State Of The Union 2024

Not really but I love the videos of those cheering for him...or the on the street interviews...those are fun to watch especially the one where they use Bidens Bidens rascist quotes

If Trump was genuinely making inroads with black voters, would there be a need to do something as pathetic as this? This is comical.
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This is the equivalent of people saying Trump recommended injecting bleach, I’m sure you were typing out paragraphs about that too

Biden said the vaccine that saved us from Covid is now being used to beat cancer.

That is 100% false. OTOH Trump never said people should inject bleach.

Posting a study to prove Biden is right when it in fact shows he's wrong is dumbassery.

If Trump was genuinely making inroads with black voters, would there be a need to do something as pathetic as this? This is comical.
Yea that's dumb...I knew that's where you were going because MSM td you that was a gotcha talking point...reason I didnt reference it...try some orginal thoughts for a change
Biden said the vaccine that saved us from Covid is now being used to beat cancer.

That is 100% false. OTOH Trump never said people should inject bleach.

Posting a study to prove Biden is right when it in fact shows he's wrong is dumbassery.
It’s the same vaccine technology and very clear that he didn’t mean it’s literally the same vaccine, just like Trump and his bleach. You are reacting to it as dramatically as Katie Britt lol
Yea that's dumb...I knew that's where you were going because MSM td you that was a gotcha talking point...reason I didnt reference it...try some orginal thoughts for a change
Damn, sounds like it gotcha since you had nothing to say in response
It’s the same vaccine technology and very clear that he wasn’t saying it’s the same vaccine, just like Trump and his bleach. You are reacting to it as dramatically as Katie Britt lol

you're the one who posted the tweet - I was reacting to your dramatic reaction.

the tweeter did a classic self own
you're the one who posted the tweet - I was reacting to your dramatic reaction.

the tweeter did a classic self own
That’s not what a self own is, lol. People acted like Biden just made that up, not knowing there are mRNA vaccines being used for cancer treatments, and now are trying to save face by pulling a Dwight Schrute “technically false” when it’s clear what he means
That’s not what a self own is, lol. People acted like Biden just made that up, not knowing there are mRNA vaccines being used for cancer treatments, and now are trying to save face by pulling a Dwight Schrute “technically false” when it’s clear what he means

what he said is more than "technically false" -- seems you are the one in face saving mode.
Not if you have any common sense whatsoever. I don’t even like Biden but this is the dumbest talking point

both points in the tweet are dumb talking points - trying to refute one with another is dumbassery; hence my post.

can't believe I have to explain that but that's how VN works I guess
both points in the tweet are dumb talking points - trying to refute one with another is dumbassery; hence my post.

can't believe I have to explain that but that's how VN works I guess
Explaining what he meant isn’t dumbassery. You doubling down on bad opinions and End Wokeness tweets is indeed how VN works, glad you’re learning
referring to you consistent proficiency at doubling down on bad opinions; and struggles with reading comprehension.

keep up the good work
Your point didn’t make sense in response to my actual post so you have to keep attempting to rewrite it, another thing very smart people with good reading comprehension do. Quit while you’re behind
Your point didn’t make sense in response to my actual post so you have to keep attempting to rewrite it, another thing very smart people with good reading comprehension do. Quit while you’re behind

just because you don't understand a post doesn't mean it doesn't make sense (other than to you), but I can see how you won't understand this comment either.
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just because you don't understand a post doesn't mean it doesn't make sense (other than to you), but I can see how you won't understand this comment either.
You doubling down on bad opinions and End Wokeness tweets

Saying you learned this from me doesn’t make sense, definitely keep trying to post through it though it’s working so well

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