Status of QBs for Season

CBJ might just be trying to motivate Worley and Peterman. Or he may have some hair brained idea that "his" guys to play...if the latter is true then he is placing himself above the University IMHO.
He has the strongest arm of the four and much stronger than either Fr. Peterman appears to have a pretty strong arm too. In one of the games last year where they talked about Bray throwing something like 55 mph... I believe they said Worley threw at over 50 mph. He has strength. He just appears to have a long delivery.

That is correct. I believe that it was, yuck, the Vanderbilt broadcast. They said that anything over 50 mph was an NFL arm strength level. As you stated, they commented that Bray was clocked at 55 mph and, if memory serves me correctly, Worley was timed at 51 mph.
I can personally guarantee you that if neither freshman win the job outright in these last few weeks, both will redshirt.

If Peterman wins it, both will redshirt then transfer in all likelyhood

I could see one of the frosh transferring but not both.
Reading between the lines, it appears Worley is the man though marginally so. Nathan would step in if serious problems arise. However, it sounds like Jones expects to insert his freshmen in certain situations due to being comfortable with their development and skill sets. Apparently, they have closed the gap between themselves and the veterans enough for Jones to have confident in them during certain games.

My personal belief is we will see why Worley was Gatorade Player of the Year. He isn't a hotdog like Bray and some other QBs. But I think he will prove to be both proficient as a blue collar QB. Sort of like Bart Starr was. Simply gets the job done.
In before the "Bart Starr was a qb at Alabama, and everybody knows that Alabama's qb's are mediocre at best" comments.
That is correct. I believe that it was, yuck, the Vanderbilt broadcast. They said that anything over 50 mph was an NFL arm strength level. As you stated, they commented that Bray was clocked at 55 mph and, if memory serves me correctly, Worley was timed at 51 mph.

I'm not at all doubting that you heard what you heard, but I find it very difficult to believe that information is accurate. I know it's been limited action, but watching Worley throw the ball over the past two years, the ball just doesn't jump out of his hand like you see in "NFL" arms.
Every limp-wristed Vandy troll would like to see our qbs transfer. Too bad. :crazy:
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I can understand your skepticism. For what it is worth, if memory serves me correctly, they showed the radar gun readings on screen as both Bray and Worley threw. The perception of Justin's arm strength almost certainly suffers in visual comparison with Bray. From what we have heard thus far about Coach Jones' offensive philosophy, his passing attack is predicated more on precise timing routes than throwing the ball deep with regularity.
That is correct. I believe that it was, yuck, the Vanderbilt broadcast. They said that anything over 50 mph was an NFL arm strength level. As you stated, they commented that Bray was clocked at 55 mph and, if memory serves me correctly, Worley was timed at 51 mph.

I can verify this. I seen it as well but I was thinking 53.
I could foresee a scenario similar to that of 2010, where the incumbent starter sees us through the most difficult portion of the schedule and is then replaced, depending, of course, on the speed with which freshmen at the position progress. I am not presuming, however, that Worley will be an absolute flop. If Justin and/or Peterman are reasonably competent, I see no reason to burn the redshirts of Dobbs and Ferguson for mere mop-up duty.
I disagree. Bray started because his natural ability was so obvious, and Simms' inability was just as obvious, it was a no-brainer. Same thing (sorta) when Bray was out and Worley replaced Simms. Plus the coach was desperate for wins, with good reason.
But yeah, Simms took the beatings first to spare Bray.
Our situation isn't the same now because we don't have a freshman Bray anymore. CBJ will go with whoever demonstrates they're most ready.

What has been seen regarding our QBs so far? Are the freshmen likely to be on the field? What can we expect other than freshman mistakes?
Here is an interesting comparison. In high school, Tyler Bray passed for 7458 yards and 85 touchdowns. Justin Worley passed for 13320 yards and 156 touchdowns. Both had three years counted.:gun:
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Here is an interesting comparison. In high school, Tyler Bray passed for 7458 yards and 85 touchdowns. Justin Worley passed for 13320 yards and 156 touchdowns. Both had three years counted.:gun:
They measure stuff differently in California.
IMHO, as soon as they get their route running and technique down the drops will stop and hence, the need for stickem.

running a good route, or not knowing how to run a route at all has absolutely nothing to do with being able to catch the ball!!
running a good route, or not knowing how to run a route at all has absolutely nothing to do with being able to catch the ball!!

Unless you're scrambling at the last minute to get in position where the ball is being delivered.
running a good route, or not knowing how to run a route at all has absolutely nothing to do with being able to catch the ball!!

Well, about all the time, the ball is thrown before the receiver has finished the route and turned to look for the ball. If you are struggling with your route, or confused on what to do, good chance you won't be in position to catch the ball. Finding the ball with about 1 second before it hits you is harder than playing catch in the yard.

It's all about timing.
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Well, about all the time, the ball is thrown before the receiver has finished the route and turned to look for the ball. If you are struggling with your route, or confused on what to do, good chance you won't be in position to catch the ball. Finding the ball with about 1 second before it hits you is harder than playing catch in the yard.

It's all about timing.

Yep, it's a little more complicated than you you & you go deep.
I'm not at all doubting that you heard what you heard, but I find it very difficult to believe that information is accurate. I know it's been limited action, but watching Worley throw the ball over the past two years, the ball just doesn't jump out of his hand like you see in "NFL" arms.

Almost all of the PT he has gotten was in his Fr year.

Many here naively underestimate the impact of a college level S&C program on an athlete. Dobbs and/or Ferguson will improve greatly over the next year. Their arms will become stronger. It is an exponential curve. Improvement is rapid but flattens out. Worley probably has what he's going to have. Not sure about Peterman. Neither Dobbs nor Peterman are at potential right now.

If either wins the position then it will not be because of arm strength. It will either be because Worley and Peterman both failed so Jones decided to play a Fr for the future or because they somehow master management of the O and short throw accuracy better than the older guys.
Worley is not getting it done the way Butch was hoping/expecting.

The QB showing the biggest surge is Ferguson.

Have been hearing that as well. What are the chances he overtakes Worley at some point? Really thought Peterman would be the man pushing Worley but sounding like its Ferguson. He seemed to be the forgotten QB out of the 2 with him and Dobbs but sounds like we have us a good one in Riley and will be in good hands going forward. Hell if he is closing the gap that much let the kid start and get confidence and adjusted to college football before we get into the Oregon/Florida part of the schedule.
I can personally guarantee you that if neither freshman win the job outright in these last few weeks, both will redshirt.

If Peterman wins it, both will redshirt then transfer in all likelyhood

Guarantee you that both wont redshirt. Sounding like Fwrguson is already pushing hard for the #2 spot already. I can see Dobbs redahirting but supposedly Ferguson is showing out big time and doubt he redshirts.
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I was listening to the radio on Sunday, and I think it was John Brice who said Worley will almost certainly be the starter. He also said that of the two freshmen, Ferguson had most impressed the coaches.

Worley will most likely begin the season starting but can see Ferguson taking over if Worley struggles.

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