Stacey Abrams chosen to give Democratic response to Trump's State of the Union

Dis fittin be hilarious
Who in the world is really calling the shots for the Democratic party? Does anyone else think that they are just being trolled to see how far they'll stay on the train?
The only thing that would have been more epic would have been giving AOC the chance to give the response.

What do you want to bet that idea was brought up and they had to think about it before saying no lol
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Stunt politics will blow up in their face. The Dems would be better off finding a true party leader to respond, someone to truly rally their base, someone to push for the next election. Abrams is not that person. They're passing up an opportunity for a poor political stunt. Complete idiocy on their part.
She'll be fine. She's a very intelligent lady. The race to the bottom is over. Trump won by a landslide.
If you truly want what's best for your chosen party, then you don't want this. I rarely agree with PJ, but on this I do. Party leadership is playing you for a piss poor political stunt. Where is the forward thinking?

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