Spurrier grew up a fan and would've been a Vol had he fit the system. His knock represents USC's interests (they have an OOC rival in Clemson and schedule wise the permanent rivalries do nothing for them). He's also logically correct that the TSIO doesn't do anything for us right now (we hang onto it because of our fandom and the history - we know the series will turn but it's not like playing Bama helps UT right now).
He's also no worse than any other negavol or much of our fanbase (can't tell you how many jokes about UT not being able to be x high school I've heard from Tennessee fans in real life) - his favorite target is UT and I doubt that will change because he grew up a fan and truth be told still has a soft spot for us despite being 'the enemy.'
You can take the boy outta the hills but you can't take the hillbilly out of the boy. Personally, I find him funny and never mean-spirited with his jabs (he's always been as hard on his own teams).
This is all he said !!!
Steve Spurrier on SEC permanent rivals: Alabama and Tennessee like each other. I dont know why Tennessee would keep liking them though.
Is there anyone on here who has one shred of disagreement? No. They have stomped a mudhole in us every single year since CNS except one where we had a longshot at the end. Why on earth would anyone get mad at this? It's a seven game win streak. And not even remotely competitive at that.
Nothing to see here, but the usual media stirring of the pot for hits. Gosh. And of course it works as usual.
"Certainly, the Vols have fallen on some hard times in recent years which has coincided with the renaissance of the Alabama program under Nick Saban, but Im pretty sure Tennessee fans will be quick to remind Spurrier that the Vols knocked off his South Carolina Gamecocks 23-21 last year in Neyland Stadium in Butch Jones first season on Rocky Top.
Oh, and about the whole Citrus Bowl thing, South Carolina was in the Citrus Bowl last season."
In all honesty I'm gonna miss the old fart when he is gone. SEC won't be the same without the OBC.
His arse is still raw from getting Butch-slapped by a first year HC...and a team that finished 5-7.
It will be the end of an era in more ways than one. I don't think we'll ever see a coach allowed to get away with jabs Spurrier does - not only because times have changed but also because Slive and SEC rules are against it. Spurrier is kind of grandfathered in and is such a colorful character that even if he weren't I think he'd be given a pass.
As annoying as he can be at times, the two years he was in the NFL, he was missed, his one lines are really witty at times!