Spurrier Explains UT and Jabs Gators

I like Spurrier and we should have jumped at the chance to get him when he left the Redskins. But people were still holding on to the hope that Fulmer hadn't lost his touch

He would have won BIG here
Spurrier's gator teams beat Tennessee all the time when the Vols had better talent on the field. I used to tell people all the time back in the mid nineties that if Spurrier had been the Tennessee coach we would've had 4 or 5 national titles.
Spurrier's gator teams beat Tennessee all the time when the Vols had better talent on the field. I used to tell people all the time back in the mid nineties that if Spurrier had been the Tennessee coach we would've had 4 or 5 national titles.

Que Volfanec.......
Spurrier's gator teams beat Tennessee all the time when the Vols had better talent on the field. I used to tell people all the time back in the mid nineties that if Spurrier had been the Tennessee coach we would've had 4 or 5 national titles.


Deep down I love me some SOS. It's crazy thinking about how the past would've been different if he were a Vol.
Spurrier's gator teams beat Tennessee all the time when the Vols had better talent on the field. I used to tell people all the time back in the mid nineties that if Spurrier had been the Tennessee coach we would've had 4 or 5 national titles.

We might have had more SEC championships...but there might have only been 1 more national championship...at most 2
I used to hate Spurrier but I kinda like him now. Good coach and calls it like he sees it. He has done an amazing job at SC. Who would've thought SC could actually even be mentioned in SEC or National Championship talk? He has brought in some huge talent (Clowney/Lattimore/Sanders) in his time there. Football won't be the same when he retires.......Still hope we beat their a$$ though :loco:

I really didn't like Spurrier because he seemed to be a jerk/azz most of the time and he used to just get the best of Fulmer all the time; under his skin. However, I did give him credit for being a great coach, not good, great. Why? Because, like you said, if he lost he would shoulder the blame or say exactly how or why they got beat; would not blame other people. He also was not afraid to play the game as it was meant to be played; not scared like Fulmer, get up by 3 pts then try to run the clock out. He challenged you to be your best (opposing teams); beat us if you can, be better, play better, which would make you a better football team.
If you can't hang, then you need to look at your program again. So I give him much credit for that. Hindsight, it was comical how he got under Fulmer's skin because he wouldn't fight back.
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Spurrier's gator teams beat Tennessee all the time when the Vols had better talent on the field. I used to tell people all the time back in the mid nineties that if Spurrier had been the Tennessee coach we would've had 4 or 5 national titles.

No truer words have ever been spoken.
What would he have had at Tennessee that he didn't have at Florida?

For the claim about Spurrier winning more titles with UT instead of UF to really make sense, you have to fix all variables besides the coach. If you gave Spurrier the UT teams with Peyton Manning, I think he'd have done just fine.
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I have mucho respect for what spurrier did at Florida, and now at SC. Taking a program seen as second rate and turning them into winners is not an easy task by any means. With that said, I love the look on his face when he loses to the vols. I dont think any other loses hit him in the gut as much as when UT walks away victorious against him.
Football losing Spurrier is like Nascar losing Big Earnhardt; both are/were, arrogant, but it just won't be the same.
He wouldn't have had the talent level he had at Fla so he wouldn't have been any more successful.
Spurrier did what he did at Florida because he had all of that instate talent in his back yard! Plain and simple, he would not have fared much better than Fulmer did. With him not coaching against himself he would have done better than fulmer-maybe ine more NC but don't forget even at Florida he seemingly lost one gane a year he shouldn'thave.

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