So who called? And what # did you give them?
I have a hard time believing this BS because we have sent e-mails, made phone calls, talked to C. Hallaway in the football offices and as of Monday talked again to the football office and was told there was NO imediate interest.
I' don't BS, and don't know if anyone will follow through, just know that I got two emails back, one from Mike Hamilton's office and another from a Football Coordinator asking for Stephens number. I talked to Stephen last night before I gave out his cell number to the requester at UT.
Sorry to see that he signed with Austin Peay, I would have given it a little time to settle out.. But he told me he was going to, I urged him to wait a few days before signing. But I can understand, a bird in the hand...
Forward the e-mails that you recieved to me @ I say this is a bunch of BS!
Asper head coach at AP Stephen has the starting job for kickoffs and field goals....
I have tried my best to explain that to him but he is not convienced that UT is interested since they have not communicated with him since late October.
Whoever johnplemons is cant seem to produce those e-mails....
I' don't BS, and don't know if anyone will follow through, just know that I got two emails back, one from Mike Hamilton's office and another from a Football Coordinator asking for Stephens number. I talked to Stephen last night before I gave out his cell number to the requester at UT.
Sorry to see that he signed with Austin Peay, I would have given it a little time to settle out.. But he told me he was going to, I urged him to wait a few days before signing. But I can understand, a bird in the hand...
Forward the e-mails that you recieved to me @ I say this is a bunch of BS!
Asper head coach at AP Stephen has the starting job for kickoffs and field goals....
I have replied to your email address, I'm happy to share everything I have with Stephen and do what I can to help. I sent you my information in the email you can contact me direct that way. By the way, not trying be evasive, I run a business and can't be online monitoring this site all the time, but do check when I get a free moment...
John Plemons
Interesting... Did you get the emails bigblue? What's the verdict??