Sprinting after a quarter is like a boxer doing push ups between rounds

Could it be that Butch knew we would be pulling the starters at the half and wanted to get a little extra conditioning in before we face the meat of our schedule?

No, couldn't be that. OP knows more than our coaches do. By the way, where are you coaching at OP?
I am writing CBJ a letter right now stating that

1. NO running after quarters
2. NO blocking on the second level by O-linemen
3. NO running down field to make blocks by anyone
4. NO running down field to celebrate a TD
5. NO running after the ball carrier for the defense(if he gets past you just let him go. Conserve your energy)
6. NO running on special teams. Kick the ball and stand at the 40 and tackle the man when he gets there.

That should cover it!

except those things involve the actual play on the field..is everything he does smart just because we like him? We can think f ourselves, right? I mean if he says we are going to start doing pushups after each quarter (and really, if you don't have the energy to recover during a 5 min commercial break you need to be on the bench, right?) is that automatically smart because he's the coach? The boxing analogy fits...it probably matters not much at all but it is still wasting energy and not very logically defensible. Some of you guys act like you're in a cult
except those things involve the actual play on the field..is everything he does smart just because we like him? We can think f ourselves, right? I mean if he says we are going to start doing pushups after each quarter (and really, if you don't have the energy to recover during a 5 min commercial break you need to be on the bench, right?) is that automatically smart because he's the coach? The boxing analogy fits...it probably matters not much at all but it is still wasting energy and not very logically defensible. Some of you guys act like you're in a cult
This is Keif's alter.
except those things involve the actual play on the field..is everything he does smart just because we like him? We can think f ourselves, right? I mean if he says we are going to start doing pushups after each quarter (and really, if you don't have the energy to recover during a 5 min commercial break you need to be on the bench, right?) is that automatically smart because he's the coach? The boxing analogy fits...it probably matters not much at all but it is still wasting energy and not very logically defensible. Some of you guys act like you're in a cult

He has a body of work that speaks for itself. I will trust CBJ before I trust message board Vince Lombardi's.
Because he has been successful every single thing he does is smart? Are you really that deferential to authority figures? If he pulls some 'les miles' clock management is it going to be smart just because of his track record? Just like nobody says, "man...4 fingers in the air; guess this 4th quarter's kinda important", the other team is hardly thinking, "damn..these guys aren't even TIRED!"

He has a body of work that speaks for itself. I will trust CBJ before I trust message board Vince Lombardi's.
I feel sorry for some people. And by some people I mean the OP and the 11 people who liked that crap.

Sprinting down the field is not going to make them tired, worn out or make them play worse. They do this stuff every day. They are not some couch potatoes, a 50-60 yard fast jog is nothing.
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I feel sorry for some people. And by some people I mean the OP and the 11 people who liked that crap.

Sprinting down the field is not going to make them tired, worn out or make them play worse. They do this stuff every day. They are not some couch potatoes, a 50-60 yard fast jog is nothing.

Of course it makes you marginally more tired than you otherwise would be...to argue otherwise is just stupid...how much more tired? Not much...been when it accomplishes nothing what ia the point? When we are at the other team's 40 when a q ends should we run in place/do jumping jacks to psych em out? On a scale of 1-10 this is about 0.9 in importance but good grief...think f yourselves people
Because he has been successful every single thing he does is smart? Are you really that deferential to authority figures? If he pulls some 'les miles' clock management is it going to be smart just because of his track record? Just like nobody says, "man...4 fingers in the air; guess this 4th quarter's kinda important", the other team is hardly thinking, "damn..these guys aren't even TIRED!"

He has a proven track record when it comes to being the head coach of a football team. So yes, I will take his input over yours. If the players didn't want to run or thought it was dumb, the players would leave. Are you an advocate for someone that was too weak to buy into the program?
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Of course it makes you marginally more tired than you otherwise would be...to argue otherwise is just stupid...how much more tired? Not much...been when it accomplishes nothing what ia the point? When we are at the other team's 40 when a q ends should we run in place/do jumping jacks to psych em out? On a scale of 1-10 this is about 0.9 in importance but good grief...think f yourselves people

If its not important, why are your panties in a wad.
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They aren't

and whoever said if players thought it was dumb they'd leave...have you ver had a job?

Apparently they are. If they weren't you wouldn't be arguing something so trivial as vehemently as you currently are. I think some people argue about anything to appear ironic and to fill some insecure void as to whether they think they are clever or not.
Apparently they are. If they weren't you wouldn't be arguing something so trivial as vehemently as you currently are. I think some people argue about anything to appear ironic and to fill some insecure void as to whether they think they are clever or not.

Said it wasn't that important pretty clearly above but I will say it again...it is (1) not very important and (2) stupid

But some of you folks are scary...everything dear leader does must be smart since he is a proven winner.

When we don't have anywhere to run between quarters that end with the offense at the opponent's 40 or the other team on their own 40...well, how can we get a psychological edge when there is nowhere to run?
Of course it makes you marginally more tired than you otherwise would be...to argue otherwise is just stupid...how much more tired? Not much...been when it accomplishes nothing what ia the point? When we are at the other team's 40 when a q ends should we run in place/do jumping jacks to psych em out? On a scale of 1-10 this is about 0.9 in importance but good grief...think f yourselves people

Even if it only matters minimally why not do it to show how well we are conditioned? These guys trained for 9 months running hundreds of 100 yard dashes so a brisk jog to the other side of the field is almost assuredly NOT going to affect their play. I can absolutely see where in a tough hard fought game after the 3rd quarter the other team sees us run to the other side of the field and thinks "Wow...this is NOT the same Vols team we've played the last few years". Like I said...even if it matters a little, why NOT do it?
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You know, sometimes it is better just to admit that you posted something stupid. Just say:

"1. Man, I don't know what I was thinking when I posted that, but I have been depressed lately.

2. My wife just gave birth and I was up all night just to discover that it was not my child.

3. I left my computer on and my 11 year old son posted in my username.

Or, 4. I just had a drug induced flash back to the trips I took on LSD in the 60s.

I think you will find that most posters will remember when they posted something stupid and the reason for it and forgive. As it stands now, I think we may have an epic post thread of pure abuse of an internet "challenged" person! :eek:lol:

Well, I was right! Though I did not think it could go this far, this whole thread is border line insane.
Even if it only matters minimally why not do it to show how well we are conditioned? These guys trained for 9 months running hundreds of 100 yard dashes so a brisk jog to the other side of the field is almost assuredly NOT going to affect their play. I can absolutely see where in a tough hard fought game after the 3rd quarter the other team sees us run to the other side of the field and thinks "Wow...this is NOT the same Vols team we've played the last few years". Like I said...even if it matters a little, why NOT do it?

why don't we get some treadmills so they can jog between series? Of course no team is going to say, "wow...they are in shape!"

I don't much care but it just looks and seems goofy, has no benefit, and depletes energy unless you think football is not in some ways an endurance test and that stores of energy are not unlimited.
why don't we get some treadmills so they can jog between series? Of course no team is going to say, "wow...they are in shape!"

I don't much care but it just looks and seems goofy, has no benefit, and depletes energy unless you think football is not in some ways an endurance test and that stores of energy are not unlimited.
You sure argue the point a lot to not care much.
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why don't we get some treadmills so they can jog between series? Of course no team is going to say, "wow...they are in shape!"

I don't much care but it just looks and seems goofy, has no benefit, and depletes energy unless you think football is not in some ways an endurance test and that stores of energy are not unlimited.

Just because you think it seems goofy doesn't make it wrong.
There is literally like 10 or 11 minutes of actual physical exertion in a football game...
Don't you realize by now, that you can't come here and question anything the staff does, no matter how small it may be? You have to be a shill on every matter or suffer the legion of smart a$$es. Doesn't matter that they were dead wrong about Dooley. They were the same hacks who were claiming Sal Sunseri was a bada$$...who would instill some toughness and discipline. :loco:

Never mind that he had never been a DC for a major college program, and never mind that switching to a 3-4 scheme in a make or break year was a boneheaded move.

Remember when that ho got Adam to take a hit on the apple?
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