Starbucks is closing 16 stores due to a high frequency of 'challenging incidents'

When it comes to big chain doughnuts, nobody beats Krispy Kreme.

I won't say change my mind since my mind won't ever be changed on the matter.

Yes, but Dunkin is the only store to make French Crueller's. The pinnacle of the donut world. Kroger's loccally used to.
Never understood why they let in homeless to use restrooms and stay. You would think they see what has happened to some public libraries.
Starbucks supports/supported Black Lives Matter. I hope they have to close 100 more stores.

Everybody is all woke and on the “cause du jour” till it starts affecting their bottom line/income/profit/revenue/customer traffic, etc. and they become the target. Imagine that…something that made a coffee corporation wake them up more than, well, coffee.
If I’m not mistaken KK makes them as well.
We have a local donut shop that outbids any donut chain, but they don't make those. Cruellers don't have a long shelf life, so you can't put them out day old.
The Progressive Elite's naive Soft-On-cCime ideology is Destroying America's cities. So how Nauseating that Starbucks' woke boss only condemns it when it hits his own stores, writes MEGHAN MCCAIN

Is there anything that symbolizes smug elitism more than a Starbucks coffee cup?

The green logo stands out like a badge that proves the drinker is part of the club.

Club members are enlightened and progressive. Not like those knuckle-draggers drinking Dunkin' Donuts.

They know that Republicans are heartless and that they have all the answers.

That's why it's so surprisingly to hear Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz – one of the wokest of American executives – announce that he's shuttering more than a dozen Starbucks stores, because the liberal cities they're in have become uninhabitable.

Is it too soon to say I told you so?

Conservatives, like me, have been shamed and harassed for years by members of the liberal media and woke-elected class for being cruel, because we advocate for law and order.

Then came the notorious 2020 summer of hell after the murder of George Floyd.

The mindset shifted among a growing number of increasingly vocal Americans, as radical progressives gaslit many into believing that 'law and order' was wrong.

How nauseating Starbucks' boss only condemns lawlessness when it hits his stores: MEGHAN MCCAIN | Daily Mail Online
Boy this one didn't turn out like the democrats had hoped. Time is never on their side with social experiments.
History is in this case. We are entering a period where labor will have a strong footing. Increase in unionization will be huge. In this countries history we have had a labor shortage problem outside of the last 40 years. That's bc women in the work force. Covid has whiplashed this back. I have zero doubt we will see increased unionization and the companies that succeed will be the ones who run to pro labor side the fastest.
History is in this case. We are entering a period where labor will have a strong footing. Increase in unionization will be huge. In this countries history we have had a labor shortage problem outside of the last 40 years. That's bc women in the work force. Covid has whiplashed this back. I have zero doubt we will see increased unionization and the companies that succeed will be the ones who run to pro labor side the fastest.
I’m thinking more along the lines of automation
History is in this case. We are entering a period where labor will have a strong footing. Increase in unionization will be huge. In this countries history we have had a labor shortage problem outside of the last 40 years. That's bc women in the work force. Covid has whiplashed this back. I have zero doubt we will see increased unionization and the companies that succeed will be the ones who run to pro labor side the fastest.
Organized crime was the backbone of unions -- the FBI and rats destroyed that

Starbucks Created BLM Shirt
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