his enemies conspired against him, and no matter how connivers tried to tempt him... He said 'I swear in the name of Allah that, [even] if they [promise to] place the sun on my right and the moon on my left if I give up Islam, I will not desist from it until Allah makes it triumphant or else I die defending it.'
I've been waiting now for about three years for any one of you Obama supporters to explain to me why Barry hid Christian symbols when speaking at Notre Dame and Georgetown Universities.

Anyone else have any theory on why Obama would not be photographed peaking in front of Christian icons?
I've been waiting now for about three years for any one of you Obama supporters to explain to me why Barry hid Christian symbols when speaking at Notre Dame and Georgetown Universities.

Anyone else have any theory on why Obama would not be photographed peaking in front of Christian icons?


huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh... peaking... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhh
Barak Hussein Obama

From Audacity of Hope:

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Barak Hussein Obama

From Audacity of Hope:

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Oh, you read his book?

Or do you like cherry picked statements?

snopes.com: Obama Racism Quotes

Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
GS, I think you should take a peek at a new show on Bravo: Shahs of Sunset

It provides a glimpse into the radical, western-hating ways of the moslem community in America.
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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow the trends and practices of Obama and his administration. The quote that I posted boils down his position pretty well.

Except for the parts where he has handed down decisions to assassinate numerous Al Qaeda leaders, and made it immeasurably easier for the military to detain potential Islamic terrorists at home and abroad, you're right.

The Obama strawman you and gs have built is so immense it could be used for the next five years at Burning Man.
Except for the parts where he has handed down decisions to assassinate numerous Al Qaeda leaders, and made it immeasurably easier for the military to detain potential Islamic terrorists at home and abroad, you're right.

The Obama strawman you and gs have built is so immense it could be used for the next five years at Burning Man.

it could literally be placed in The Wicker Man...only with less hilarity.
Except for the parts where he has handed down decisions to assassinate numerous Al Qaeda leaders, and made it immeasurably easier for the military to detain potential Islamic terrorists at home and abroad, you're right.

The Obama strawman you and gs have built is so immense it could be used for the next five years at Burning Man.

Ignoring the steps he has taken to advance his agenda while glorifying the spotlighted things he has done for public favor; looks like you fell for the shell game.

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