Status of QBs for Season

That makes no sense. Why would you burn the redshirt on a freshman who isn't even going to start? Even if he is your second best QB, you don't do that.

If one of the freshman doesn't start, and Peterman and Worley are even close to each other, there is a 0% chance either one of them hits the gridiron.

Edit: This is barring injuries of course.

Because he is the second best on the team and possibly on the verge of beating out Worleyat some point which sounds very possible as well as he is playing and impressing the Coach's. He we are usef to true FR starting. Peyton, Helton, Brandon Stewart, C.Clausen, Suggs may have been a FR, James Banks started a game, Schaeffer, Ainge, Bray. Cant remember if Cromptonor Shuler started any as a FR. Point being its nothing new and has worked out well in most cases. I'M All for it
Mad props to Ferguson. I honestly expected him to be a benchwarmer his entire career, but sounds like he's pushin hard. Gotta say I'm disappointed in Peterman. Highly touted, just hasn't panned out thus far. I really think if he doesn't step up, he'll be left behind and be the career benchwarmer. That is assuming he doesn't transfer out.
At this rate, I expect Fergie to take over Worley by game 3 and Peterman to transfer.
Mad props to Ferguson. I honestly expected him to be a benchwarmer his entire career, but sounds like he's pushin hard. Gotta say I'm disappointed in Peterman. Highly touted, just hasn't panned out thus far. I really think if he doesn't step up, he'll be left behind and be the career benchwarmer. That is assuming he doesn't transfer out.

Hasn't panned out thus far?! Just because he hasn't been written about as much in articles as the other three when the authors of those articles are only seeing half a practice every day at best? Seriously?!

It is amazing to me the amount of people who think they know who the coaches are going to pick as the starting QB off of glimpses of parts of fall camp and an Orange and White "game" with half our offense injured.

I mean is it too hard to consider the possibility that maybe all the talk on the non-seperation between the two frontrunners, the delay in announcing a starter, the constant calls for more leadership and "take hold of the offense/team and own it", etc are all lifelines to the veteran QB who has gotten screwed over by all the upheaval within our program during his tenure and the desire of the coaches to give him every chance possible so a football career is not destroyed? Instead of it all only being interpreted as Peterman not "panning out" or living up to his hype?
For what it's worth, this video will make you feel pretty good about Worley. He was a freshman starting against South Carolina in this game, and we all remember how bad our offense played that game, but I must say some of Worley's passes were deadly and very accurate.


Disclaimer: I remember Worley having a horrible game that night too, but the point is it looks like the talent is there. He was just a freshman and was making throws like that against an SEC defense.
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Hasn't panned out thus far?! Just because he hasn't been written about as much in articles as the other three when the authors of those articles are only seeing half a practice every day at best? Seriously?!

If you hang around here long... get used to it.

Some get all jacked up about new recruits and signees. They have visions of them coming in and pushing out the old guys then becoming stars. When they don't... those people write them off and go to the next new kid in town.

Truth is as you indicate that most players regardless of ranking or raw talent coming in will take a couple or three years to develop and earn a significant role.
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I think Butch is testing the waters of playing a Frosh.

Worley will start unless he implodes these last couple of weeks or a Frosh really takes control. Neither of those is likely.

What is likely, by the 3rd or 4th week we see a change.

I would also imagine whoever finished No. 2 to start the season will get some decent reps in the first two games.

I really hope everyone is wrong frosh qb's spell trouble and we are not winning games. Its a recipe for another tough year
Already sounds like Ferguson is about to pass Peterman if he hasnt already. Can see Dobbs redshirting but not Ferguson and really am surprised but sounds like we got a good one in Ferguson.

I remember Chaney gloati g saying he had best workout of any qb on hill last year
I really hope everyone is wrong frosh qb's spell trouble and we are not winning games. Its a recipe for another tough year

Usually a true Fr does not bode well for your season. DD took heat for holding Bray out until late in the season but that was probably the right call to give him time to be at least somewhat ready.

UT however has a history of starting Fr QB's though: Bray, Ainge/Schaeffer, Clausen, Manning. I believe that's 4 out of the last six established starters.
There is no reason to think that Worley will not be the starter expected to start the entire season.
For what it's worth, this video will make you feel pretty good about Worley. He was a freshman starting against South Carolina in this game, and we all remember how bad our offense played that game, but I must say some of Worley's passes were deadly and very accurate.


Disclaimer: I remember Worley having a horrible game that night too, but the point is it looks like the talent is there. He was just a freshman and was making throws like that against an SEC defense.
Even though it only showed a few of his passes, he looked pretty good, especially considering USCjr. had the number one pass defense at the time.
"Wes Rucker ‏@wesrucker247

Freshman QB Riley Ferguson takes big step forward for Vols on Friday:"

Worth mentioning.
Bingo..and it will be Ferguson

And Lane is for sure to start in front of Poole... right?

Ferguson has had a good practice or two. That's terrific. I am completely supportive of the best guy playing regardless of who it is... But I will remind you that you have made some pretty embarrassing definitive declarations very similar to what you are doing here.
I hope the decision is difficult only because they're all playing at a high level.
Ferg is a competitor who has fire and desire. The learning curve favors the Freshmen. Worley and Peterman both had the spring practice and the Freshmen are catching up to them. FWIW, I think all will do fine if given the opportunity.

Worley wories me a little because he got nervous and overthrew a lot when he started in 2011. But this offensive scheme has him out of the pocket using his legs and that might settle him down a lot more.

if you will recall, in 2011 Simms started and Bray was backup. Worley got very little work leading up to season because Dools had his top 2 QBs.

When Bray took over and then got hurt, Worley had been standing around holding a clip board for weeks without much work, He was thrown out, after Simms sucked, with about 7-10 days of real prep work to play.

Jones is prepping these QBs as contingency. If he gets into the season and Worley or Peterman either one get hurt, then one of the freshmen is one snap from having to play. Butch wants to be sure he knows what they can do before mid season.

Let's see what transpires in the next week. My guess is, Worley / Peterman are getting the game prep reps starting mid to late next week.

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