States Force Prisoners to Pay for Stay

You can't really end white collar crime until you make it personal. The company doesn't get to pay a fine and the exec smiles and keeps on. The best way to make it personal for white collar crime is take away his/her freedom, and that doesn't mean wearing an ankle bracelet in a mansion. Living close up and personal with victims is a great life lesson.

Think a felony should be able to pierce the corporate veil and destroy the business owner or employees life via endless lawsuits.
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FBI and other "official" labs are potentially a bit like bad officiating in a sporting event, and there's no official way to counter it. Maybe the labs are really accurate, but what when they are there to prove something without potentially ruling out everything else? I admit I'm biased because for years I did testing for problems (often unique) in nuclear power plants. We didn't do a quick assessment, determine the likely cause, and then set out to prove it. Rather we started with an open mind, tested, refined, retested, and let the data tell us what happened; that's not what I see in a lot of police work. I don't mean intentionally include the absurd, but at least don't be guilty of bias. Remember a few years ago the UT football players and how the sexual assault charges went?
I totally agree with the UT players point. That was a DA running for office and scared of wokeism
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How about a non-violent CEO who in the name of profit decides that collecting all kinds of personal information about customers or anybody else they can nab, doesn't see fit to properly protect data they shouldn't even have, and turns a lot of innocent people into victims of stolen identity or theft? Those guys should be buried under the damn jail, but they skate every time. Crimes aren't victimless, and just because they aren't violent doesn't mean squat as far as damage done. It seems there are more ways to theft by non violent means than by violent means. What about people who commit suicide or otherwise die prematurely because of non violent fraud.

Take everything they have. Being poor hurts those guys more than being locked up.
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Wage slaves?

They would have to work if they were outside of prison.

Why should inside be any different?

So they commit a crime and now get to live and eat for free as a reward?

Give them a job. Pay what that would pay to a non prisoner at the same exact wage and then charge them the rate it cost us to house them in prison and then let them keep the rest to give to their families or use for extra food or whatever they want.

How the hell is that unfair?

That’s how everyone in America lives.
To your last, Except for the whole prison thing, right? If they are poor, the whole argument here, they are probably already living off our dime.

Going to prison is the punishment. If a fine is needed, the courts can assess one at sentencing.
Actually, nothing happens. In fact, except for cases where we make the counterclaim, it never comes up.

You may be thinking of fines imposes by the judge at sentencing. That's a different animal.
Oh so it's just used as a threat? That makes it SO MUCH better. As long as it makes the government's job easier it should be allowed right?
Now that I agree with. Prisoners should be charged for room and board, and they should be allowed to work for the income to do so. But you know the left is going to go off on slave labor and talk about the old days of chain gangs.
How is it different? You are putting them in prison, threatening them with starvation, and forcing them to earn the government money, probably against their will.

This isnt some voluntary summer work camp where they get to live as the natives do off some resort.

The government is locking people up. Determining how long they stay. And now we want to turn them into forced labor. But only for as long ad they want to eat and sleep inside, so that makes it ok.
You think a Knoxville DA is going to garner more votes by screwing the UT football team?

Absolutely. Knoxville has always had something like a little love but mostly hate relationship with UT - especially when it comes to students - unless times have changed dramatically.
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How is it different? You are putting them in prison, threatening them with starvation, and forcing them to earn the government money, probably against their will.

This isnt some voluntary summer work camp where they get to live as the natives do off some resort.

The government is locking people up. Determining how long they stay. And now we want to turn them into forced labor. But only for as long ad they want to eat and sleep inside, so that makes it ok.

That's like the guns and not people holding the guns kill others argument. Most of the people faced with prison got there of their own volition. They could have chosen to act differently - it's not complicated.
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You think a Knoxville DA is going to garner more votes by screwing the UT football team?
You might want to understand Knoxville politics. Young Kyle was eager to bring charges on the victims “initial” statements but got in too deep with several press conferences and couldn’t back out after KPDs investigation showed the women were likely lying. There was enough grey area on facts to question it but he chugged along to save face and because there was no evidence to fully disprove the allegations. The mayor and Knoxville family justice center (and media) wasn’t going to let the story of mean football players raping girls at a frat party go so he went thru and lost.
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That's like the guns and not people holding the guns kill others argument. Most of the people faced with prison got there of their own volition. They could have chosen to act differently - it's not complicated.
The government isnt people? People enriching themselves off of others. Others they control the fate of.

Government full of people who dont give one darn about the people they alledgely serve. Government full of people who has a history of screwing over it's own citizens, not just criminals. Government full of people in control of the justice system we all know is broke, and yet they never fix it. The government full of people who have yet to find something they couldnt make worse.

Yet when many people here find out something they have never heard before they just assume the government is in the right? The government that has a far longer, far more violent, far more malevolent, history of doing wrong to citizens than any criminal they have ever locked up.

They should never be trusted to the point to assume they are in the right when they profit from citizens.
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The government isnt people? People enriching themselves off of others. Others they control the fate of.

Government full of people who dont give one darn about the people they alledgely serve. Government full of people who has a history of screwing over it's own citizens, not just criminals. Government full of people in control of the justice system we all know is broke, and yet they never fix it. The government full of people who have yet to find something they couldnt make worse.

Yet when many people here find out something they have never heard before they just assume the government is in the right? The government that has a far longer, far more violent, far more malevolent, history of doing wrong to citizens than any criminal they have ever locked up.

They should never be trusted to the point to assume they are in the right when they profit from citizens.

Very true. The laws we are expected to go by should fit in something the size of an old fashioned comic book. There's no reason tax law for example should be thousands of pages and volumes long - unless it's there to hide something like political favor or to tilt the playing field. Considering all that, the thing about "there's no excuse for not knowing the law" is a very stupid concept - nobody could know it all - and even the courts apparently disagree on laws since they frequently "reinterpret" them. However, it seems to be that most people in trouble are still usually those who break the very simple laws - theft, battery, murder, etc to the detriment of another person.

For the record, I normally assume the government is wrong; even if the intent is correct, the method is generally flawed beyond all recognition.
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