Sprinting after a quarter is like a boxer doing push ups between rounds

Don't you realize by now, that you can't come here and question anything the staff does, no matter how small it may be? You have to be a shill on every matter or suffer the legion of smart a$$es. Doesn't matter that they were dead wrong about Dooley. They were the same hacks who were claiming Sal Sunseri was a bada$$...who would instill some toughness and discipline. :loco:

Never mind that he had never been a DC for a major college program, and never mind that switching to a 3-4 scheme in a make or break year was a boneheaded move.

Need to get something off your chest?
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US Army Rangers, Green Berets, Navy SEALS and Marine Recon Infantry run from training site to training site every day, every time. It builds endurance and comradery. It teaches them that 1) they are part of an elite unit that trains harder than anyone they are likely to face and 2) that they do it not only for themselves but for each other - the essence of "TEAM."

Go tell one of them it is "dumb."

Call me first, though, I haven't seen a good old-time Tennessee Arse Whippin' administered in a long time.
And you know this, because.........?
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

It's obvious that you have never played a down of football in your life...sprinting 50 yards will NEVER wear an OL down--or cause him to fail to make a block on the goal line....It's all about developing a winning attitude and mental toughness....and the ACTUAL PLAYERS have bought in--:salute:
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

With this reasoning maybe they shouldn't stretch or do pregame warmups either. Hell, they shouldn't practice either. Don't want these guys actually improving during the season.
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I loved it! Not to be mean but your logic is dumb. It's a 50 yard sprint. The guys are athletes. They're obviously in great condition
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you've just gone through 3 years of incompetence.

you had a 45-0 win on saturday (forget the opponent for a second).

and this is the **** you are thinking about on sunday.
Why can't someone make a small, harmless comment without being attacked, mob-style, by a horde of wise-a$$es? There is nothing wrong with his observation, and in fact it makes a lot of sense. It's like the "Fist Up" idea CBJ initially tried to get the crowd involved in. I didn't see any of that in the game. Guess he realized it was a bit over the top. No big deal.

I can understand "why" CBJ wants his players to sprint....but the OP is right, too, in that sprinting down the field, unnecessarily, is tantamount to burning off a play just for show.

They still get a good break, and over the course of the season, it can help improve their conditioning level (hustling every where, even if you don't have to).
Our defense should stay on the field more. No interceptions. If you see a fumble, hand it back to the other team. We don't need our offensive line on the field any more than we have to. We must conserve their energy for the 4th quarter when you inevitably end up in 4th and one to win the game.
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I am a military historian with friends in each of those fine organizations.

Next question ...
And you gleaned that information from them, did you? BS. I happen to be a Gulf War Vet, myself, and know personally, that you are talking out your arse. You do PT each morning for conditioning, unless you are in the field, and when in the field, you do not not run from one training site to the other. :rolleyes: You damn sure do not run if you are at the firing range.

You are in tactical mode, and it makes no sense whatsoever to "run" unless it is a specific drill. And when you are in the Infantry, you literally spend 10 months of the year in the field. It's even more so with Ranger Battalions and Special Forces Groups....Mr. History professor.
OregonVol, let's get your opinion on one simple question: What do you think would have been the outcome if Butch had chosen to leave the first team in until the end of the third quarter? I don't believe it is a stretch in the least to assume that we would have led 56-0 or 63-0. In the greater scheme of things, however, which do you think is more important in that particular game, building as big a lead as possible or giving the ENTIRE second team a half's worth of live game reps. In his post-game show, Butch described the latter scenario as "invaluable."

I've got no problem with our coach substituting after the first half. I find it distressing that our back-ups couldn't manage more than a field goal against one of the worst opponents we have ever played. Usually, well coached teams (see Spurrier, Meyer, Saban teams, etc) dominate against terrible competition even when their back-ups are in. And sometimes, it's in those situations more than the other, that you see the real advantages of a system and the coaching.

So, to answer your question, of course I think we would have covered the spread if we left our first-teamers in for the 3rd quarter. It just worries me a bit that we would need to.
I've got no problem with our coach substituting after the first half. I find it distressing that our back-ups couldn't manage more than a field goal against one of the worst opponents we have ever played. Usually, well coached teams (see Spurrier, Meyer, Saban teams, etc) dominate against terrible competition even when their back-ups are in. And sometimes, it's in those situations more than the other, that you see the real advantages of a system and the coaching.

So, to answer your question, of course I think we would have covered the spread if we left our first-teamers in for the 3rd quarter. It just worries me a bit that we would need to.

Do you really think the staff was trying to show anything about UT's system during that game? I just think people are worried too much about the small stuff that will never happen in a game. UT will never put all second team on the field at once unless the game is in hand.

I liked the fact that they ran down the field, showed this is not the same attitude as last year. To quote my HS football coach who loved this quote "Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect." - by Lombardi, Vince.

I guess we could complain that UT did not use any time outs in the first half and only one in the second. Everyone knows you can"t take them with you.
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The act itself is giving you more to leave because it gives the players a rush. The fans love it so they get loud, it just gives the guys a boost and gears them up for the fourth quarter. Besides, if you saw all of the running that goes on behind the scenes, you wouldn't be worried at all.

It also messes with the other team's mind. CBJ understands that a winning attitude can make up for a lot of weaknesses in other areas. Think of every elite warrior group; they all possess that thing called "elan" or as the kids phrase it, "swag"
Anyone arguing about Saturday's game is looking for something to be upset about. Everything we could hope for happened Saturday.

1) No penalties
2) No Injuries
3) Pitched a shutout against a weak opponent
4) Got a sizable first half lead to let the back ups play the rest of the game
5) Had a great representation from our fan base at the stadium

I have nothing to argue about. Now this week, we will see where we stand against a team with great coaching but inferior talent. Should be a win, but this one will be a whole lot more tricky.
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If a sprint after a quarter tires them, we have serious conditioning issues.

This isn't the point.

Just because the athletes are capable of doing something doesn't mean they should do it during a game.

The team ought to be in good enough physical shape to do wind sprints up The Hill during halftime. Imagine how much that would show up the other team! The opponents might be so intimidated that they won't come out for the second half. Right.

In the Big Picture, this isn't going to change the game either way. My view is simply that it:

(1) Looks silly (a gimmick one would expect to see at Central Michigan rather than an SEC school);

(2) Provides zero competitive advantage; therefore,

(3) Why bother?
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This isn't the point.

Just because the athletes are capable of doing something doesn't mean they should do it during a game.

The team ought to be in good enough physical shape to do wind sprints up The Hill during halftime. Imagine how much that would show up the other team! The opponents might be so intimidated that they won't come out for the second half. Right.

In the Big Picture, this isn't going to change the game either way. My view is simply that it:

(1) Looks silly (a gimmick one would expect to see at Central Michigan rather than an SEC school);

(2) Provides zero competitive advantage; therefore,

(3) Why bother?
A case could be made either way, but I think it's more to do with trying to instill a sense of "hustle" in everything they do. I agree, it's a little on the cheesy side, like the "fist up" defense thingy (think they gave up on that, cause I didn't see it Saturday). But it fits what he's trying to drill into their thinking.
Anyone arguing about Saturday's game is looking for something to be upset about. Everything we could hope for happened Saturday.

1) No penalties
2) No Injuries
3) Pitched a shutout against a weak opponent
4) Got a sizable first half lead to let the back ups play the rest of the game
5) Had a great representation from our fan base at the stadium
People have been on here whining about some absolutely stupid shiz since the game.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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I am writing CBJ a letter right now stating that

1. NO running after quarters
2. NO blocking on the second level by O-linemen
3. NO running down field to make blocks by anyone
4. NO running down field to celebrate a TD
5. NO running after the ball carrier for the defense(if he gets past you just let him go. Conserve your energy)
6. NO running on special teams. Kick the ball and stand at the 40 and tackle the man when he gets there.

That should cover it!
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Take in consideration that this is the OP who swears that Mike Tyson was a greater athlete than Bo Jackson and Herschel Walker
I think the fans that are complaining about the 'fist up' defense and running in between quarters are the type of fans that have made Neyland not as near intimidating as it use to be. It's these same coffee shop, golf clapping fans that worry more about how something looks as opposed to how the kids are playing on the field. Last I checked, these type of fans are not 4 and 5 star blue chip recruits, so who really cares what they think is cool? Some of you need to get with that old blue hair bat that complained about the fans being too loud and go watch a game in a library.
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Running through the T is also such a waste of precious energy. We should ban that also.

This thread is proof that VN members will argue/complain about anything.
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