It absolutely baffles me that students expect us to hire coaches at ever-increasing prices, recruit nationally, and maintain top-notch facilities while at the same time complain that they have to throw in a little bit for it.
I promise that charging every student 10.00 and moving them to the corner will go over much better than raising ticket prices for donors to over 85.00 a game.
OH, maybe they could cut half of the student seating, sell those 7,000 tickets at face value + donation, and lower the ticket prices for the rest of us.'s an extra $6.3 million compared to the 560,000 they'll bring in for 7000 student tickets at $10.00 each.
Students are an important part of the gameday experience, make no mistake, but there's no rule saying the University has to provide 14,000+ seats for students. In fact, it's not even sound business strategy.
I put in my time at the university, and I understood then what students know don't quite grasp: you are why the university is here, but other than atmosphere, the students provide little to nothing to the BUSINESS that is college athletics. Not to sound mean, but....know your place. Students rank juuuuust above the janitorial staff when making monetary decisions. I promise Haslam, Hamilton, etc aren't losing any sleep over this. Hell, Hammy would probably love poor student attendance. Gives him a reason to cut some seats and make some $$$.