Status of QBs for Season



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
What has been seen regarding our QBs so far? Are the freshmen likely to be on the field? What can we expect other than freshman mistakes?
What has been seen regarding our QBs so far? Are the freshmen likely to be on the field? What can we expect other than freshman mistakes?

Reading between the lines, it appears Worley is the man though marginally so. Nathan would step in if serious problems arise. However, it sounds like Jones expects to insert his freshmen in certain situations due to being comfortable with their development and skill sets. Apparently, they have closed the gap between themselves and the veterans enough for Jones to have confident in them during certain games.

My personal belief is we will see why Worley was Gatorade Player of the Year. He isn't a hotdog like Bray and some other QBs. But I think he will prove to be both proficient as a blue collar QB. Sort of like Bart Starr was. Simply gets the job done.
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Reading between the lines, it appears Worley is the man though marginally so. Nathan would step in if serious problems arise. However, it sounds like Jones expects to insert his freshmen in certain situations due to being comfortable with their development and skill sets. Apparently, they have closed the gap between themselves and the veterans enough for Jones to have confident in them during certain games.

My personal belief is we will see why Worley was Gatorade Player of the Year. He isn't a hotdog like Bray and some other QBs. But I think he will prove to be both proficient as a blue collar QB. Sort of like Bart Starr was. Simply gets the job done.

I just hope we are able to stretch the field a little. With our o-line no reason he shouldn't have sufficient time to make a decision. Hopefully our young wide outs get their technique and route running down. And from what I am hearing some stickem would help as well too. Can't wait tho!!!

What has been seen regarding our QBs so far? Are the freshmen likely to be on the field? What can we expect other than freshman mistakes?

After today's practice Butch stated that the 2 freshmen are closing the gap on Peterman and Worley and that all 4 are competing well.

@Vol_Football: JONES: All 4 QBs are right up there. You have to bring it each and every day at that position.
from what I've read, Worley is the man baring injury. Wouldn't be surprised at some point in the season to see one of the freshmen step in for a play or two if the offense is slumping
I just hope we are able to stretch the field a little. With our o-line no reason he shouldn't have sufficient time to make a decision. Hopefully our young wide outs get their technique and route running down. And from what I am hearing some stickem would help as well too. Can't wait tho!!!


IMHO, as soon as they get their route running and technique down the drops will stop and hence, the need for stickem.
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Worley is not getting it done the way Butch was hoping/expecting.

The QB showing the biggest surge is Ferguson.
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Reading between the lines, it appears Worley is the man though marginally so. Nathan would step in if serious problems arise. However, it sounds like Jones expects to insert his freshmen in certain situations due to being comfortable with their development and skill sets. Apparently, they have closed the gap between themselves and the veterans enough for Jones to have confident in them during certain games.

My personal belief is we will see why Worley was Gatorade Player of the Year. He isn't a hotdog like Bray and some other QBs. But I think he will prove to be both proficient as a blue collar QB. Sort of like Bart Starr was. Simply gets the job done.

I can personally guarantee you that if neither freshman win the job outright in these last few weeks, both will redshirt.

If Peterman wins it, both will redshirt then transfer in all likelyhood
Worley is not getting it done the way Butch was hoping/expecting.

The QB showing the biggest surge is Ferguson.

I read where Butch talked about the freshman gaining on them every day. Do you think that he is setting up for one of them to take over soon as the starter? Because of Worley not getting it done?
I was listening to the radio on Sunday, and I think it was John Brice who said Worley will almost certainly be the starter. He also said that of the two freshmen, Ferguson had most impressed the coaches.
I can personally guarantee you that if neither freshman win the job outright in these last few weeks, both will redshirt.

If Peterman wins it, both will redshirt then transfer in all likelyhood

I can promise you by the first game....dobbs or ferg will be on the depth chart right behind worley and either one will play in the first or second game this year. Bank on it!
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Reading between the lines, it appears Worley is the man though marginally so. Nathan would step in if serious problems arise. However, it sounds like Jones expects to insert his freshmen in certain situations due to being comfortable with their development and skill sets. Apparently, they have closed the gap between themselves and the veterans enough for Jones to have confident in them during certain games.

My personal belief is we will see why Worley was Gatorade Player of the Year. He isn't a hotdog like Bray and some other QBs. But I think he will prove to be both proficient as a blue collar QB. Sort of like Bart Starr was. Simply gets the job done.

Spot on analysis. :salute:
I can personally guarantee you that if neither freshman win the job outright in these last few weeks, both will redshirt.

If Peterman wins it, both will redshirt then transfer in all likelyhood

Oh you personally guarantee it? Guess we can take that to the bank

Edit: crap I just wasted my 100th post on that
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I can personally guarantee you that if neither freshman win the job outright in these last few weeks, both will redshirt.

If Peterman wins it, both will redshirt then transfer in all likelyhood

I don't think so. I think both freshmen will play this year and if Peterman does not win the starting job, he may be the one to transfer.
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I think Butch is testing the waters of playing a Frosh.

Worley will start unless he implodes these last couple of weeks or a Frosh really takes control. Neither of those is likely.

What is likely, by the 3rd or 4th week we see a change.

I would also imagine whoever finished No. 2 to start the season will get some decent reps in the first two games.
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I can promise you by the first game....dobbs or ferg will be on the depth chart right behind worley and either one will play in the first or second game this year. Bank on it!

That makes no sense. Why would you burn the redshirt on a freshman who isn't even going to start? Even if he is your second best QB, you don't do that.

If one of the freshman doesn't start, and Peterman and Worley are even close to each other, there is a 0% chance either one of them hits the gridiron.

Edit: This is barring injuries of course.
I know this will bring some groans but seeing the QB situation is there anything on the table like wildcat or some other option to mix it up a little? Right now mediocre QB play makes us limited if not one dimensional. Just curious as to the slate of 'other' options on the table.
Ferg is a competitor who has fire and desire. The learning curve favors the Freshmen. Worley and Peterman both had the spring practice and the Freshmen are catching up to them. FWIW, I think all will do fine if given the opportunity.

Worley wories me a little because he got nervous and overthrew a lot when he started in 2011. But this offensive scheme has him out of the pocket using his legs and that might settle him down a lot more.

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