Stupid At This Level Has No Party

their job is to teach. If their class is still 80% illiterate by the end of the year they didn't do their job. Something like that should destroy their ability to earn

I get terrible projects at work too. However if my success rate was 20% I would no longer be employed

Ya but what would it be like if 50% of the workload on that project was being handled by a worthless piece of trash that didn't care...

I do agree teachers are the most self entitled bunch out there and a good chunk of their demands are unreasonable. But the problem with this is, the parents play a huge role in their kids' success. And the parents ALWAYS get a free pass in this debate.

Those kids are 80% illiterate becuase most likely, their parents do not have the time, nor the heart to care. I do think teachers need to be evaluated but I think it needs to be in the reate of improvement.

Did some more digging on this and while they are trying to make it out that these kids are completely illiterate they broke it down even more. While the numbers are still appauling (and I still mostly blame the lousy parenting), it's not nearly that bad. 80% scored below average with 20% being at basic, or illiterate, levels. Again still raunchy but I think the article has some serious spin to it which totally blows the whole debate.
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their job is to teach. If their class is still 80% illiterate by the end of the year they didn't do their job. Something like that should destroy their ability to earn

I get terrible projects at work too. However if my success rate was 20% I would no longer be employed

I disagree. There are a large amount of students who just don't give a sh*t. I dunno how any reasonable human can hold a teacher accountable for their "performance" with students like that.

It reminds me of that old adage, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. If a student does not want to learn, does not want to be there, resents authority, doesn't have parents who care about their education, etc you cannot reasonably expect their teacher to do a good job and certainly should not tie the teacher's pay to that student's performance. Furthermore, such a student has probably had these issues years before landing in the current teacher's classroom. Thus, they are probably at levels of competency way below the level they should be at. Thus, the current teacher cannot start at the level they should be teaching but has to backtrack to cover what the student should already know. You get the picture.

I love the theory of holding teachers accountable and having merit pay. However, I haven't heard a way of achieving such a theory in reality which is fair to teachers in my view.

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