Student football tickets

Well then that wouldn't help the budget constraints that the athletic dept is currently facing.
Let 'em clean up the athletic fields, mow the grass, sell tiks or wash jock straps. Whatever.

If you're hoping for a university funded point was just made again.
I think that the answer is that all of us "non-students" on VN, give a student $180 and he gets his, or her tickets, buys us one, and we save a BUNDLE over what we all pay for season tickets.
An email sent to students concerning the ticket changes:

On April 11, 2008, the UT Athletic Department announced that, starting next fall, students will be charged for football tickets. In the past, a one million dollar ($1,000,000) allocation was transferred to Athletics from the University Programs and Services Fee (Student Activity Fee). In addition to the transfer, we will now be charged either $15 per football game or $90 for a season football ticket. With this change, the Student Government Association is seeking your input as a student to help determine policies for ticket sales.

I am asking for your help on this important issue to provide student feedback. We have designed a survey to assist us in developing the new policies and procedures for distributing student football tickets. Some of the questions are intended to gather your opinions, which we will share with the Athletic Department regarding their decision to charge us for football tickets. Thank you for your time.

((there are links to the survey after this))

It should only take about 5 minutes to complete.

Working for you,

Jeff Wilcox
Student Body President

I was surprised to see the part mentioning the 1 million taken from student fees by the athletic department. I could have sworn it had been proclaimed that student fees did not fund the athletic department in any way.
i never made it to tenn because of out of state tuition and not wanting to burden the family or myself with a student loan. in the event i enrolled in ut i would have paid what it cost to have a season ticket period. being a fan then wanting to be a student thats what you do. if you want to be a fan then be one if you want the party afterwards then go or throw your own and watch it from tv. hell tailgate so you can get the experience and roar from the parking lot. but for god sakes nothing in this world comes easy or free the real world started on graduation day of high school. get a part time job, if your fortunate ask family for money, or whatever it takes but if you want to be there pay the price if its $250 a season or whatever and go or HUSH! i didnt go to college i started a lawncare buisness and im trying to figure out how i can swing the grand for the donation to get my tickets and if they would be any good. so instead im buying them off ebay for $350 per pair or i dont see live or cant afford i root from the couch! you do what you want to do! pay the money or sit out. yes this world is all about money so might as well learn now how to survive in it or do without cause thats what life is about! you make it or you dont. so quit whining and go with it! when no one is in attendance then we wil lback up and punt until then charge for the tickets and pay big money for good coaches and the best facilties for th ebest palyers. Its all about the money!
You know, at first I wasn't too concerned about having to pay for student tickets. I didn't think it was a big deal or very much money. But the more I hear from the older fans on the topic, the more annoyed I am.

Comparing the cost of student tickets and alumni tickets is idiotic. Comparing the cost of ebayed tickets for nonalumni to the cost of student tickets is idiotic.

Sometimes I think some graduated UT fans forget that UT is an institution of higher learning first. It isn't an athletic franchise.
You know, at first I wasn't too concerned about having to pay for student tickets. I didn't think it was a big deal or very much money. But the more I hear from the older fans on the topic, the more annoyed I am.

Comparing the cost of student tickets and alumni tickets is idiotic. Comparing the cost of ebayed tickets for nonalumni to the cost of student tickets is idiotic.

Sometimes I think some graduated UT fans forget that UT is an institution of higher learning first. It isn't an athletic franchise.


That pretty well sums my thoughts up. I honestly don't mind paying for tickets too if they can give me better reasoning. I find it VERY hard to believe that this was their last resort. As much money as I see constantly being wasted...

I've finally gotten over my whining period and moved on as I said I would from the beginning but a little part of me is still somewhat irked.

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