Spurrier Explains UT and Jabs Gators

Hell, he has SC consistently in the top 15. He would have had to be looking for a bigger jewelry box had he come here.

I will go out on a limb and say that if we would have hired him after the 2005 disaster, we would have competed for multiple SEC championships and possibly a NC by now

But hindsight is 20/20
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If this thread had been started 7-8 years ago this love feat wouldn't be happening. Kind of funny how the passage of time can mellow one's feelings.
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I miss the 'ol Ball Coach's cockiness at UF. It bled through to his players. He's just not the same South Carolina but I guess that's to be expected.
Impressive.. must say he has earned some respect.

Glad he went to Florida... if he had came here, imagine how different the TN/FL rivalry would be!

I don't think there would be a rivalry without him at UF. The Seminoles & Hurricanes would get most of the states talent & UF wouldn't be an SEC elite.
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I will go out on a limb and say that if we would have hired him after the 2005 disaster, we would have competed for multiple SEC championships and possibly a NC by now

But hindsight is 20/20

Yeah but there was no way that was going to happen at that time, especially with 3 of the last 5 years at that point (01, 03, 04) being 10 or more win seasons, and still around 7 of the last 10 being 9 or higher win seasons (6 of them being 10 wins or higher; 3 having BCS-level bowl appearances, and a National Title).
I used to hate Spurrier but I kinda like him now. Good coach and calls it like he sees it. He has done an amazing job at SC. Who would've thought SC could actually even be mentioned in SEC or National Championship talk? He has brought in some huge talent (Clowney/Lattimore/Sanders) in his time there. Football won't be the same when he retires.......Still hope we beat their a$$ though :loco:

Oh you can bet we gonna whoop dey azz!
Warren played 1965-67. His record was 19-6, and 1-1-1 vs. Alabama. He was the first Volunteer quarterback to pass for more than a 1,000 yards in a single season. UT won the SEC in '67.

Dewey should have been 2-0-1 vs bamer. Vols missed a chip shot FG to lose 11-10 to bamer in 1966. Still tears my heart out today. That Vol team had been through so much the year before and they deserved to beat bamer that day.
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Yeah but there was no way that was going to happen at that time, especially with 3 of the last 5 years at that point (01, 03, 04) being 10 or more win seasons, and still around 7 of the last 10 being 9 or higher win seasons (6 of them being 10 wins or higher; 3 having BCS-level bowl appearances, and a National Title).

The know-it-alls swear CPF should have been fired after one bad season (or my personal favs that say he should have been fired in 01 after a top 5 finish). Because that's the way it works at any school.

Besides, CSS was already at SC in 05. Don't think he would have left after one season to take the TN job.
Yes, Steve Spurrier is one of the very best offensive/QB coaches in all of college football...peroid. Steve doesn't mince words, he tells it like it is, and I like that....a stand up guy. Indeed, I wish UT had have gone after Spurrier when he left the NFL, perhaps we wouldn't have had the poor performing teams of the last 7-8 years that we've had. Tennessee can only blame UT for our regression in football.....Tennessee controlled it's own destiny and failed miserably. Now, we have to turn it all around and bring back the Tennessee Pride.
I'll get flamed for saying this, but it's hard not to like Spurrier. Yes, he always picked on us figuratively and literally, but I find him hilarious.
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Steve Spurrier is a bit like Mohamad Ali - he's the master at pre-game (or fight) psychology. He pushes your buttons so you'll react with emotion rather than your game plan.

The play that simply amazes me was a 4th - 10th on the UT 30 yard line and he lines up Fla to go for it. It was early in the 1st quarter and in Knoxville. He misses and the momentum swings wildly in UT's favor. He makes it and he's on a roll. He not only made it, he called a TD corner pass and they executed perfectly. The UT team's demeanor on the field was "here we go again" :-( ....while Fla's was "here we go again" :). Of course Phil was out-coached in every aspect of the game. UT lost and everyone knew it early in the 1st at home. I hated him, but it was b/c he was so good and mostly successful against UT (even at Duke in '88)
One more thing....

When LSU's library burned in the distance while ESPN carried a live broadcast of LSU vs. Auburn (I think) they later asked SSpurrier for a comment. His words were fantastic...

"Its a shame to lose all those coloring books".

How can you dislike a coach like that? Pretty funny.
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The most eye opening thing for me was the part about how LSU interviewed him and Mike Shanahan for their HC job in 1986, and ended up hiring Mike Archer. Good call.
One more thing....

When LSU's library burned in the distance while ESPN carried a live broadcast of LSU vs. Auburn (I think) they later asked SSpurrier for a comment. His words were fantastic...

"Its a shame to lose all those coloring books".

How can you dislike a coach like that? Pretty funny.

I thought the line was something like "and the worst part was half of them hadn't been colored yet"
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FWIW, another Steve, Steve Sloan from Cleveland, TN (?), spurned UT in the early '60s because he wanted to play QB, not be part of Tennessee's single-wing. Sloan went to, yes, Alabama, and was their QB on a couple of SEC & NC championship teams.
I hated losing to him (still do), but I've always enjoyed Spurrier. Nick Saban wins a lot of football games but you'd be hard pressed to find people who enjoy the guy.
I like Spurrier and we should have jumped at the chance to get him when he left the Redskins. But people were still holding on to the hope that Fulmer hadn't lost his touch

He would have won BIG here

With the way the landscape in SEC football changed since he left Florida the best we would have done with him would have been what he did with SC. The best we can hope for is to be what SC is now.
He loved beating UT, but not because we snubbed him.

Dewey Warren (the Swamp Rat) didn't win the Heisman, but he was a fine QB in DDickey's offense.

I grew up an Alabama fan. Still am to some extent. Hate seeing them lose unless it is to UT. I want to beat them every year and twice if we can get them in the SECCG.

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