Originally Posted by Volwark View Post
I won't speak for quality, but Revenge of the Sith is more fun to watch than Return of the Jedi if you can stomach Christensen. I'll take him over ewoks.
And this. Definitely.
Christensen could be hard to stomach in AOTC. Had a few cringe-worthy parts in ROTS as well, but a lot of it had to do with awful dialogue.
ROTJ could have been one of the best movies in the saga if it wasn't for Ewoks.
I know opinions vary, but you are both bat$hit insane if you think Revenge of the Sith is better!
Return of the Jedi is fantastic and happens to be my favorite of the original trilogy! It's not a perfect movie but the parts that work are some of the absolute best of the entire saga!
. Seeing Jaba the Hut for the first time
. Seeing Luke as a bad ass Jedi
. Seeing Luke's cool green light saber for the first time
. The awesome Rancor scene with Luke
. The Sarlaac Pit and Boba Fett's demise
. Yoda's death scene
. The Speederbike chase scene
. Seeing The Emperor for the first time.
. Seeing the Battle of Endor, the greatest space battle
scene of the entire saga.
. All of the amazing Luke, Vader, Emperor scenes
. Seeing the Emperor shoot lightning out of his fingertips
. Vader's redemption
. Luke's revelation of Leia being his sister
. Vader's unmasking
Oh, and for the record, when I saw ROTJ back in 1984, I never heard one damn person complain about Ewoks. To the contrary, they were very popular and Ewok merchandising sold like hotcakes. Everyone back then that I remember loved them and thought they were cute and funny. Hell I never even realized they were an issue with so many people until the internet and fan forums came along! My suspicion is that it's mostly Star Wars fans who got older and suddenly thought it wasn't cool to like Ewoks anymore so they got on the internet and started complaining about them.
Return of the Jedi is fantastic in the saga and no, Sith is NOT a better film. Not by a damn sight!