Student football tickets

How much do the Bands pay for their seats? How much are the recruits and their families paying for their seats? etc... “Everybody” else do not for their seats.

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Then the kid needs to join the band or become a recruit. Otherwise, he'll being paying his $15 or not going.
How much do the Bands pay for their seats? How much are the recruits and their families paying for their seats? etc... “Everybody” else do not for their seats.

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Any recruit that chooses to come to UT gives back way more than $90/yr but we should make those freeloaders pay.

And the band? Really?
athletics are a business so the students seats will be sold or not they can watch the game on tv if they don't want to pay 90 bucks end of tired of hearing about there bitc#iness!!! Grow up I hate it for them when they hit the real world
Any recruit that chooses to come to UT gives back way more than $90/yr but we should make those freeloaders pay.

And the band? Really?

Ok, let me try to explain. . VIA said “I still haven't heard a reason as to why students should ever had had free tickets”. To which I replied, “Why should they not have had free tickets?”

The point is that the answer to both questions is subjective and based upon which side of the argument you fall on, there is never going to be a satisfactory answer.
How much do the Bands pay for their seats? How much are the recruits and their families paying for their seats? etc... “Everybody” else do not for their seats.

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I understand what you're saying, but the band gives about 10hrs a week rehearsal, plus gamedays in exchange for a seat and 1hr credit.
I understand what you're saying, but the band gives about 10hrs a week rehearsal, plus gamedays in exchange for a seat and 1hr credit.

I put in about 10 hours a week worth of bitchin about the games...does that count for nothing?
As far as Phil's raise goes, if you're going to use the argument about what the average coach is making right now, then give him the raise but lower his buyout. I hear Hyams bring that up and I think it's a good idea.
Not anymore, I put my 4 years in, though.

Off topic but I like our band. The pregame is second to none. I even like playing the other teams song. I think it is classy. I also enjoy the circle drill. Thanks for the entertainment.
Off topic but I like our band. The pregame is second to none. I even like playing the other teams song. I think it is classy. I also enjoy the circle drill. Thanks for the entertainment.

It's definitely a fun time, but after 4 years, I couldn't afford to do it, due to both time and money constraints. I do school, field experience, and 25 hours a week at work, and still have more free time than I ever thought possible. I think without work, I might be bored.

It was cool to see it from the other point of view though, this past season. The only time I'd ever seen our band perform before last season was on the video tape at the end of a gameday. It really makes it clear that there aren't many other bands that work as hard.
I suppose you have the line items and budget projections submitted to the state and federal government that proves this was done?

haha give me a break. of course they expected to get paid by the AAFL and overspent a little. Whether or not it was "the money that would come from the AAFL" or not is irrelevant, they expected to get 3 million and now they aren't going to...oops :ermm:
Although I do not believe the product that has been put on the field over the last 6 years warrants an increase in ticket prices, I would rather play out of pocket than have state tax dollars go to subsidize football. I get infuriated everytime I hear about collegiate athletics being funded by public tax dollars. I appreciate the fact that UT's athletic department operates entirely on private monies.

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